That does put a different spin on things. In this case no neutrals at all might have been appropriate. Perhaps Harley will consider it a learning experience.
If every time a nuetral stabbed you in the back you letf you would never play another game.
Two games, two nations both did it, but hey I say fair play and I am a big boy and can take that on the chin.
No need to make it any more of less than a backstab for whatever reason and within the game rules.
Power to those nasty stabbers
Originally posted by quantrill37
Hi Scott,
So umm… what does this mean?
Thanks for proving my point
Well, at least we have the same emails. I’ve read my post to you a number of times now and although I intimate I will join your side, I just can’t see that I irrevocably commit myself to your team.
I’m sorry that as a team of newbies you feel so agrieved. As a neutral I was rather hoping to catch whichever team I didn’t join offguard… and it looks like I succeeded. It was always going to happen to one side, since both sides were sets of newbies hoping for me to join them.
It’s no consolation to you, but I really was planning on joining your team even when I wrote that email to you. It’s just I then received a number of emails from the DS telling me they were in trouble, you guys looked to be working well together and I re-read the post from Demonseed and decided not to overlook it. Within a week of my email to you and before my next turn, I decided I’d go DS to make it more interesting.
As it turned out, Dun also declared DS, but you guys were all over mordor and it looked like the writing was on the wall, regardless of my joining the DS.
It’s a surprise to see you all drop out on the basis of what you thought my nation was going to do… doesn’t it just make you guys want to throw everything at me and teach me a lesson in game?
There’s still a great game to be played… it looks like things are hanging in the balance… you shouldn’t drop in rage / frustration / disgust… And your friends are only spiting themselves if they don’t play again.
hey let it go you know what it is like takes time to learn some lessons
Be nice or I will breath on you and give you my cold
I am trying to be nice… what was wrong with my last post?
And thanks for the offer of a cold, but no thanks.
Hey dont you get the feeling you are beating your head on a brick wall?
If you dont you soon will be they are coming around to lynch you it seems.
Oh such fun just being a straight nuetral and playing it as it was meant to be
Now I know why I dont play them
Hi Sven,
In my e-mail I certainly was not implicating all of the Neutral nations in this game, because 4 of the 5 nations did exactly as we expected. I really enjoyed my little chats with you and you were very pleasant when I goofed on the navy movement order on turn 1.
I do hope I see you in future games, it was a pleasure! By the way, which way were you leaning?
Oh yeah, I think an army commander can challenge anybody, anywhere, but the others can’t challenge an army commander; at least that’s how I’ve interpreted what I’ve read (any more experienced players please correct me if I’m wrong)
I think you are right, maybe this would have been a case for no Neutrals, but then again we only had one problem.
I know personally I didn’t convey any of our secrets to you, but Noldo (quantrill37) was our captain and chief contact when it came to diplomacy. I know what he told me he had sent you and although he only posted one e-mail in a hurried rush today, he told me he received much more specific e-mails (yes second hand), therefore I will refrain from condemning you henceforth.
Originally posted by 88 Noldo
That does put a different spin on things. In this case no neutrals at all might have been appropriate. Perhaps Harley will consider it a learning experience.
This was something we asked Clint to do since we wanted to have neutrals in the game, it wasn’t what he thought would be the best way to inroduce new players,
Clint was wise. This calls into question the judgement of the team leaders to introduce such a random element into the game, while (apparently) being unable to handle same. Nothing like getting all the facts out.
Originally posted by 88 Noldo
Clint was wise. This calls into question the judgement of the team leaders to introduce such a random element into the game, while (apparently) being unable to handle same. Nothing like getting all the facts out.
Well I don’t really know who you are, do I? You’re not part of game 4 (as far as I know) so maybe you shouldn’t question the judgement of those who decided they wanted to play with neutrals, some of us actually think we had some fun from having the five neutrals involved, and randomness is what makes this game fun in my eyes, if all games were the same most people would soon get bored.
For the time being, this is a public forum open to view and comment. If you wish to know my ID send me a private message and I will answer that.
Clearly this was not an appropriate instance of introducing a large number of newbies to the game. When the facts are out we can learn from them. Also, apparent is that one of the team leaders is attempting to shift responsibility for his misjudgements and emotional behavior off on oothers. “I was a victim, the evil Scorpion made me do it”.
Kind of wish I hadnt started this thread now but for the record this is my understanding:
The reason the non aligned neutrals were in this game was that the 2 teams did not have enough players for a 12v12 game.
While I cant speak for the other Neutrals I went into it for my own enjoyment and to support whichever allegiance I eventually joined.It was not my intention to act as a mentor as such as to do this effectively I would have had to start out on one side or the other.
I think the DS suffered from this in the early turns as their positions are less forgiving to mistakes,which you hopefully make fewer of with experience.
If I wanted to be controversial I could argue that the 2 most inportant lessons to take from this game are
1)Do not insult neutrals
2)Do not trust them 100% until the icon changes
Originally posted by 88 Noldo
For the time being, this is a public forum open to view and comment. If you wish to know my ID send me a private message and I will answer that.It’s not that I need to know who you are or anything, I would just like to know whether or not you are a part of this game, or just someone with an opinion. As English isn’t my first language this may not have been to clearly.
Clearly this was not an appropriate instance of introducing a large number of newbies to the game. When the facts are out we can learn from them.
I don’t agree with you, I wanted to have neutrals in the game, as did the major part of my team, and I think both parts has learned a few things from this game, harsh lessons or not.
These things said, today will be an interessting day, I at least look forward to see what is going to happen! If the game ends it will be sad as my nation is getting very nice indeed!
Just going to toss in my two cents worth on this one.
Being a neutral is always a bit of a gamble. It almost always seems that you will upset one side or the other, regardless of what you do.
However, that being said, those who despise the “underhanded” neutral tactic, need not take it themselves if they play neutral nations.
For myself, I try to play above board. I will listen to both sides and see what is going on. I have been stung before by neutral nations so therefore choose not to do it to others.
In this particular game, as the Duns, I chose to go DS for two reasons. The first of which was that the DS picked up thier communications to me after a few turns and I think made a very geniune effort to recruit me. Also, Rhuduar going DS also effected my decision as it would make the NW region more “fun” for the WK as well as the FP. Its a bit of a challenge to have to fight those three nations together and since they were inexperienced, I figured it would make the game more fun for them.
Now, I wont comment on the issue with the Easterlings and the FP in this game. Frankly, its a game and this particular version is over, so lets move on. I would just offer a piece of advice, that in the future, you dont trust a neutral until sure of thier intentions. There are some out there who will go to great lengths to screw you intentionally!!
See you all in the next one.
Duns 04