The Crescent Moon here. If either of the mighty Twin Kingdoms or the other neutrals wish to contact me please do so at
The Crescent Moon here. If either of the mighty Twin Kingdoms or the other neutrals wish to contact me please do so at
Argent Dawn checking in. Likewise hoping to speak with our neutral brethren. Contact at .
I am speaking for the Monstrous Regiment (I know the t got lost somewhere on the setup sheet but just imagine it was there).
Calling all neutrals to join us for a fun game, forget about the Freeps, they are so boring… we are bad and cool… and have a working yahoogroup. Besides we have Mike Mulka on our side and if you don’t join he won’t allow you to use Automagic any more
To my close neighbours the Belegost Dwarves: can’t we just get along? I mean we apparently had peace for centuries, else I wouldn’t have allowed you to build that fort so close to my capital…
Greeting fellow rulers of Middle Earth
My name is Jerry Mellerick and I am playing the neutral nation Carthago in this game. I am interested to hear from all sides in this game and particularly interested in hearing from those nations in my immediate vicinty.
To the other neutrals in this game I welcome all correspondance from you and am open to sharing of information.
I will not be taking sides for at least 5 turns but expect to be kept informed as to events as they transpire in Middle Earth.
I can be contacted on
Greetings from Neuttral the land of Occitania, :eek:
Wee seek comunication from our brothers of the Neutral nations and Kingdoms, as well as from DS and FP emissairs
We are willing to stablish the borders of our nations in pacific terms, and open negotiations with all powers in the area (which are many).
Best regards
Hello Richard! So this is where you are hiding Where exactly on the map can i find you?
Nightmare Pirates (DS) invites you to diplomatic talks regarding the situation in Middle Earth.
We will also urge our nabours Southern Kingdom and NBK to start talks and negotiations with us. So that misunderstandings and accidents can be avvoided.
Please respond to
Sverre of the Nightmare Pirates
Greetings Neutrals! (well and I suppose to those nasty evils!)
Hope the game goes well and you enjoy the experiance!
My name is Shayne, and I’m playing the Good nation Blue Disciples
[QUOTE=Sverre]Hello Richard! So this is where you are hiding Where exactly on the map can i find you?
Well you know!! I usually play northern your position !!
Tarthalion of the South Kingdom here. Greetings to all. I can be contacted at . I look forward to hearing from each of you, and especially the other neutrals.
Greetings one and all!
The Legacy here. I’m located near the Loney Mountain, though it’s not quite as lonely as I was led to believe! :o
I look forward to long and beneficial relations with the neutral nations of Middle-earth. Don’t believe everything you’ve heard about us Dark Servants over the millennia. Nothing but pure exaggeration by those do-gooders who would rather sing about the past than tackle the problems of today.
Feel free to contact me at
Also, while this is a paying game, remember that we need to do some playtesting. Don’t forget to point out any errors you find or suggestions you might have to Clint so he can fix any problems.
Hope everyone has fun, (though not at my expense). :rolleyes:
Mike Mulka
Greetings to all the peoples of Middle Earth!
Hedoncia is a nation founded on one principle: Let’s have FUN! Loads of FUN!!!
Now these goody-two-shoes want to shut down our pleasure palaces and put an end to all the excitement! That’s just plain wrong. It’s just a whole lot of fun to be bad, and we’re out to prove it. So come on down and enjoy our establishments.
Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire
The Brusufii bid welcome to any and all into their halls,
For you allies and uncomitted powers, we have a superb feast ready to be served. For our foes, a nice damp dungeon with all the latest accomodations any minted cell should have (grave optional).
Bart for the Brusufii who can be reached at
The North Kingdom would like to extend it’s diplomatic hand in greetings.
All interested in opening diplomatic relations can respond to
Nightmare Pirates are seeking wealthy trusty freeps for peacefull trading. Please give us the hexcoordinates for your harbors, ports or simular and our tradefleet will arrive short time after
Spokespirate of the Nightmare Pirates
The Golden Occitan Cross in red landscape was flying high and proud in the
Viscount Castle, in a cold and windy winter Morning.
Indeed rulers of The Land never had the title of King, even their power and
terrain was even greater than some Kings, they had the title of Viscount.
There was council that morning, one of the greatest importance.
Scouts had spottet troop movements along the borders, and unrest within the
area was so noticeable that indeed one could slash it and spread it over one
piece of bread as if it was butter.
What was once the Big unified Kingdom long agoo, had been splitted in two
regions. Not far away there were fortifications of both nations Northern
ones and Southern ones. Even the rulers of both had not choosen one
alliegance, several lords had splitted into two main alliegances and were
pressing the Kingdoms and the remaining undeclared Lords, to join one
alliegance or the other, armies where marching fast.
That morning, had to be decided which paper should play our Lands. Some
western Noblemen whose area was the border with one Ds allieged nation
claimed to join that alliegance, in the end we had been living in a pacific
way for a long time. Some Eastern Noblemen argued that indeed our comercial
links with another close neightbour which had gone the other alliegance, FP,
were too important and that we should support their cause.
Occitania had remained neutral, keeping the good relations with their
neighbours, and several emissairs were greeted in our halls. All of them
requesting our brothership and offering all kinds of help and presents.
We knew that not for a long time could we ignore that war was raging next to
our borders and indeed it would, with no chance, involve us all in a mess of
blood, bone, death and suffering. However, the main concern was to choose
the right side, and that would not be something easy to discern.
That morning our ruler ordered to increase recruiting ratio, and to movilise
the armies.
As he literaly said: " If you want peace, prepare for War " no one will
respect us if we don’t have our borders well protected.
As an enlightened neutral nation, the North Kingdom seeks peaceful coexistence with all neighbors. Yet any aggression pressed upon the North Kingdom, or any libererated human nation for that matter, shall be seen as an act of war. :eek:
The future of North Kingdom alliance relies on a friendly, fair, and generous diplomatic approach. The alliance that knows how to treat brothers, knows how to win true friends. Hope, Liberty, Freedom!
The assembled footmen of the Crescent Moon face off against the rabble of the wretched Queen of the Damned at Barad Dunhoth.
May your blood blacken the stones of this cursed place.
Burn… BUrn… BURRNNN!
The Glorious Smafolket cavalry has yet again struck a blow for freedom! The dark dungeons of Malduin has been liberated, and the oppressed prisoners of Runehorn has been liberated!
Greetings fellow nations of Middle Earth,
All this talk of war and battles! Hedonicia wishes all nations to know there is a better way! Why not talk of pleasure? Why not explore the boudary between Pleasure and Pain? It’s quite interesting, we assure you. Just watching the death of those goody-two-shoes Runehorn pleasure-averse zealots has been quite satisfying. We hereby offer our congratulations and a free week’s stay in our gaming and pleasure palaces to all people of Smaafolket as but a small token of our esteem and gratitude. To Runehorn we simply say: throw down your arms and surrender. Imagine the release you will feel! Savor the moment.
Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire
Believe not these honeyed words of corrupt Hedonica!
They would have you believe in the peace of their nation and the passive nature in their citizens. Our scouts have reported the arming and training of levies in three separate settlements.
Where will the painted eye of Hedonica turn? North, to the mountain fortresses of the Runehorn? East, over the great mountains and into Greenwood? South, to the scrabble of Dunland? Or perhaps west?
Undeclared nations! Believe not the misinformation spread by the hated Dark Servants. There have been no declarations or leanings from the kingdoms or neutral nations. Would that it would be otherwise.
High Loremaster
Order of the Crescent Moon