G89 - Are the DS out there?

I am not the spokesman for the team, I just enjoy banter with the other side. Last time I checked this is still just a game, and part of the fun is bragging/taking your lump sums with the enemy.

Many dumb plays on our side, lately we have done a lot better. I learned a lot in the first five turns and won’t make the same mistake in future games.

You guys have made a couple of mistakes, I will share that with you after the game. If someone on your side has the time to compile our blunders, I would appreciate that as well.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.


Many blunders are more often the result of poor communication or outright orders errors (moving east instead of west etc.) as opposed to tactics.

Additionally, it’s hard to spot other teams “blunders” as you do not share the same amount of information. To that point, it’s kinda hard to point out other people’s errors. On top of that, good moves can make your opponents actions seem bad.

I appreciate your participation here and throughly enjoy the banter. I’d be happy to share some detailed info after the game ends.

Some of my blunders are just rookie errors that I should not have made since I had not played the positions ever before. I find it funny that the game has not changed, yet when you play a position for the first time you look back after turn five and say why the heck did I do that and not that.

Their will always be wrong order moves, typos etc. Hopefully both sides minimize them to make the game decided by play rather than a mistake in orders.

Good luck, or should I say good play, but not so good on the luck side <G>.


lol. I am a “newer” player myself but have absorbed as much knowledge as possible by reading what I can and pestering the vets on my team. :wink:

Fortunately, our team captain has a gift (no other way to put it) for proofing orders and spotting mistakes etc. and is also very good at coordinating.

We have some other newer players on our team but they are very sharp individuals and are doing excellent jobs.

Sad thing is I am not new. I started playing in 1991 and played for about six years. Stopped playing in 1997 and just picked it back up two years ago.

Your side has done well so far, lets see if you can keep it up.



You are kind of a new player then. While the mechanics of the game are the same as in 97, the way it is now played is different than it use to be. The changes in style of play have made the game somewhat different than what they were when I first started playing. Some of the old tactics or strategies just don’t seem to work anymore.

As Darrel points out the luxury of having many sets of eyes to proof your orders for mistakes and clarify why you are doing such and so has really benefitted our team. The internet helps to synthesize plans and make for a stronger over all plan. The proof reading of orders however for us has been an orders multiplier. Fewer wasted orders due to mistakes caught does have a big effect.

Not that we haven’t made mistakes. In a game such as MEPBM with all the possible permutations you can have with orders for that many characters mistakes in orders are bound to crop up. Over all however I think that our strategy has been successful up to this point. Your counter offensives have made the game more challenging in the recent turns but we feel that steps have been taken that will make your actions containable and that in the end we are gradually winning a war of attrition. We may be wrong, you may have a major blow or surprise in store for us. We will just have to find out.

It will be good to discuss the fighting of the war after the game is over.


P.S. Our emmissaries report that the Easterlings are also out! Thought I’d share that valuable piece of information with you…now feel free to reciprocate and tell me where your agents are. lol. :wink:

I was worried about those Easterlings. We got a rumour that they were mustering a large army just off our maps.

We have agents on the Corsair, Southern Gondor, Northen Gondor, Duns Eothraim and Dwarven capitol. We would be on the Northmen capitol, but we have to go find it as it keeps getting moved all the time.

Your attrition may indeed slowly errode us, but we still hope to turn the tide a little bit.

Merry Christmas.


Sorry those agents are so out of position Tim ;-0


Ok, I haven’t seen all the turns yet but it seems that things have gone favorably for the FP this turn.

Ji dead, my teamates helping recover that misplaced ROI and the WK going down the tubes fast.

Ed appears to have struck some pay-dirt up the west pass…but I suspect that the loss of an MT won’t sink them…but still…one less MT is a good thing. :slight_smile:

Hmm, so sneaky with the Corsairs blocking my army. And SG is back for some more fun. OK. We can deal with that. No problema.

We’re still going to take the capital however. Trade 2438 for 2136…what a bargain. Elrohir doesn’t do so well against army commanders does he?

Taking out characters in my capital was annoying…but didn’t really stop anything from progressing in terms of the military assault.

Haven’t seen the CL turn yet…losing Ji would be a bummer…but not a game changer…


Tony H (Tim’s brother…playing just Haradwaith this game).

I don’t get on the forum much…I let Tim relay the messages to me. I did have a lot of fun playing military advisor to Rhudaur/WK the first five turns or so…learned a few things to NOT do in future games. Also, gotta check those orders closely…a few critical “recruits” instead of hire news and move E instead of move W let us “just” lose some close battles…ah well. Allows me to focus more time on the southern theater instead…

Hi Tony,

Yep you might take the Havens, but look how many armies and characters you are tying up trying to do so. You have a dragon too I am told. It is true Ji is now completely and truely dead, I hear Azog is not feeling too well either.

2136 for 2438 ? Tony, aren’t your allies telling you what’s going on? You will lose Minas Ithil this turn and the Ice King capitol will be under attack next turn and the Fire King, and Morannon. Yes we think the trades are worth it.

We do have the longer tail.


And a nasty tail at that.

Lets hope we can lop some off.


Well Brad…I can’t worry too much about what’s happening outside of my control. I’m just one nation…Harad. I’ve had some help with Ji for a few turns, just as the Corsairs is getting help from the Noldo agents now. The QA has supported as well…just as the Corsairs have had help from SG now with the second wave (and the Sinda a few turns ago). As far as I’m concerned, if I have SG coming down to help out the Corsairs instead of going into Mordor…then I’m doing all I can to help out my team mates. I’ve also attracted Elrohir’s interest for the past two turns…again, not directed against my team mates.

Your team may have the longer tail. I’m doing all I can to support my team mates and ensure that in at least what I can control or otherwise influence…

I do have to admit that I have played on teams that have communicated a bit better than the one I’m currently on.

OK, I hope the Havens fall this turn…before Elrohir and his companion take out my commanders…



For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone is disparaging the play of you or your teamates (other than with regards to the Dragon Lord but everyone makes mistakes and that’s more good natured ribbing than anything).

With the loss of the DL early on, your team was greatly handicapped and to your credit you did not fold and have played better with each passing turn. Kudos.

We certainly have made our own mistakes too…everyone does.

So, in the interest of not always being negative…here are some good moves your team has made just randomly off the top of my head. (I keep a somewhat team-wide view as playing the Sinda I’ve had hands in several different theatres)

  1. Upgrade the WK capital to a city early on.
  2. Generally well coordinated attack(s) in the south.
  3. The LR attack on the Northmen was well executed resulting in 2 lost MT’s.
  4. A strong recent push on the Eoth. If the Dog Lord cav army hadn’t been intercepted that could have gotten extra dicey.
  5. Successful market buyouts in general.
  6. I generally like the strategy of going after the Corsairs and turning the SE corner of Mordor into your own little fortress.

Per the comments made by some of my teamates…you guys are now on the receiving end of the inevitable counter-attack so we will just have to see how much damage we can inflict in the coming turns.

Counter attack, Counter attack.

I am looking over the current rules of engagement and see nothing about a counter attack.

I think we might want to renegotiate.


Counter attack? I thought this was the plan all along! Well we are kind of letting it hang out there this turn and next; if it works we will be able to breath a bit easier if not our tail will be a bit shorter.

Knock, Knock Hoarmy and Ren here we come.


Hmmmm…good point Brad.
Yeah, we had something in the works for a while…but the attack into Eo-land has opened up additional possibilities. So when we burn the first capital we can call it a plan and when we burn the second we can call it a counter-attack…I don’t know what we will call the rest. I think Shermans March to the Sea of Rhun? (I have to name my next commander Sherman…lol) :wink:

This is just fair play…after all, they will have gotten 1 of our capitals this game and perhaps a 2nd this turn. We have gotten 2 so far but I like our chances of increasing that number…although you never know, which makes this game so interesting.

P.S. I hope you rotten DS don’t cost me a chicken wing dinner I offered to Brad if a prediction of his comes true this turn. :slight_smile:

Let me know who wins the chicken wing dinner, and also, eat one spicy hot for me.


lol. We will know Monday. (It’s actually not a big deal it’s just something we are postulating on)

Chad (Dwarves), Brad (Noldo) and I (Sinda) all belong to the same gaming club in Kansas City and there is a good chicken wing place almost right next door to it. I think about 1/2 our team is US and about 1/2 live in the UK.