Alright… i can agree to leave the Easterlings alone on the forum… seeing as some people will be visiting him soon;)… IRS agents if i remember right… apparently, he didn’t pay last month’s taxes… oh well… poor Ovatha was taken off the list… now they are mad, because they can’t collect his debt.
Greetings from the Dark Servants. Did you have a nice turn?
Mine was so so, going to lose a couple of camps and a town next turn but hey those are the breaks. How’s Esgaroth?
Oh yeah, and i loved the fact that you were man enough to send me ONE mount last turn… is that smug confidence i see from our hated ememies, the Easterlings, or was that supposed to make up for the fact that you are a bad liar…?
Well Adrian,
Some people learn not to believe others, and are MUCH better liars than others…
By the way, what was that VC? To exterminate Gaerandil at all costs?
Oh yeah, and mind hinting where the Cav was headed? Maybe Gaerandil can meet up with them…:fork: ‘REVENGE’ lol
I know this game has been so full of memorable moves and such that some small things like a dwarven agent stealing the Ring of Wind from a DS agent with Celedhring standing in the hex would not be earth shaking…but surely someone did notice?
I would like to say that the “liar” bit I keep reading is tedious and not necessary. It is a game and misleading someone is perfectly within the rules and the feel of the game. Drop it already.
Yes we did notice… but it’s not something we were going to announce… and it is only a temporary thing why not bring it to Angmar and kick me while I’m down… go on… I dare you
And yes… the liar business really has been overdone.
HOLD ALL FP FORCES IN ANGMAR… Nor has insulted me and now I MUST restore honour and march all my resources (if I can find any) to Rhovanion to look for him…
You are welcome to camp outside my pop centres while I’m gone… make yourselves useful and feed the dragons (if any bleeding well come this far north)
Ahh young grasshopper,
Anger must be kept under control, for the forces of nature to unfold:)
Now, the problem is, you’ll have a hard time finding the Nor in Rohan… try Rhun, you might be better off…
Now the CL armies have kicked arses of Stumpies, Horse-Lovies and River-weirdos, I can get down to doing the same with my agents (which are frankly underperforming at the moment).
Kudos to the QA, some very cute play from you these past few turns with your navies. I have gripes with the way that movement orders work and how naval combat is resolved but that takes nothing away from your neat moves.
I was so pleased to find that one of my guarding agents had captured a gold thief on one of my population centres! Then it turned out to be a Woodmen agent