Only one dragon, and you upgrade 1910 to a castle but it still falls on our first attempt. I guess that is what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight. No Eothraim major towns captured or destroyed and you threw the entire might of Mordor after them. I hope you have some good plans coming down the pipe or this game will be over pretty soon.
More crap from the FP windbags…Hmmm, obviously I’m blind and deaf, still having a good time though. You didnt get onto 1804 did you? Your assault on WK is too late and too little. Do you guys really think you won in Angmar?? This battle is far from over - you must know that. Let me introduce you to some new friends who will explain it to you (please see your next turn report where they will have been introduced)
Dr. Moriarti…I’m glad you’re having a good time. As the architect of the NW theater for the FPs, it is my intent to allow ya’ll to think you have a chance therefore to further you’re enjoyment of the game.
Turn 8, Rhudaur is down to only his capital and one recaptured village of his starting complement. And the WK has 3 MTs (one upgrade of 2004).
Damage to the FP infrastructure in the NW…zilch.
I like our chances on a forward going basis :), no matter how many dragons you can recruit into your newly hired armies…
And yes it is annoying that we didn’t get to 1804 this turn. We have a goal of one MT per turn in the NW destroyed/captured…and we won’t meet that this turn…I hope me team doesn’t impeach me and put someone else more competent into the position…
That’s the funniest thing ever. really. hillarious. just hillarious.
say, I thought you guys recognized that we were actually competition by this point… Think we don’t know how bad you’re hurting trying to pay for all those armies?
Ransom demands are useful for transfering gold to an ally, before agent gold thefts. Since the demand is made before payment, the transfer goes through without interference on the same turn.
Of course, and save the 10% portage fee to boot. But that’s not the deal here: the ransom demand remains outstanding at the end of the turn. If you’re gonna do that, make the demand for more than 10k, and fulfill it the same turn, eh?
Depends on circumstances. If the character holding the hostage is in a ‘tight’ situation, or the hostage holding nation does not need gold, then the ransom is only one gold. If you want a major gold transfer, then the sky is the limit.
The hostage goes to the character who offers to pay the ransom. Hostage can travel more than 12 hexes. Usually for imprisonment in a keep or citadel. Harder to escape from there than when the hostage holder is asleep in the mountains.
I’m loving this game. When have you ever seen a CL with so many HC so early in the game? One has to wonder why we aren’t losing more FP characters to K/A attacks… Oh! I know! Ask me! Ask me!
CL has comms & HC, not agents…
hahahahahahaha just too funny!
And HA, you sir have been a very good adversary. I appreciate your moves each turn. You’ve done a great job of predicting what I’d do and foiling it… until this turn. (hey, I have to crow when I can because mostly you’ve stopped/slowed the attack down there). But charging into my ambush? That was fun! Guess you’re finally going to start losing some of those southern HA pop centers. It’s taken far longer than it should have and you get major kudos… but now we’ll start to see the dominoes fall.
Demolition man - you just aren’t very nice killing all those CO characters. stop it. please. go back to help your CL brethren take care of their horses.
i see that Vinyaran is now cheaper by 50%. LOL. too funny. Ok. reduce the ransom demand to 100g and I’ll pay. really. trust me. We care about our commanders and their families. We’ve established a trust fund. It has 100g in it. That is if you don’t steal it all first…
With three nations out, the team has decided not to continue and drag this this game on with a wild goose chase from your side. that wouldn´t be fair to a well played game from your side.
we congratulate you on a game well played.
I kept a fair amount of mithril in 1804 (out of the purest stupidity/negligence) so your commanders did not die in vain, the WK did. Anyways it was a good game, even when things didnt go our way.
Thanks for the game.
Dr Moriarti…we knew you might have a dragon, and if so, our commanders would die on the walls. We felt the risk of such an action was more than outweighed by the potential success of taking the pop center (if no wyrms present).
No way did we anticipate that the WK would be ecocided by that type of assault…that just wasn’t in our mind set.
We’ve been trying as a team to keep the economies low and we knew that all the large troop numbers you’re running up North would be a burden…but we didn’t think it would end like this for sure…
For our edification could you explain how the BS got eliminated so early? We weren’t even targeting him when his troops “disappeared” so mysteriously…
With the WK being out…that begs the question as to who else is out? The QA? We thought we might have gotten to him earlier…but we thought he may have survived the loss of his capital…not too sure really.