Hi there Jason,
Hope at last… was wondering why the previous Dun player never once bothered to reply… after asking on the forum for people to contact him.
Private email on the way…
Hope your nation is in reasonable state.
Hi there Jason,
Hope at last… was wondering why the previous Dun player never once bothered to reply… after asking on the forum for people to contact him.
Private email on the way…
Hope your nation is in reasonable state.
I can’t believe how blatant you are in threatening the neutrals not to go near you without asking your permission first. Have you seen the size of their navies!!!
Outrageous… there will be no land allocated for you to bury your dead up here… make arrangements to take all your bodies back to your homeland… and be quick, it won’t be your homeland for long
To win their spure, they have to stay alive… did you forget to tell them the attack on Angmar is a suicide mission… OK Guys, first we kill the armies, then attack the pop centres, then charge the dragon… uh, did someone say dragon… here they come
You don’t need brains to point a dragon at the massed armies at your gates… erm, I mean my gates…
You do need brains to think twice about coming to my gates.
Oh, I wish I had a dragon… I feel completely NAKED without one
Ha ha… well, unfortunately… the gates were closed due to oversized rodent problems. Speaking of rodents and pests, looks like the Orkin Dwarf did his job on GG. The inhabitants are finally roach free.:eek: Too bad they had to find another place to go… Angmar, if I remember right…
Apologies for not replying to this earlier but I’ve been on holidays. I didn’t actually mean to violate your borders, was just trying to pass through but got rudely interupted by a bunch of smelly orcs. What’s worse is that one of the cheeky gits decided to stick a knife in Tarondor’s back. Disgusting behaviour and in neutral territory as well.
Anyway, in respect to your laundry, I don’t blame you for not wanting to air it in public, especially given your geographical location this time of the year, I’ll bet that it’s a bit sweaty!
I’ll drop you an e-mail later!
Alan Gowler
Wow guys, its a little quiet here. Whats the matter? Cat got the Servants tongue? Or is it just the Roach problem? :rolleyes:
The Neutral Brethren Pact does not applaud arrivals of outside forces on our Pact pop centers. There are rumors of Free People forces visiting neutral townships without permission.
The Neutrals do not move forces upon townships of neither the Dark Servants nor the Free Nations. It goes against our neutrality. We do not like it when this occurs to us.
What happens to one neutral while yet undeclared happens to all. Please refrain from taking advantage of any neutral’s position as it may sway us all to consider reprisals and/or rebuttals.
Greetings from Gondor on behalf of the Free People.
We can confirm that these rumours are unfortunately true and that a force has inadvertently strayed onto the Easterling town of Ilanin. We apologise for this faux pas and emphasise that we will make every effort to avoid reoccurrences in the future.
We pray that you understand our dilemma. Whilst our Northmen brethren are being subjected to unimaginable torment from the marauding forces of Sauron mistakes are liable to happen. We urge all neutral nations to repel the emissaries of evil and take up arms to rid Middle Earth of this menace and join us side by side in our struggle.
We would also be at pains to remind the Neutral Brethren Pact that DS forces have also recently invaded Easterling borders at Ashkiri which is the unfortunate resting place of the great Tarondor who was brutally murdered just 10 days ago.
Northern Gondor
The Corsairs Reply:
We mean no disrespect to either side, of course; we understand that the war has begun in earnest and the fighting can cause inadvertent mistakes. Nor do we wish to imply that such an incident guarantees an ultimatum on any neutral stance.
However, if the Easterlings are not pained by these instances, then these troubles will mean little to Umbar (and should to the Neutral Brethren Pact altogether).
M’lords Angamaite and Teldumeir and the Princes of the Havens are concerned that when one neutral nation’s towns are violated through many such “accidents”, then any and all neutrals can suffer that same fate.
One would point out that the easterings do have population centers that are very near free people holdings in the sea of rhun area. it is possible that, at times, these pop centers become battle grounds or blocking areas due to troop movements therein. Rhudaur has a similar setup but not as severe as the easterlings.
As a matter of convention, the fp have tried to communicate to any affected party that troops are in the area, if we failed at that you have my apology certainly.
One would also point out that if fp moved onto harad/corsair/dun lands/pop centers likely this is not the same animal unless they are artifact hunting at sea or in a pop center, again if this were the case you would be informed as such.
If the fp were to land on corsair/harad/dun pop centers with troops/ships/etc…this might indicate another intent but we do not operate that way unless we feel compelled to do so…
Certainly, the ds would say the same things for side. Neutrality is always respected as far as it can be. One only need play a few games to understand that players often view neutrality and neutral nations differently, often the neutral player will also view the position differently and use that neutrality differently…as is their right.
No debating of issues just clearing up facts…we didn’t do it intentionally in this instance, other than to counter ds moves or trying to force a move on their part. Apologies for the incident. Let us continue to move forward.
You know, I don’t think I ever received a communication from the fp that they were sending troops into an area. But, let’s let bygones be bygones. Apology accepted.
You see why I love this game? All the diplomatic swagger and discourse!
Now you guys know why I’ve offered to buy this game from Middle Earth Games! Yep! I got my paycheck this week and have offered the whopping sum to Clint and Company of $5.53 USD! :eek:
Wow, they probably jumped all over that didn’t they?
Actually, if i remember right, it was understood that people the fp and the ds were sending troops at each other… or am i mistaken? I don’t remember getting a greeting from the Dog Lord cav before it landed on Shrel Kain… and i don’t remember getting one from the BS before landing… :eek:
<start Foghorn Leghorn voice> I say, I say, that was a joke, son. Humor, you know.<end Foghorn Leghorn voice>
But, actually, now that you mention it:
You are soooooo going to be toast…
Neutrals should contact Nor quickly to say goodbye before joining the mighty Dark Servants.
Just a blast from the past.
Mark (FK)
Wow, people joke? I know, i was kidding too. hence the smiley faces. If i’m serious, i won’t put any emotes. As for the blast from the past, i’ve been in longer than you probably thought, and i don’t plan on losing in the near future either. i acknowledge the fact that my position in one of the weakest in the game, but i still plan to make a run and see what happens.
Wow guys… getting pretty hard to find this thread… so noone has anything to complain about? Or joke about? or say anything about???
Yeah, I’ve noticed how the banter in this forum is particularly quiet. Even as the Corsairs are poised - this very next turn - to march our massive armies into every non-Corsair pop center and claim Middle Earth as our own private backyard, we’re surprised how many tumbleweeds blow about in this har place.
Still, FP were quick to give us an update for turn 5. Heh! Dragon Lord getting slapped around like wet wallpaper? Northmen evicted from their bungalows near the Running River?
Meanwhile, the Corsairs, Haradwaith, Quiet Avenger are all sitting around the lovely beaches of Santa Barbara … umm, I mean … south Harad, drinking pina coladas and wondering how the other half live.
[QUOTE=Greygrey;34129] Northmen evicted from their bungalows near the Running River?
Yeah, well, unfortunately, the DS brought their very sturdy roaches along with them;) We tried to nuke ‘em, but of course that didn’t work, so we had to retreat a little… but i must say, the roaches’ numbers are becoming pretty thin by the looks of it:D Too bad they keep running into neutral and free armies…
Hi all. your friendly CL reporting in. Well, aint this the thing? All my darklord mates have been saying how i needed to get myself a holiday home - somewhere in the Hamptons they kept on saying, but the prices there are just outrageous. But what do you know, I just found myself the sweetest place. The weather is good, there are some great places to eat and its right next to the sea! Anyway, its a pretty popular place - luckily i got there when noone else much was home. And no sooner had I hoisted the flag (its still called Shrel Kain though - ug!) that the next bunch of party animals have arrived. Dwarves (double ug) and Eothraim (horsemeat - yum) by the looks of it.
Anyway, got to go. My sandcastle needs finishing and the new arrivals look like they want to steal my beachtowel
Ji Indur