Are you kidding , SG gave cardie the 20.00 to bribe the pirate. Otherwise SG would have a boring game shipping troops to the front. Soon the pirate fleet will be impotent ,wlaking around with their sextant on land . Harad heck he can’t take nothing from NG. He’ll lose his fleet too. At least he has ponies.
Demand naval help hell I can’t keep them away.
Belechael II
Hey Freeps,
I hear through the grapevine that you guys are a bit upset at the neutrals. From what I have seen and heard you guys blew it big time. Now I want to ask you guys straight, Are you going to fold if the Neutrals declare Dark? That’s not to cool if you do. You fellows drop the ball with them and then cry about it? Is there some rule that no matter what the one side does they deserve to have neutrals join them? Going to use the game balance excuse? From what I have heard you lost them we didn’t win them. Something to think about while your crying…
From the arctic places of middle earth, nazgul and neutrals with hearts of ice and steel have joined Sauron’s banner. You guys are harsh. Have pity on the elves - the Noldo have put themselves on the front lines every chance they got! That’s sacrifice for the team, its not Elrond’s fault the neutrals didn’t appreciate it.
Greetings american rust. Is that a grapevine you heard from or have you been drinking from it. I guess you must have access to our private talks. Anyway fear not as our decisions will not be influenced one way or the other on what you think is cool. Is there some rule that says if the newts go DS we can’t drop.
Game balance hmmm the first I’ve heard of that in this game is from you. You seem to be coming up with excuses for us. Have you had lotsa experience at coming up with excuses. Maybe we make you the free excuse director.
However cheer up as we’ll see to it one nation doesn’t quit so you’ll can continue the fun. So prepare your bug spray and plan the hunt.
Belechael Jr.
You know Junior B? I’m getting real tired of everyone looking at the Quiet Avenger force as some kind of second-class citizenry in the empire of evil. We employ lots of orcs homesteading, mining, trading, and writing propaganda leaflets. I think its important work. Some people just have a very particular job to do, and I think I resent the way Gondor disrespects us. You know that part in The Two Towers movie when that one shirtless orc carries the bomb into the sewer great at Helm’s Deep. That gimp-orc didn’t do that much, and what he did do was very specific and important. I’m a lot like that. Yea, like the powder keg tucked into your craw thats gonna explode. So watch out.
Thanks for not quitting, I understand the endless torrent of mocking can be a hard thing to weather alone. You should ask the rest of your Free People, who won’t be quitting, to help you out on here.
I don’t remeber seeing that particular orc in the 3rd movie however. But plenty of defenders made it to 3.
My bragadosa is enough for the entire team, so help is not needed.
We’ll stick around long enough to screw up a few newts as our small last gasp. Easterl. and harad are the easiest 2 to get to so the corsair maybe safe for a while.
While the Qa is usually a minor player ,with the 3 southern newts going your way really makes the QA irrelevent. You are now like the thief in conan the destroyer who after conan kills the monster runs up and stabs the dead beast and declares victory. :>) Not your fault just a fact of life.
Good turn or bad you at least speak up.
Belechael Jr.
Originally posted by Nick
the corsair maybe safe for a while.
Phew~! I have time to change these soiled bedclothes and freshen up before you come and scare me again! :eek:
Nick, I think that the Free owe you a debt of gratitude for your stout and determined defence of their efforts!
Now if your commanders fought as hard as you talked we’d be in trouble .
B]Phew~! I have time to change these soiled bedclothes [/b]
Shouldn’t that be soiled panties considering those long lonely voyages you seadogs take.
Now if your commanders fought as hard as you talked we’d be in trouble
True but they last long enough to kill off your armies before dieing. No armies have disbanded yet. But you do kill off meaning less guys who have plenty of backups. Keep up that brilliant stratagy and we have good chance of coming back.
Belechael II
Hello Freeps,
Well I just gotta say that the Nations in the North need to get the South Gondor forces up here soon or I might not have any more invasions. Maybe I should begin to just check in on you at your pops for once eh? What a bloody turn. We would have buried your dead but we couldn’t even find bones…just ash
See you boys soon…
PS I told you I would look great riding a Dragon. You didn’t think sooo.
That’s embarassing when the Witch King trash talks you. I guess thats why we don’t see Arthedain and Cardolan on here. At least you still have some “game.” One of these days I will avenge the humiliations at 2425 and Pelagir. Just you watch, I’ve been saving bronze and steel scraps and rearing puppy dogs. One day there will be an actual honest-to-goodness army marching under the Quiet Avenger. Its gonna have heavy cavalry and everything. You will have to throw in the towel then. It will be just like when we blew the heck out of Minas Ithil.
I hope you mend we as the “DS” we cause I saw no QA troops in Minas Ithil, although you are right SG did get a bit of a trashing there, I thought it was a fair deal to trade 1200 HI and a pet dragon against 400 HC and 2600 HI SG troops.
But I will stand up and cheer the might QA heavy cav as they march through Dol Amroth. Show SG your might: Trample them under your puppy dogs claws. Rip the heart out of Belechael II to IX.
Martin /IK
Mon dieu, Nick, I didn’t realize you are an LSU fan. If it weren’t for you being the opposition I would have had to chime in with some support for the champions of my mother-state. You know, like the Saints!
Saints , your right they are from here , almost forgot. Another La. native heads for houston. Seems i’ve heard that before.
LA? Saints? What the? U-M-B-A-R folks, that’s where it’s at. And I’m disappointed in Andy Roos, or whatever the chick at Cajun Corner charged me $15 for. No flavour, all after-kick in my jambalya. Will try Tony’s, I suppose…
Long before the Superdome,
Where the Saints of football play,
There’s a city where the damned call home,
Hear their hellish rondelet…
Yea, it would have pleased me greatly to find a job in New Orleans, and I can say with a straight face I am not succumbing to “brain drain” and staying where I went to school. I found a job in a different state altogether.
VEO, the nice thing about Tony Chachere’s is that it can give a flavor to anything. The bad thing about Tony Chachere’s is that it makes everything taste like Tony Chachere’s. I’ve been pretty pleased with the “Ragin’ Cajun” in Houston for spicy cajun authenticity.
New Orleans is slowly dying. I tell young guys if they can get out , go. Heck over the last 30 years about 80% of people I grew up with live out of state now.
Veo knows better. Hell if he would have been born 200 years ealier they would have thrown his arse out also and he’ld be living down here too.
Alot like Gondor, in a way.
Originally posted by Nick
Veo knows better. Hell if he would have been born 200 years ealier they would have thrown his arse out also and he’ld be living down here too.
Sorry Swamp Thing. I’m Quebecois. Them guys were tossed from their pathetic dikes in Acadia whilst my guys were shiverring to death a little north west of there. By the time we screwed up enough to be taken over, there were too many of us to be exported. I don’t expect that kind of problem in Gondor. I’ll be kinder than the British and Ask you where you’d like me to send you? Or should I just burn it all and let the peasants die in the wild?
Angamaite Brunet
Nous sommes nazguls et fiers des etre! It really amused me when I found out that ALCFES, the organization that sponsors tons of the French Language education in Louisiana was funded by the Alliance Francais (in turn funded by the French Gov’t). Its so humorously subversive, but they did put on a nice convention. Mordor should start sponsoring orcish language classes in Gondor too. There could be cultural events, bake-offs, craft boutiques, and everything! A good time to be had by all. But yea, M. Brunet, you should not mock les Cadiens; or I’m gonna have to break out the America Jr. jokes.