Game 062

Ha ha… as i said before… your armies are beginning to get scarce… watch out… you know what they say about pay back :stab:

Aaah… payback… a dish served best with a Dragon!!!

Now, where the hell are they all hiding… oh yes, I see :slight_smile: Oh, this will be fun…


:cool: payback… sweet payback… [crap, i shoulda been DS the way i’m talking:D] alright, back to business.
[sweet voice]
Oh dear… looks like the scary dragons are coming… i think i’ll sweat off a couple pounds in the cold… who knows, maybe they’ll actually work for us, and warm up the north…:wink:

My my… so quiet… again the Northmen have the Dark Servants stumped…:wink:
Am I just cool for you guys:D, or is it that you guys just can’t come up with anything to say, because your too busy with the roach infestation at Angmar?:cool:

Sorry for the delay, I am in the middle of trying to work out which of the 5,000 armies coming towards me I should worry about, the roaches are my chosen decor… walls that taste gooood, er I mean wicked!!

Strange that the 2 most under attack nations are the 2 voices here… :slight_smile:

Why am I smiling you might be thinking… well, that’s because soon I’ll be the only voice here… mwah ha ha…

Lots of strange rumours going round… gold movements from/to the weirdest of allies… looks like some of the neutrals are getting ready to jump, hope everyone’s ready for the changes afoot. Loose the Nor, gain xxx… hmmm…



Unfortunately for you… there are such things as ghosts;)
Oh yeah, and don’t forget about the team. I must say, there are people willing to help me, and to even keep me in the game…:hug:

Do they have a spare MT for me too… ??

No… don’t worry, they might think not at the moment, but a defeated people rarely realise this until it’s too late.

so, do you think the neutrals, bless them, will split somewhat or do you think they’ll all go one way?

I’ll go first… I reckon its a 3-2 split… so it should be interesting… however, we’re still talking to all 5, as are your miserable team, so I guess nothing is certain until the first strike reports come in.



Unfortunately… A) I don’t bet
B) i don’t think i can really say, as i feel it is disrespectful to try and guess their decision. Just let them decide, and leave it as it is.:wink:

The NM are so vocal b/c they are in High School! Ever try to get the last word w/ a teenager?

Anyway the neutral situations are unique as they always are…I’ll know when I see icons or turn files I suppose…

I’m going back to my principalship, my internship, my night class work, and my own philanthropic tendencies concerning the females…too much to do to constantly banter on the boards…you’ll be seeing my people soon enough.


I thought all the Noldo had sailed away from Middle Earth… You’re still here??? Bet the rest of the free people are pissed at your inactivity :slight_smile:

Well, when I launch my counterstrike, I will see your people… and yes, it will be soon.

If you would be so kind as to reveal your pop centres, I will spare some of your people and make them slaves rather than destroy them.



Are you crazy? Let them decide?

Now obviously it goes without saying that ALL neutrals are the best and should join the Dark Servants… however, from a game ending point of view, that would be disasterous… I’m sure you agree with this.

Unless they are all happy to have few turns building their positions and then all flip to the same side and watch the game end, they need help and guidance…

I’m on the fringes of the diplomatic debate, so I can only conjecture on what’s happening, but I think its going to be a very interesting split, unless there are last minute surprises.

Turn 10 is a long way off… and since you’ll no longer be in the game at that point, I’ll drop you an email to let you know how the neutrals decided :smiley:

Don’t worry, you won’t be alone, I’ll cc the Woo too :wink:



If they all flip to the same side (whichever that may be) then I vote to call off the war between the DS and FP for a few turns while we give them a good kicking…

Did I really just say that on an open forum…

Interesting idea.:eek: Just had me thinking of a two player variant. Ban all mages and agents and see how long it takes one player with everybody else rooting out the other with Corsairs, Harad and Easterlings say. Could be a hell of a slog.:rolleyes::slight_smile:


What are you guys talking about? The Corsairs - this very turn - have marched their massive armies into every non-Corsair pop center and are making everyone speak southland-ese! You guys didn’t know we had all those forces, eh?

Heh! Come on, guys, if you all surrender to the Corsairs, every pop center will be like Tortuga in PotC! We’ll drink women, chase grog … umm … I mean drink grog, chase women, and enjoy free debauchery the Corsairs’ way!

If you can absolutely guarantee all of that stuff then I’m in! Sounds great!

Wait a minute… It’s me that’s supposed to be bribing you!


Now wouldn’t that make for an interesting scenario… where the aligned nations can choose to un-align themselves or even switch alliegance…

Now Alan, if you like the idea of all the Corsairs have said, then surrender to me now and I’ll let your people do just that - with just a few minor modifications… like they will have to serve in my armies first, with cookies and milk for rations… oh yes, cookies and milk keep my troops on the edge :slight_smile:


That settles it then, the Corsairs have won… time to start a new game.

Nor… looks like you got to stay in until the end after all!!


Surrendering to the Corsairs and getting a share of the booty (and lots of dirty women) is one thing. Surrendering to a bunch of smelly orcs and trolls is another. Sorry but I’d heard a lot about those roaches that you seem to be infested with. An orc has to eat something I suppose…

Don’t knock roaches until you’ve tried them. Fried in butter…mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Crunchy and tasty. Ren like.

The Unclean One

Wow, the unclean one likes roaches… hmmmmmmmmm, doesn’t really surprise me, but get this… roaches on a sword, served with a fresh plate of servants… mmmm, now thats the special tonight…:wink: and its free…:smiley: