A more apt question is where were their own Lords and King while this happened? Drunk with power, or drunk with absentmindedness? Are you telling me that the mighty South Kingdom did not notice a great kingdom form right on his own doorstep? Never mind that this kingdom offered to anchor the very flank that you saw is threatened by them? It took 1000 years since the reign of Aragorn Elessar for this kingdom to form. Where have you been, O King?
Around here, towers pop up in two weeks, forts in four. Less than a month will see a pack of bandits in the woods turn into a burgeoning settlement. It isn’t the towns and villages that stop our travel, it is the forts and towers. This would be an easier pill to swallow were the fortifications not in place, and particularly the greater fortifications facing my realm to the east, instead of the wilderness to the west.
No, someone wanted to keep my people from their loved ones in Dol Amroth… and they barred the way with forts and towers.
My dear Tarry,
We do have our own voices thank you. If you really think others must take stance to defend us, or that they need bribes to discuss your attempt at whitewashing your naked aggression, now might be a good time to see a good brain surgeon. Piling contempt on threm when they’re just reacting to your hogwash as any normal person would do, is not the best way to advance your cause.
Facts are really plain : You attack us in conjonction with the Pirates of Penzance, however you paint it. As far as we’re concerned that makes you an ennemy. Nothing big really, happens all the time. Now, if you want to portray yourself as the victim here, in this society of players who knows one another and saw all the tricks/attempts, I do suggest you buy a very good PR firm this day hence for your current attempt wouldn’t pass by a 5y old.
Greetings from Occitania
It seems things are getting warm in the area.
SK attacking Argent Down, NK menacing SK and asking QotD to allow pass through their land …
We don’t see incursion in Argent Down as the first step for SK to get into Occitania, and just un case that could happen, we would not be as easy to beat as that.
We also don’t understand NK position regarding Argent Down legal defence, since NK told us he would defend Non Allieged Nations.
However our nation stands well guarded by our brave soldiers, and we believe we will be able to coexist with our neightbours for a loong time, and even Argent Dawn,s fall seems that could leave the region in a entire Darkness, we believe there is light enough in our land to blow it in case it gets closer.
We will stay neutral right now, we are not going to enter this spiral of destruction, specially if nothing has been done to avoid it.
Many seem to be posting with no more of a signature than their UserID’s. Unfortunately, I cannot place most of the userIDs with players (let alone nations in game 144).
Could everyone please sign their posts with at least a nation name? I think it adds a lot of ‘flavor’ to all the diatribes and posturing of the various nations to know exactly who those nations are.
Mike Mulka
The Legacy
Ha! About time someone moved to support the Monstrous Regiment. Just in time to save his city. Of course you can’t expect that I am suprised, I’m more surprised this army didn’t arrive 3 turns ago to save his second MT from becoming yet another Dwarven outpost. I see you put the head of one of our dwarven commanders at the gates of Borogravia. He willingly gave his life against the walls of your city. Us Dwarves know that the value of a single Dwarf is small, compared to the income loss to your nation. After all, that’s just about the only pop center you have left, eh?
Ah well. To show we are not pigs like the DS, we have sent the bodies of your agent Igorina and we will soon send the body of your Commander Chris Clodhead back to you for proper burial. While some may protest their execution for acts against the Dwarves, we will at least maintain our own dignity and return them to you intact, if but slightly dead. Nevermind the ropemarks around their necks.
Belegost Dwarves
Hear ye, Hear ye!
The Courtesans of Hedonicia hereby claims rightful ownership of the lands and cities of Runehorn. Too long have the peoples of Runehorn been repressed and stymied in their rightful pursuit of pleasure. Too long have they suffered under the hypocrosy of their “Free rulership”.
Yes peoples of Runehorn - soon the doors of our pleasure palaces will be opened wide for you as we march to liberate and free you from the yoke of moral oppression.
And to those who may doubt the will of the people of Runehorn, note that no army could be raised to meet us, for the people would not have of it. So we march uncontested into Runehorn cities, where the people will meet our armies of liberation with rose petals on the streets, holding their babies up for blessings, rejoicing at their new found freedom, and singing balads of joy.
Yes, it is joy and happiness that we bring to Runehorn. Let the celebrations begin!
Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire
Hi there, stunty
nice to see you delighting yourselves with your small success. Regarding the fact that your alliance is failing everywhere else, that might stop you from giving up too early for my revenge to come through.
The value of a dwarf is small, that is correct. Following that, the presence of many dwarves makes it even smaller - that is called inflation. I am surprised that you need the help of your vertically challenged friends the ironheads to take me out, a nation of helpless women.
Besides, I wonder how you would manage to hang your hostages? Piling on three of your buggers to reach that high? From what I know, Dwarves are known to “beknee” (i.e. cutting off the legs at knees height) their larger victims and letting them bleed to death. So much for dignity.
Bring it on, we’ll see who laughs last.
OOC: “Beknee” - ROFL
Hear ye! Hear ye!
The North Kingdom does now find that the region that was once known as Rhudaur is still, under ancient law, the rightful property of it’s Dunedain lords.
The North Kingdom does hereby claim all land from Bree to the Misty Mtns which lies in the region of Rhudaur.
In surveying our property, we have discovered that an abomination of brothels and worse have opened operation in our land.
Hedonica has been weighed…and your nation has been found wanting.
Of course the North Kingdom, unlike it’s little brother is a humane and kind state. We do not seek any undue suffering of Hedonistic thralls.
My King has found the kindness in his heart to allow you to keep your lives, if you can find it in your coffers to pay the meager tribute of 5,000 gold/2 weeks. This is due in full before the change of the next moon. If you do not pay the proper tribute…history will show that you would have sealed your own doom.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The rag tag criminals, demon worshippers, and necrophiliacs known as Queen of Damned have attacked my innocent forces which were in the area on a peacekeeping mission. They are also guilty of war crimes and atrocities against the benevolent North Kingdom.
For this they have been relieved of their pitiful unlives. Why oh why did you not heed our cries to step aside and allow us to bring Tarthalion to justice?
For this mistake you must also pay for the crime of Tarthalion. We will also offer the generous chance to pay the same tribute amount that Hedonica was given. For Hedonica and QoD if you do not honor my kind offer.
Of course, like my brother, this does not mean the North Kingdom declares war on all DS. Only the nations that dare attempt to interfere in our efforts to spread Freedom and Liberty.
-Ambassador Abraxus (North Kingdom)
Since the North Kingdom does claim lordship over the Rhudar region, does this mean the North Kingdom will be ejecting the Runehorn occupants from their land as well?
To some of us, actions speaks far louder than words.
Lord of Smaafolket
Runehorn controls the region once known as Angmar. They respect and honor the old laws set up by my Numenorean ancestors.
Hedonica has by deceit and appeasement set up brothels and fleshpots in the Dunedain region of Rhudaur, which decay the moral fibre of my citizens.
Smallfolket, it is best to remain silent or at least display respect amongst thy superiors. Or has the frozen wastes blinded you to the obvious. Your cause is defeated, your lords are corrupt. Your God was killed by a small halfling, and your Nazgul are nothing more than dust. Crawl back into the dark hole you have crept, or face the light of TRUTH and surrender before Light.
I shall receive thy missive as the powerless cries of lost souls which knows thy time is up.
To the remaining undecided nations…join TRUTH, join FREEDOM, join VICTORY! -Ambassador Abraxus (North Kingdom)
Well Well Well,
it’s fun to see the old ambassador is able to ply the official trade of the diplomat: Saying one thing and doing another! He’s been a frequent visitor to our houses of pleasure, and now is on a soapbox decrying them as sources of moral decay. Heh Heh…
As to paying 5000 gold to the North Kingdom, Hedoncia hereby states that it is we who are used to being paid for services. We see no reason to pay your mighty kingdom, though since a good portion of our clientel comes from NK pops, we do see why you’d want some of the gold back…
As stated before, Hedonicia claims rightful ownership of Runehorn lands. The peoples of Runehorn have opened their gates for us. They don’t even raise armies to fight us. why shouldn’t we liberate them? Soon our armies will march to the NK to begin the liberation of your peoples as well.
Peoples of the Northwest shall throw off the yoke of oppression imposed by free peoples “high morals”! Join the revolution and live your life to maximum pleasure!
Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire
Alas the lies of Hedonica fail to tarnish our good name.
I only visited your halls to see for myself the depravity and abominations which you pass as pleasure. I do not remember ever partaking of the sick and twisted services you offer.
Your cancer will be cleansed mark my words. The vice tightens upon your illegal activities, thy Jezebel of lies and filth.
Your co-conspiraters also fall into my trap. A village seems a small price to pay for a city and a town, thank you Dark and deprived Servants for such a gift… (A.A.NK)
Noble Sir,
In our trade, many such as yourself are known to say this more simply by stating “I like to watch”. We find nothing wrong in that Sir, but we do charge for it…
Behind me Harlot! :mad:
You will pay for your insolence!
The Tower of Weathertop shall become your prison as you ponder your foolish deviant mistakes until your lifeforce fails. (Ambassador Abraxus NK)
Beat me
Whip me
ooo yeahhh.
NK, you are ever so forceful!
Are you sure that you just “like to watch?”
Or… Maybe there’s something to this “getting behind you” thing. Just what exactly do you have in mind? we do work to ensure satisfaction.
Dave, My email is no longer reaching you, seems blocked.
Was it somthin I said? :rolleyes:
Write me pls.
-Joe (NK)
:mad: So the Dark Servants have attacked an innocent and neutral nation eh. One must consider the source. Do you riff raff have nothing better to do than steal from and attack your betters?
Well now my hand is forced.
You also will feel my wrath!
Your fleeting age is drawing nigh.
Hear that?
Those are the drums of doom signalling your end is upon you.
So by all means, spend some more time attacking my wilderness outposts. I will be waving from your liberated capitals.
-Ambassador Abraxus (North Kingdom)
Dearest Ambassador Abraxus,
those armies that we see marching toward us – they couldn’t possibly be the “innocents” you mention, now could they?
As to the drums you hear. Those aren’t drums of doom. They’re the percussion sections at various nightclubs in the cities of Hedonicia. Don’t you just love the Rhythm? It’s so primal… gets one back in touch with one’s inner animal. And oooohh, we do so love it when our customers’ inner animals are released!
So, if those armies marching our direction are indeed innocent, we aim to correct that deficiency. They won’t be innocent when the few surviving soldiers return home… <wink & wicked grin>
Diane de Poitiers
Courtesan Extraordinaire