Game 21 Begins

Calmuad entered the Great Hall in Larach Duhnan with something of a spring in his step, not out of any particular good feeling, purely to avoid the refuse and crap strewn across the capital’s streets.

The Great Hall itself was a grand affair, but only if you considered straw, rotting wood and dung grand.

Still, the stench and the smoke was familiar and comforting to Calmuad, and in these dark times of peril and war solace could be found in even a ****hole such as this.

Calmuad made his way through the Great Hall towards the throne at the end, though the smoke from the spits not only obscured his vision but began to make his eyes water. The going was slow, as the various drunk warriors and dogs lying about, some of which had probably died years ago of natural causes (judging by the smell) were often dangerous when stood on.

Eventually he reached the throne, upon which slumped mighty Enion 74th, High King of Dunland.

Enion was a majestic figure, in Dunnish eyes anyway, as he embodied all they thought noble and great, which meant he was fat, hairy, never washed and was covered in gaudy bronze rings and torcs.

The mighty King slurped from his flagon, belched and nodded at the prostrate emissary before him.

“Wha…who…wha you want?” He said.
“Mighty Lord, August Chief of Chiefs, I bring word of the war” Calmuad spoke, standing up and wiping his hands on his robe, not daring to look at what he had put his hands in.

“War! War! Fuggin’ great, c’mon lads, lets go lootin’”, the King said, struggling to rise from his throne, his tankard raised in the air.

“Yes Great One, the war, as discussed we have reached an agreement with the Free Peoples of Middle Earth in their Righteous Struggle against the foul hordes of Sauron and the perfidious barbarians of Rhun”

“Dats just fuggin great, lets get going” slurred the King, again struggling to rise from his throne. “Bout time we showed them fuggin horseboys in Rohan and dem snooty elves a lesson, lets kill ‘em all, and them stunty dwarves as well, fuggin hate them, singin’ bout gold all the time, kill 'em all, c’mon lads!”

“Uh, not quite Glorious Leader,” Calmuad said, “If you remember the meeting we had, the one with all the pretty pictures, its actually the men of Rohan and their allies that we are joining.”

“Wha?” said the King, “dem bunch of nancies? Don’ remember dat”.
“The big meeting we had last week Majesty, with all the maps and treaties?”
Enion shook his head, no.
“With all the diplomats, and that nice man from Rohan you tried to stab?”
Enion shook his head, no.
“The elves gave you those nice robes and a manicure set?”
Enion shook his head, no.
“The troupe of dwarven mimes? The ones you had your dogs chase out of the hall?”
Enion shook his head, no.
“You had your green kilt on Majesty”
“Fuggin right, dats the one, got ya” Enion said, his sluggish mind finally remembering.

“Thats it your Majesty, well done! Anyway, I’m here to inform you that we are sending envoys out to formally inform other nations of our decision, we don’t expect the ones sent to Angmar and Mordor to come back in one piece obviously”

“Right, right, yeah, so lets get goin then, muster the lads and lets get to burning. Fuggin Rohan won’t know what hit 'em…”

Calmuad sighed, it was going to be a long, long day.


I’m still alive.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

And the Freeps are missing a few heads…bye bye BEORN, EOWYN, BENEORACER.

Nice to see the Freeps giving us a sporting chance by leaving Morgul hidden. Jolly decent of them!

THE VOICE of Adunaphel

Well, I guess we should have seen it coming. Now you have corrupted even Clint. And here I thought he was a straight laced, good natured guy. Who knew he wanted to be a Nazgul. Well, I’ll do my best to send him into the next world as soon as I can.

Hmm… Lets see. Duns went Free. KE went DS. RE were pushed DS. now what will happen with the WW and corsairs.

Ben Cook

P.S. Enough with the agents already. We are having bad enough luck with the artifacts, without your stinkin agents getting in the way everywhere. :slight_smile:

Well get back to you on that...there might be some good vacation property around Rhun that wed be interested in…throw that in and a couple hundred thousand gold and we`ll take a few turns off. whatyasay?


Flatulent Reek, Vampire Conquerer!

Originally posted by Baja21
[b]Well, I guess we should have seen it coming. Now you have corrupted even Clint. And here I thought he was a straight laced, good natured guy. Who knew he wanted to be a Nazgul. Well, I’ll do my best to send him into the next world as soon as I can.

Hmm… Lets see. Duns went Free. KE went DS. RE were pushed DS. now what will happen with the WW and corsairs.

Ben Cook

P.S. Enough with the agents already. We are having bad enough luck with the artifacts, without your stinkin agents getting in the way everywhere. :slight_smile: [/b]

I know something you don’t know… Snicker

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Very quiet over there…

…have the setbacks cowed you so much??? But, look, you have a shiny new bridge at Osgiliath to admire…im sure the people of Caras Galadhon, Imladris and the Woodmen MTs will appreciate it all the more when they are homeless…

THE VOICE of Adunaphel

Snaga is now refusing to keep his diary going as he believes no one is listening - come on FREEPS! get posting this is getting tediously boring with just US on the board

Snaga sulking

Yikes! Sorry I haven’t had the time to properly exchange insults and barbs. Work has been truly absorbing and won’t let up until after June 9. Of course we will have won by then, so maybe it all won’t matter! (grin)
Nice Hack in DG btw!
JAD - Belagered but not Beaten Woodmen!

Hail Comrades!
What a wonderful fortnight we have had! I was trekking in the White
Mountains, looking for a suitable location for “The Eagles Nest”, a luxury
retreat complex for Our Lord SAURON, paid for out of Party Dues, when i
heard of the sweeping success for the Empire. It seems that it won`t be long
before Gondor is once more part of our Living Space…

A break out from Mt.Gram now seems well timed: ROGROG captured 1512, headed
off for Imladris and is now in striking range of the curiously abandoned
Noldo Capital. Did the Elfies get jittery? I wonder why?? Anyway, at Gram
the poxy-ridden Rangers of Bree destroyed the Witch-Kings army then ARAGROPE
[as hes known with the kitchen staff of The Prancing Pony] threatened the away. But, what about poor old ELROHIR? I do hope he doesnt
disagree with TURUKULONs digestive tract or it could be rather messy up sure the wise dragon will spit out those shiny, valuable
artifacts just in time for us to pick them up. I do hope that there isn`t
another “accident” there this turn…

Speaking of accidents…oh dear, freepies, not a good turn for the Freep
Conspiracy in Mirkwood. GLORFINDEL tried his luck with ASHBURGNUL and was
given [i`m sure not for the first time] the cold shoulder, only to turn up
somewhere hardly less dangerous. But what is glory-boy doing at 2409? Has he
gone there to hire an army. Are the freep so hard-pressed in Mirkwood? Oh,
well, there goes another option…and all of that after BOLG had marched
upon 2508. The panicy Woodmen had GRIMBEORN chase him back from 2405…but
it wont be enough. Time is running out for BEORNs boys. Earlier,
BENEORACER had been chibbed and his army dispersed, the fort reduced to a
lonely tower at 2508.
There was some good news at 2610, where the rampaging cavalry of BULRAKUR
was finally coralled by AEGNOR of the Noldo, though precious few elves were
left to aid in the desparate defence of the mutant animal lovers.
At Dol Guldor, an long anticipated victory was made hollow by DS agents; 4
armies of the Free defeated the forces of GASKBUZ defending the proud
woodland realm of KHAMUL, but only the paltry army of ERIDAL the Sinda
remains now; BEORN went to his grave rueing his wasted days frolicking in
the woods with all manner of fauna, whilst the good woman FERRET plied her
trade with all and sundry in his stead. An assassins knife took the Woodman
leader and scattered his army. Likewise, EOWYN the Fair, was laid-low by DIN
OHTAR and her force destroyed by grief and lack of leadership. In disarray,
BORNBENEORs army charged the mighty walls of Dol Guldor and was destroyed along with its commander. And for what? Nothing was achieved except the
loss of the Woodmens 5th commander in 9 turns. Oh dear. My heart is
bleeding. And now they have enemies at the very gates of their capital!
Agents in woods, traitors in their midst and other cliches…
To top off a poor week, Caras Galadhon, City/Tower was revealed in all its glory [sic]. Shouldnt be too hard to topple…

What a lovely vacation location this is. No doubt that intellectual giant
ENION will savour the rich ironies when we start to transport his worthless
people there for him! URZAHIL, ever the one to want to catch Our Lords eye [well how couldnt you?!?] has come up with a cunning idea: apparently when
we liberate Dunland and Angrenost he has big plans for Rhun. The wide open
plains will be used to “resettle” the great unwashed horde of Dunnish
livestock, er, noble savages. Nearby the freed Uber-Orcs of SARUMAN will
construct work camps to furnish all the things for the peaceful ages that
follow the Great War of Liberation! The humans will supply the willing
labour and, er, food for the soldiers. Nonetheless URZY has promised that
the transported and resettled Duns will eventually be granted their Freedom
Through Work. Meanwhile their former lands will be settled by the deserving
peasant families of War Veterans. It all works out in the end according to
Our Masters Grand Design! But , what of the present i hear you ask? Well…
The Easterlings Brotherhood have rejoined! KHAND has come to the aid of Rhun
and answerred the call of SAURON! OVATHA has pledged his allegiance to the
cause of The One Eye and vowed to push all Capitalist-Pig-Dog Aggressors
from Easterling soil. This fortnight his troops moved on Rhubar [4415]
finding it to be a shiny new MT/Tower. All the better to build a base from!
More of his troops under ROLY MO entered DILGUL [4217] and found it
unprotected. Meanwhile two large armies under RIBBLE [KE] and SWITHWULF
[Northmen] meet at 4421 this turn. The Freeps finally got their act
together and took the former Rhun capital at 4014.I`m sure GIRION and BALIN
will be very happy there together. That prime stump-fiend THORIN continues
to gobble up ickle Rhunite camps [well it beats actually facing an enemy in
battle]. Things should get very interesting out here in the weeks to come.

The Freeps continue along with their costly plan to flood Fire Alley.
Perhaps, they dont have an alternative plan? Anyway, they rebuilt the Osgiliath Bridge and sent over thousands of troops. Unfortunately, none of their troops already at Osgiliath had managed to break out. So here we are, with roughly similar forces staring at each other, fighting over a worthless seaside town gone to seed. Now decorated in various shades of claret and, quiet frankly, unless SNAGA is exaggerating...starting to stink. But, we of Mordor are used to ill-odour. For generations weve been forced to live in a
barren wasteland next to a bloody big reeking volcano! Worse still, some
poor orclings have had to live next door to REN! So, do we feel sorry for
the poor manfolk of Osgiliath? Do we feck! At least you can eat the
wallpaper and carpets if you get peckish…
Minas Morgul remains hidden. Did we say thanks for that? Not that it
matters, you`ll never get back to it, much less retake it.

Youll be glad to know ive been perusing the records again:



Keep up the good work, praise SAURON, etc

FLATULENT REEK, Bard of Barduath.

I’d like to announce that I’ll be redecorating the interior of Mordor with a nice floral pattern.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I always thought orcs in pink was a nice touch.


Wow Clint, you came with more of a punch than I thought. Looks like I may be having to pack my bags up as well. Ben, can you recommend a good moving company for the Rhun Sea area?

Well, Nazgul Moving and Storage did a nice job for me. They managed to pack everything up and nothing was lost, although I’m rather upset that my fine Dwarven China Tea Set was broken. Clumsy orcs. And Nazgul Realty found me a nice little place down south and out of the way. It’s warm, a little sandy, but hey the rent is cheap and I’ve got a nice view of, well, sand. But the best part is that I haven’t got any pesky neighbors intruding on my living space. You could ask the elves for help, but they’re really selfish and I wouldn’t trust them to move anything more than themselves onto ships heading west.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings


Wow Clint, you came with more of a punch than I thought. Looks like I may be having to pack my bags up as well. Ben, can you recommend a good moving company for the Rhun Sea area?"

I hear it’s nice there this time of year. Shame I wanted 4013 but the rest of the guys weren’t able to get a holiday. Something about Mirkwood - now who would want to holiday there? :slight_smile:

Clint (player)

Good lord! I would NOT want to see the billing on THAT reconstruction project…
Jeffery A.
(still no time to insult - oh heck. Nyah nyah nyah. Ya missed me!)

Sarn Goriwing? financed that out of petty cash…wait till you see where we really spent the money you’ll be impressed then I’ll tell ya!


“I would NOT want to see the billing on THAT reconstruction project…”


You WISH you could take it in the first place…


Hail Comrades!

An interesting week in SAURONIA. The pressure continues on the Freep
Empire, despite their ineffectual attempts at an “offensive” on Fire
Alley. I have of course been collecting as much information as i can
whilst i improve camps to villages etc. We have agents everwhere, as
you know, not just in The White Mountains and Dunland. It was sad,
but inevitable, i guesss that the Dunnish went Freep, i can only
conclude the White Wizard has joined them through fear of being over-
run. If only he`d dropped us a single note asking for assistance and
we would have showered him with gifts of help. But we are not bitter,
nor the kind of allegiance that will attack a neutral nation by
surprise, without the least provocation. As such the WW and Corsairs
remain free to contact us for terms of alliance. There is always time
to break the silence before making hasty decisions about whose side
you will join in the War of Liberation!

Somewhat quiet this week. Only ROGROGs wanderings and the demise of ELROHIR are of note. What a party there was at Mount Gundabad when the news reached MURAZORs [somwhat vague, admittedly] ears about the
Half-Elf`s run in with TURUKULON. And he was the Freeps best
agent!!! I guess they can always put it down to bad luck? Just goes
to show that Freeplings should not trek in the Misty Mountains!

Speaking of Gundabad, the offensive on Mirkwood continues! Armies
continue to issue barely opposed from the Witch-Kings domain and cause havoc in the woodland realm. At MAETHELBURG, BOLG destroyed the rabble of Woodmutants under GRIMBEORN and remains at the Woody back- up, now facing a Noldo Army under ASCARNIL. I guess the Woodfreaks are running short of commanders to send..? The map suggests otherwise, with 8 Freepish icons showing up. Perhaps their allies have panicked and come to their support? In case the "Other-Other Elves", the Silvans, hadnt noticed; yes we did reveal your capital
this turn! Okay, you revealed 2908, but its a CITY/FORT compared to your MT/FORT. Ours is bigger than yours! Have you been sitting on your hands again, trying to make one go numb? Or futilely chasing artifacts? We know you havent been supporting the Dwarves and
There was further intrigue at 2711, where a Doggie army moved onto
the WM capital only to [not] find it hidden in magical mists. Could
the Mantle of Doriath be there? Tasty. Still, we can always remedy
that…It is a pity about Minas Morgul now being revealed, but i
guess you knew it was there all along?
At 2409, GOBLIN-GATE, there was a tustle involving his largeness, EL-
ROUND, who managed to evade the knives of DS assassins by waddling
into a secret cave as best he could and getting the bodies of GILDOR
and GLORFINDEL in the way of the blows. All walked away with their
lives, but the dignity of EL-ROTUND [at having his lardy posterior
seen by the enemy. His disguise hadnt worked you see as he neglected to change his "I BEAT ANOREXIA" t-shirt and mincing gait] and GILDOR got chibbed in the backside. Im sure not for the first time.
At 2715, the lightweight Sinda Army under ERIDAL [i reckon there are 370 HI] tried to seige the CITY/KEEP. We laughed our assets off.
Almost as funny as the hiding of Morgul!
At 3109, we got away with 10,000 gold pieces. Though they are hard to
carry they will be put to good use; maybe another 1000 doggie HC in
Mirkwood? Sweet.

You may not believe me, but Rhun is getting interesting!
The Dwarves and Northmen continue to carve up former Easterling
possessions, but have neglected their own! THORIN finds it fun to
threaten RE camps whilst his ally is being swamped.
At Dilgul, 4217, the town was burned to the ground by ROLY MO of the
Khand Easterlings. Her HC is now at the Northmen MT/Tower, at 4415,
unnopposed. KIONID has moved to the equally empty Silvan town at
Better news for the Freeps saw SWITHWULF defeat a KE army of 800HC
under RIBBLE at 4421 and BARD burnt the camp at 4425.

The bridge at Osgiliath remains up. By order of Our Master. All the
better for our offensive on the Gondors. The hard work is done, we
are now out-recruiting the Freeps in Fire Alley! So why spend loads
on timber when we can roll over the shoddy pontoon bridge furnished
by , wait a minute…ill get it...who is in charge of North Gondor now? Whats the line of succession of the Bar-Stewards of Gondor? Let
me check and get back to you…oh yeah, ECTHELION was executed this
turn, along with his friend ARGIRION, BOROMIR was already dead, but
DENETHOR is still out there. For the moment. What his state of mind
is, one can only guess. The NG captain FARAGUND chose to pick a fight
with BRABANTIO and was promptly dispatched at 3024. In retaliation,
MARALYN actually won a PC against SHAGRAT. Serves him right for
having such disgusting habits…
As for the actual battle at 3024, it WAS won by the Freeps and the
remnants of NG troops moved to the now revealed Minas Morgul. BARANOR
will face a roughly equivalent force of Dark Lts and Fire King troops
there this turn.
At 3024, LUGRONK of the Ice King will face the remnants of the
Rohirrim under DERNHELM.
Down the coast the South Gondorian navy was intercepted by a Quiet
Avenger army at 3026 under the leadership of THE DEAD. So things are
reasonably quiet this week in Fire Alley. Perhaps more Rohan or even
smelly Dunnish and enthralled Angrenost Orcs will arrive there next?



Keep up the good work, praise SAURON, etc

FLATULENT REEK, Bard of Barduath.

…on the Freep side of the board.

Are you busy tweaking your masterplan? Or have we shamed you into silence? Is bad luck responsible for your woes, or is our superior play keeping you down?

Oh, and where the heck are your agents and cursers? Turn 11 is upon us!

THE VOICE of Adunaphel


Having a problem over here. We are having problems on what to track…you see we’ve got nothing much to track! Can you guys help out with this problem?
