Game 11 - Ulba

Show your face, filthy FP’s :smiley:

The Nazguls are ready to teach you a bloody lesson. You miserable creatures don t stand a chance, and you know it, but let this be the ULTIMATE BEATING !!

Dragon Lord


lets see who gets beaten and in what way… be ready for the strategic gamers strategy…


Dear Drag Lord:rolleyes:

In skirt and blouse
With dirty mouth
Dreaming out of bounds
He Mirkwood hounds

Through his veil of lace
He soon will mighty armies face
Sacking his precious Keep
What can he do but - weep

In highheeled football boots
He trips over mountains roots
Back to from were he came
It will always be the same

Loke:D, Vogon Poet to the court of …

On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry at you
Douglas Adams

If nothing else we win on the poetry, beat that… I dire you…


But of course he who dares wins

I would like to play on this game, but the odds can’t be too good?



which side? The odds are 10 to 1 in favour of the FreeP… The DS, well where are they?


The pony/salesman asked where to find us and the answer is, of course, in a popcenter near you.

"…be ready for the strategic gamers strategy… "
That sounds kind of scary, namely when combined with poetry.
You’ve really impressed us so far.

“Er du trist og træt
så spjæt”
Poul Erik Anderson

Skal vi ikke forsøge at holde os til det danske.
Om ikke andet bare fo at forvirre angloerne.

Poul hin rare

ok med mig, men hvorn er det lige vi forvirer angloerne? der er da ingen med i game011? tænker du på dem der læser vores mails af interesse?


If you guys don’t knock it off, I’m going to start speaking Dunlendish.

in fact we were discussion if we should write in Danish or not… I guess not…


Hej drenge

Det ser ud til at både angloerne og Drag Lord er lettere forvirret. Jeg ved godt det er pænt at bruge Vogon poesi, men i krig og kærlighed gælder alle finter.


Out of curiosity, who is who on the DS team ?

More specifically who plays DrL ? I play SE and WM
and would like to know my direct adversary.

If I meet him I might just try some real life bribery :slight_smile:

[i] HC’s pigerspejdere [/b]

Jamen, jeg kan da altid bestikkes med skumdelfiner fx.
Er der iøvrigt nogen der er ved at lære forskellen på at marchere og lade være?
Det er sørme tungt pres, I der har på 2815, men store fødder er jo altid gode at have.
Ellers er der ikke meget at råbe hurra for hos jer newborn-freeps.

Dear mr Fupstein
I can tell you, that Skage Hin Fagre thought that the person
behind the Fupstein alias was a happy young lad. But I know better:rolleyes:

By the way!
We actually know who plays what nations!
When we are finished, we can compare our guess whith your setup.

Read and enjoy.:wink:


Drogon Lord…Rune

Dog Lord…Ludvig

Cloud Lord…Thomas K

Blind Sorcerer…Brian

Ice King…Francois:confused:

Quiet Avenger…Morten

Fire King…Thomas S P

Long Rider…Simon

Dark Lieutenants…Kim



Regards the lucky one

So lucky?

What was that old Dirty Harry quote again ;o)

Davs drenge

Jeg har ikke set flere af jeres sejrssikre skriverier, er i gået i tænkeboks? Drag Lord må da have noget at fortælle:D .


Originally posted by Loke
[b]Davs drenge

Jeg har ikke set flere af jeres sejrssikre skriverier, er i gået i tænkeboks? Drag Lord må da have noget at fortælle:D .

Loke:D [/b]

Tss tss… Dol guldur was just a trap to lure you out of the cover of your fealthy trees, and you paid with your souls. Such a nice price to pay for your foolishness, sauron will be delighted.
Know, that the knives in the dark are sharp as a raizor, and you will never feel safe anymore. Your pathetic attempt to retrieve magic artifacts make me laugh, i might even consider a quick and painless death for you as reward for the amusement you are providing us :smiley:

I am glad we make you laugh, as it would be so sad if
your joy should come from DS achievements.

I would also like to express my gratitude towards Rhudaur
for their excellent hospitality and leisure activities. My
condolences to the widow…