Game 144 Begins


Is anyone in on Game 146?


Dearest Curved-Slice-of-Moon High Loremaster person,

Words are but one interesting way in which to use honey. In Hedonicia, we have found many more exciting and intriguing uses!

And as for your own acidic words of warning concerning our pleasure loving nation building up forces, you must be aware that Runehorn marched their army against us at first opportunity, but quickly withdrew to try to protect their homeland when Mighty Smaafolket descended upon them. Is it not prudent for us to prepare for conflict with nations such as yours who view our pursuit of pleasure as “corrupt?”

Finally, we assure all neutral nations that we will not attack any neutral nation, nor will any Dark Servant. The so-called “Free Peoples” whose vaunted freedom is limited by their own oppressive ideas and laws, these are our enemies. Free Humans - do not take on the yoke of oppression that the Free Peoples offer. It is stifling. And besides, it’s no fun.

Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire

Watch for a knife in the back as you’re enjoying the pleasures of some scabby trollop in cursed Hedonica.

Your ways are not new to the land and have been used to snare the weak-willed throughout history.

The ruins of Imladris shall soon be returned to Elven hands and the filth scrubbed clean from it’s stones!


I see Mormegil has been too busy trying to stop his panicked troops from fleeing south to post in a while. Much is made here about actions in the misties, yet little of the dwarven expulsion of the Monstrous Regiment from Rhun. The tide has just begun my enemy, help cannot arrive in time. Relocate to Mordor or other more friendly climates, for your time on the shores of Rhun are over.

OOC: Tough setup for you there around Rhun, if we’re looking at this as a historical issue there is no way two opposed nations would be able to settle like our two nations were set up, with pops behind each others lines - and I fully recognize yours were definately less tenable. I’m being serious (and not a jerk), that was a tough setup. All part of the game, yes, I understand, but it really gaev me a leg up on this one. I’m enjoying the fight either way

Hi stunty,

let us say you have the ideal setup for that kind of scenario, while mine is less adequate. But I’m not complaining, I like a challenge better than an easy conquest, and I came out on top from worse situations. Enjoy the fun while it lasts, I still may have an ace up my sleeve…

So, the SK has made a “surprise” attack on the Argent Dawn. So much for the claims you did not want the DS to land at your pop center at 2227. Luckily while on the side of good, we are not naive. Come South Kingdom, come north to the land of the dwarves. you will meet the same fate as the Monstrous Regimen(t), who now knowwhat it is like to face the dwarves.

Other neutrals, know the venom the DS speak is just that, poison in your ears. Do not be a slave to lesser kingdoms, be equals among greats.

What venom do we speak? We speak of pleasant things. We condone the pursuit of pleasure wherase you goody two-shoes types would stomp out all of our nice clean fun. That’s just not nice of you. And speaking of venom, it sure seems to me that most of the venom flows from between the lips of the so called “free”.

The Dark Servants welcome all nations whose minds are not cluttered with pre-conceived notions to be forced upon the unwilling. That’s what the so called “Free Peoples” want. They want you to be “free” to live your life exactly as they see fit. Well, we in Hedonicia just don’t see that as a free life. We hereby declare that we will fight such tyranny and that we will call it what it is: oppression. Rise up peoples of Middle Earth! Throw off the yoke of oppression! Join us in the resistance!

Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire

Hmmm, yes, I see. Interesting how “fighting such tyranny” is done by murdering diplomats trying to improve the quality of life for their camps and villages, and burning those same homes to the ground? I suppose that is one of those “hey in every war there are civilian casualties” things, huh? Well you can’t disguise who and what you are. For example, we offered terms to the Regiment, but got nothing back but war. Sure, our terms were to leave the area completely and stop dumping human remains into the Sea of Rhun, but that was apparently the end of the negotiations. Good thing the air is finally starting the clear up out east here … just a few more cesspools to liberate. And yes, it is liberate, all these people have the choice to join us or not, all have chosen to join. You DS offer no choice, it is join us or die, which reveals the true nature of your cause.

OOC Finally some taunting

There was no attempt at surprise or subterfuge made. The scenario, for any onlooker, was telegraphed from the time the Argent Dawn settled that corner of my realm. I cannot conceive of a more foolish selection of ground for any nation to colonize, and I assume the nation (ie. player) in question will NEVER make this mistake again. You don’t fortify the road between Linhir and Dol Amroth, burn my bridges, cut off my people from their capital, and make reinforcing my population centers in the west impossible.

I have no ill-will towards any of the remaining free peoples. The Knights of Gondor will expell the Argeant Dawn from their preposterous local and return to more greener pastures by the river, assured that our citizens in Dol Amroth can once again be resupplied and defended. We would treat a DS or Neutral Nation NO DIFFERENTLY had one been foolish enough to place their towns and towers on that road.

Based on the foundations proposed by the Free Nations here on this forum, I expect no rash treatment of my peoples by any nation other than the Argeant Dawn, and no interfearance towards my military or populace while we remove this threat from our borders. We have no interest in the Sea of Rhun, Monster Regimes, wars with Dwarves, or any other such nonsense. If there is any further conflict between the South Kingdom and the remaining Free Peoples, Neutral, or Dark Servants before allegiance must be chosen (turn 11/12), it will be due solely to the decisions of the aligned nations and will not at all represent the goals and desires of the men of Gondor.

South Kingdom

There was no attempt at surprise or subterfuge made. The scenario, for any onlooker, was telegraphed from the time the Argent Dawn settled that corner of my realm. I cannot conceive of a more foolish selection of ground for any nation to colonize, and I assume the nation (ie. player) in question will NEVER make this mistake again. You don’t fortify the road between Linhir and Dol Amroth, burn my bridges, cut off my people from their capital, and make reinforcing my population centers in the west impossible.


The mind of King Tarthalion has surely been poisoned with sweet venomous words from some treacherous counselor. He sees beyond his own borders and lays claim to lands held by free, honorable people with a covetous hand.

What pact has he made with the barbarous Nightmare Pirates and that filth known as the Queen of the Dead to treacherously attack a nation that bore him no ill will? Can it be coincidence that his ill disciplined rabble intrude on the lands of Argent Dawn in concert with servants to unspeakable horrors?

Ware Occitania, before this southern king casts his rheumy eyes upon your glittering towers! Ware NBKs, before this corrupt kingdom to your north begins seeing your proud merchant vessels as his personal flotilla!

The soul of King Tarthalion has become tainted. He sullies the memory of the proud kings of Gondor stretching back millenia with his foul treachery!

There will be a reckoning!

High Loremaster
Order of the Crescent Moon

Have a Bridge you’re trying to sell as well? Some swamp land in Florida perhaps?

Yes truly a dim-witted setup to place pop centers between Linhir and Dol Amroth

Long live Farthalion, legend in his own mind

Daehir, from where do you hail?

Its DS-phobic hate-speeches like this that cause all the wars and problems in the world. All SK is doing is to restore peace, law and order in that unlawfull area. For which he should be honered. Instead he must take insults and treaths from the same mad gang that have forced this war on us.
Nightmare Pirates is proud to be a part of this peacekeeping operation. NP has no territorial claims anywhere. We just wish to aid other peoples to restore law and order, for which of course we are shouted on by this narroweyed mob.

NP is ready to make peace and agreemets with all nations ready and able to do a calm polite negotiation. You will find that we are reasonable and that it is possibble to make busniess with us.

Lord Admiral Black Bill of the Nightmare Pirates

Its DS-phobic hate-speeches like this that cause all the wars and problems in the world. All SK is doing is to restore peace, law and order in that unlawfull area. For which he should be honered. Instead he must take insults and treaths from the same mad gang that have forced this war on us.

It seems one of the murderous barbarians to the deep south has a snake’s tongue. The twisted psyche of Tarthalion must be making such an absurd justification, just as he’s convinced himself that a nation clearly outside of his borders was intruding upon him in some way.

The DS will use any imagined slight to embark on a campaign of murder and bloodshed.


Here we go again. While the DS are comunicating calmly and politly just continue the FP with their rasistic and DS-phobic hate speeches, insults and treaths.

Firstly “Argent Dawn” is not a nation. Its more like a crimesyndicate. Their agents are stealing gold in south ,east, north and west. NP and other nations who suffer from this have legal right to do something preventive with it.
Secoundly even if it was a true nation it shouldnt be located there. They have occupied an area between the SK main area and Dol Amroth. Dol Amroth has never been an outpost. Dol Amroth has even been the capital of South Gondor!
SK has legal right to restore law and order at its territory. SK has legal right to be assisted by whoever they wish in this.

Lord Admiral Black Bill of the Nightmare Pirates

As an enlightened neutral nation, the North Kingdom seeks peaceful coexistence with all neighbors. Yet any aggression pressed upon the North Kingdom, or any libererated human nation for that matter, shall be seen as an act of war.
This we declared early on in order to keep the peace and protect the interests of all human nations. Now by savagely attacking a close neighbor without provocation simply because you perceive a chance for conquest, you not only jearpordize the security of all human nations, you have slapped all mankind in the face.
Tell me little brother, how much did you sell out for? Or are you just so greedy that you do not see you only bring about your own doom. Would you like to know how much they are offering me? May make you feel cheated though.
Get your hands out of my pockets Tar!
This I will only say once, so listen well little brother. You are to immediately cease and desist from your current path of imperialist aggression and remove your troops from all Argent Dawn property. Which by the way IS legal and free sovereign land. You are to open dialougue with your neighbors and remove all settlements from occupied land in a timely manner.
If these things are not done immediately, the North Kingdom will have no choice but to remove your crown and claim your cities under our legal protection.
Queen, I bid you move aside and let us pass. :cool: I have a relative that needs to be enlightened. If you agree not to attack & move your army back south, I will move my army around your pc’s and will not molest any of your forces. I only seek to bring my little brother to his senses. This is a family matter that does not concern other non-human nations.
I ask that you cooperate with this request. Otherwise I may just find the placement of your nation illegal.
Tarthalion, you have one week to act. If you respect mankind and honor the peace we so much value, then we can continue to coexist in peace. But if you remain on this insane path of destruction, then I will have to remove you from power.
Sincerely, -Ambassador Abraxus (North Kingdom)

How strange… The North Kingdom vehemently defends a nation of the Free Peoples, going so far as to threaten war on his bretheren in the south and a Dark Servant in his path, all in defense of a nation under the spell of elven enchantment. How is it that supporting the hated elves and their lackeys “protects the interests of all human nations”?

I mean no disrepspect to the ambassador from the NK, but these words you utter seem strange and contradictory. We ask only for clarification.

First Minister of the Legacy

I am no mercenary. Am I to believe the Free Peoples have bribed you to such a fervor of threat of violence? What do the Free Peoples say to this? Or are you truly the negotiator? Shall we ask the folk of Dol Amroth where the Great Northern Negotiator has been while the roads between them and their kin were fortified and they were sundered from the east?

I will tolerate your threats as I would the tired words of an old man too drunk to be serious. If you truly seek peace, return from where you came and let these events conclude…

Firstly “Argent Dawn” is not a nation. Its more like a crimesyndicate. Their agents are stealing gold in south ,east, north and west. NP and other nations who suffer from this have legal right to do something preventive with it.

Funny, but we recieved reports that Argent Dawn had nearly 10000 gold stolen from him last turn. Are we expected to believe these are the actions of counteragents? More likley some swabbie from the south crept through an open window, shanked a guard in the back, and helped himself to Argent Dawn’s coffers.