Game 2, POWER Game

Happy Thanksgiving all,

The DS have their orders in. Lets get it in gear you freeps. We want the see the gory results and the smoking horseflesh in our bbq pits.

Mouth of the Mouth of Sauron

The same Happy Thanksgiving to everyone…

All FP orders are in as well. There is nothing on our side to get in gear, other then the righteous might of our War Machines to crush and banish your evil from the world. This includes your new serfdoms of slavery-Rhudaur and Dunlendings. Worry not, we are endeavoring to hasten your demise. It would be best if you flung yourselves upon your fell blades now…

Elrond of the Noldo

Some early, and somewhat unusual, large pops falling. 3224 was a nice stroke there FP, Sinda city also, Arthy MT, WK town, NM pops in run and Rhovanion pops threatened. Not a quiet game, that is for sure.


No kidding - Tarondor’s death scream was so loud I could hear it from the rampart of the Black Gate…

Yes, well…yes…hateful stare

I am going to burn your cities to the ground. When I topple your dark thrones from the mountains of Mordor we will see how loud the death cries are.

Elatar, new King of the Gondors.

Dear Unclean one.
Sorry to clean out your home. :rolleyes:

QA, you are next…

So, is everyone trying to get their turns in today, so we can get another turn on Monday?

Given no response from either DS or FP to my email this AM indicating Harad’s declaration for FP, I won’t have orders submitted until Monday when I hope that FP start coordinating with me… hint hint…

The Free Peoples rejoice in the mighty Haradwaith and Corsaris joining our brotherhood in banishing evil from Middle-Earth. Woe unto you nations of evil, no hole in Mordor will be deep enough for you to hide. Lack of a few bridges will not stop us!

Elrond of the Noldo

Ha! Do your worst. I would be happy to entertain the survivors in my multitude of oubliettes! On the other hand, the Scoundrels of Umbar and Heathens of Harad will need all the help they can get!

All in all this will certainly make for an interesting game!



Too bad for the difference in perspective on “game balance.”

Since the Freeps seem to be a little “Slow” in co-ordinating with you and this on your first exchange, how bad will they be when they are taking you for granted in a few turns time? :rolleyes: It’s not too late you know to get with the strength! :stuck_out_tongue: Go on, you know you want to. :wink:

Regards Herman

Yeah, move half of those 11 MTs and 10 towns (and a city) to the DS! Then you can have your intra-Harad war!

Not to mention something remotely resembling a challenge… I mean, it won’t take you long to capture my colossal empire of 2 MTs and a bunch of camps… :stuck_out_tongue:


QA speed bump! It’ll be to quick to be that messy. Just close your eyes, and try to think of your happy place for the next few turns…

So far the game seems balanced.

The DS have been playing with 2 NTs for the last 2 or 3 turns. Making whatever they would out of a 12 v 10 split while they had it. Angmar is certainly competitve, the Gondor bridge is down, and Morannon has hardly been threatened this game. Clearly the DS have burnt their share of Rhun popcens, and where is the LR cav anyway?

Despite a lack of any communication, EA is playing a DS oriented game, and apparently the EA has been talking to the DS. The FP have collectively 2 emails from him. I would call this a 12.5 v 12 split at this point.

What is annoying is our (DS/FP/NT) collective inability to get the turns done more quickly. I think it may be worth discussing the issue at this game’s end. A lot of the problems may be due to individuals, but I think some of the problems are/were systemic:

1)The T0 PDFs said the game would start in 14 days instead of 7.
2)NT announcing he would flip, but that he would make the decision on the weekend before a Monday due date.
3)Several shadow turns ahve already been run holding everyone up.
4)The national holiday in the States probably slowed some people down. It certainly affected me.

It came to light that the FP had been leaving a letter out of the Easterling email address, hence all the failed comms. I, apparently, had been as well for a turn or so.

I would say #3 is the worst problem.

Yes, and I am the FP that spotted the EA’s error (

After I sent him an email with the correct address, he still only responded once and that came in on a weekend before a Monday turn. And then we heard nothing again.

Pearly for all your math, you seem to be missing one fact. The Harad/Corsairs seem to have primarily gone your way due to “game balance” not stunning skills or diplomacy. You take that out of the mix and you might have been staring down a different sort of game.


Let’s be fair, in a less then one week game turn 2 both Dun and Rhud go DS, which is not much chance for anyone to show “stunning skills” in anything. I think, people go the way they go and in our case good players like our Rhud and the Dun like to buck up to the challenge of a good fight in the West, cheers for them-let the blood fly. For this same reason I went DS in game 90 as the Dun and I think you where upset your team did not get all the neutrals there to?

But any team that gets 5 neutrals is going to have a major edge, so saying that things would different if that happen is really a moot and silly point. How’s that Math? You say the Corsair and Harad join us not because they wanted to but because they felt they wanted a balanced game, I’m not really sure what this means. People join a side for whatever reasons they deem fun. Let it be that and nothing more. So….mighty Cloud Lord lets not have any sour grapes or mud flinging over the FP getting some neutrals in the game, show us those skills your boasting over. Maybe if you use your great “diplomacy” skills on me I’ll have the noldo attack Arthedain!

Hears to a quick turnaround this week my orders have been sent I can do nothing more.