Game 21 Begins

Originally posted by Baja21
Well Ben, you could always flip free and come with me as we storm into the back of mordor. Think how much fun it would be to have the Rhun burn the CL capital…

Build me that city first and we’ll talk. Unless of course the DS beat you to it.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Snaga’s head hurt, hurt alot. It wasn’t the copious amounts of alcohol he had recently consumed (though that did not help matters been honest) but the blow he had received as his cavalry were swept form the fields.

The plan hadn’t worked out as the masters had thought, that much was certain. 4,000 DS troops destroyed in a matter of hours, the bosses hadn’t mentioned that part - he was very certain on this.

Everything had gone so well, he got command of the cavalry (not that ugly bas**rd Uklurg) and troops had mustered from all over. When the big boss had prevented the tarks from deploying he had felt a moment of joy. He led his brave band of warriors in a headlong charge and even managed to break the enemy - that was until he had crested the hill and saw the vast and serried ranks of the enemy. Row upon row upon row it wasn’t much of a contest after that.

Still he was alive (quite a feat that) and undoubtedly would get another command. He watched from his hiding place as the tarks and horselovers moved on Minas Morgul (another thing the bosses hadn’t mentioned - not good not good at all) and even noted the fresh wave of troops crossing over the bridge hastening to join their comrades.

He wondered what the bosses would do now but after a brief moment of thought (his head started at him again) gave it up. Still it would interesting to see what if anything could be done.

Snaga somewhere in Mordor

Greetings Minions of Sauron

Before i get to the main event, let me tell you what is going on around Our Masters Middle Earth; In the far north west, the home of the elven conspiracy, the terrible twin ELLADAN and a bunch of his vagabond rangers has landed at 1502, a peaceful settlement of MURAZOR. We do hope that they clean up after themselves. Even the mongrel woodmen are better house-trained than those guys... Finally the Fey elves of Imladris have appeared at Goblin-Gate [make up your own punchlines] with force big enough to take it! Last turn the inbred woodman BEORN, aided by ickle GALANDEOR defeated GRASHUKH of Khamuls Realm, however the Silvans army was also destroyed. They really should get more than twigs and lincoln green outfits if they want to go to war! Southern Mirkwood continues to be in turmoil. GASBUZ and Co destroyed a force of Sinda under TATHAR at 2715, HARGROGs cavalry defeated another Woodmen army at 2613 and then squared up to yet another desparate defensive force under WAULFA this turn. There is no pressure on Dol Guldor at all…i wonder why that could be???
Around the Sea of Rhun, the money grubbing Northmen finally decided to set foot out of their treasuries long enough to run into another Long Rider army under the valiant MORNADAK. I think BARD and Co may have made an error there, its safer behind the thick doors of their money-houses... Lord OHTAR, fresh from his flight from Ceber Fanuin has decided to pay 3421 a visit. Wouldnt it be funny if he failed to threaten it!?? Im not sure he wants to venture down from that mountain, he might get run over with such a paltry band of "warriors". Not that i am impuning the fighting ability of the mighty Silvan nation, you understand. Im sure they have a rich history and everything, its just that i havent heard of it…
Harad and Corsairland remain peaceful, just the way Our Lord likes it; harmonious neighbours make his bidding so much easier to fulfill! We remain on good terms with The Corsairs of Umbar and the Khand Easterlings, we hope to welcome their emmisaries as allies AND friends for a long time.
So what of the battle at 3024? Yes, Yes, a “stunning” FP victory, however some damage was done and reinforcements have been called to 3124. However, with the presence of more than 6000 Freepies at Morgul, we do not know if these reinforcements will be enough to stop it falling into enemy hands. The cost will be great if the Gondors and Rohan hope to take the City/Castle. Perhaps it is already too high…? How much gold and product has been sent to Minas Tirith? How many troops have been drawn away from other areas?
Relations remain neutral with Saruman, Enion and the enigmatic Huz III. We hope to hear from their diplomats soon, and that their nations will join us in thwarting the stranglehold of the Elven Conspiracy.


EOMER of Rohan “bit the big one” this week with a brave, though foolish PC attempt on DIN OHTAR at 2520.

I remain your Servant,

THE VOICE of Adunaphel.

I would like the world to know the Duns-Rhun war is till ongoing. Now if they’d ever get here we could fight.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I would like to be a negotiator amidst this terrible Dun/Rhun war. Actually, “mercenary” is more like it. Which one of you would like to hire me to destroy the other one? C’mon, I gotta do something!

-Bored Cors

You can come get me horseboy.

I have scads of shiny gold for the scurvy Corsairs if they join me in my war against the oppressive Rhun regime.

Oppressive? Oppressive? I’ll show you oppressive… Now if I can figure out a way to jump start my economy. Deficit spending, perhaps?

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Argh, me smells a wee bit more gold in the coffers of the Duns. Perhaps I’ll be working with them soon to ensure the Rhun find a place in Davey Jones’ Locker!

Or perhaps I’ll have accord with the Rhun and just TAKE the Dun gold for meself? Afterwhich I could then take what little gold the Rhun has! Argh!!

Decisions, decisions . . .

From the Noldo Elves:
Just dropping a line to say hi.

It looks like Minas Morgul will be exciting this coming turn! We’ll see if we
brought enough
troops to the party. The WK took MM to a city so it will be a good deal tougher!

Things are going well overall. Goblin Gate resisted my first threaten with
Glorfindel but I moved
in more troops to take a crack at capturing it.

Mirkwood is the usual tussle, no surprise moves by either side yet. The east looks
good so far as
the NM/DW have the LR cornered and should drop him quickly.

Stay in touch and we’ll see how your grand experiment goes!

From the Woodmen:
Greetings to the Neutrals!

I just wanted to drop a note to let you know the battle for the northern
woods goes excellently. There was a bizarre push by the DS up the channel
between the Sinda and Mirkwood. I’m unclear what they think they will
We are busy camping, posting, raising armies of furry-chested warriors, and
our men are quite active as well.
Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist.

3 for 6 on camps… A little bit better.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Ben, I don’t suppose that thats your army parked next to Freawul is it?

Beat you there 3 for 4 camps Ben… :slight_smile:

Yawn, almost falling asleep - happy to have either allegiance make me an offer I cannot refuse.

How’s Ithil this time of year?

Clint (Player) KE

Originally posted by Brendan Miller
Ben, I don’t suppose that thats your army parked next to Freawul is it?

Uhmmmm, no… Of course not…

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Originally posted by Clint
[b]Beat you there 3 for 4 camps Ben… :slight_smile:

Yawn, almost falling asleep - happy to have either allegiance make me an offer I cannot refuse.

How’s Ithil this time of year?

Clint (Player) KE [/b]

I’m disappointed in you Clint, only trying for four at a time

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

"How’s Ithil this time of year?

Clint (Player) KE"

–Now a shiny new NG MT/Castle. Drat. It musta been close…all seems rosy in freep world, doesn`t it?

Flatulent Reek of Barduath

Minas Morgul falls on turn 5? Ha ha ha ha . . .er . . . I mean . . .that’s terrible, terrible. :slight_smile:

I look forward to the DS counterstroke. What’s in store?!?

-Russ, Impatiently on the Sidelines

Snaga - somewhere in the pass overlooking Morgul

It had been a nightmarish night, trying to navigate the pass whilst blind drunk and avoiding the tarks not easy not easy at all.

Still where Snaga had keeled over proved to be an inspired choice, he had fallen into some dung hole (nice and warm not to mention the odor actually wasn’t bad he might even score back in Ungol) and therefore managed to come out in one piece as the battle whirled around him.

He had come awake with a start when the first fireball erupted behind his position after that all hell seemed to break lose. Fireballs followed firestorms followed chill bolts as row upon row of tarks melted away from the onslaught. Snaga had also spotted lots of the BIG bosses wielding bright shiny weapons in the melee carrying all before them.

Still it hadn’t been enough once the clouds of smoke had vanished it Morgul flew the flag of the tarks. Snaga spotted through the haze the flags and banners of more DS armies including that fat bas$£%d Uklurg. Maybe just maybe Uklurg would bite the big one. After all with the vast and serried ranks of the free what hope had Uklurg…it wasn’t until all the smoke had burned away that Snaga became truly aware of the carnage wrought in the ranks of the free huge gaping holes had been riven in their ranks…maybe the BIG bosses knew what they were doing after all…

From the Free People
we thought you`d like to see the battle report for 3124. Quite revealing of a number of things ,we think. It does seem like a resounding FP victory…but, look closer…

Battle at 3124
In the Cold climate of the Mountains of 3124, a conflict took place
in the early morning hours during a
driving storm.
At the head of a highly energetic army rode Captain Elfhelm of the
nation of the Riders of Rohan. In his
hands was borne the glowing Sword called Herugrim. The mount on which
he rode cantered anxiously along the
side of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
787 Rohan horsemen w/lances wooden/bronze none/leather ragged ranks
404 Rohan horsemen w/broadswords bronze/steel leather/bronze ragged
At the head of a rebellious army rode Veteran Anborn of the nation of
Northern Gondor. The mount on which he
rode moved with trepidation to the center of the battle lines. Behind
him the forming ranks were filled
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
500 Dúnadan knights w/lances wooden none a mob

At the head of a calm army rode Regent Ecthelion II of the nation of
Northern Gondor. In his hands was borne
the glowing Sword called Steward’s Blade. The mount on which he rode
moved calmly to the front of the battle
lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
1325 Dúnadan knights w/lances wooden/bronze none/leather ragged ranks
972 Dúnadan footmen w/broadswords wooden/bronze leather/bronze ragged
615 Lesser Dúnadan footmen w/shortswords bronze/steel bronze ragged
At the head of a highly energetic army rode Regent Adrahil II of the
nation of Southern Gondor. In his hands
was borne the glowing Sword called Navorn. The mount on which he rode
cantered anxiously along the side of
the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
74 Dúnadan knights w/lances bronze/steel leather/bronze ragged ranks
1462 Dúnadan footmen w/broadswords wooden/bronze none/leather a mob
406 Lesser Dúnadan footmen w/shortswords bronze/steel leather/bronze
ragged ranks
At the head of a demoralized army rode Veteran Angûlion of the nation
of the Witch-king. In his hands was
borne the glowing Sword called Vasamacil. The mount on which he rode
stood cautiously at the rear of the
battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
500 Troll footsoldiers w/flails wooden none a mob
100 Mannish slaves w/maces bronze leather a mob
At the head of a rebellious army rode Commander Rashkûk of the nation
of the Dog Lord. In his hands was
borne the glowing Sword called Sickle of the Heavens. The mount on
which he rode moved with trepidation to
the center of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were
filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
200 Orc wolfriders w/scimitars bronze leather ragged ranks
At the head of a calm army rode Commander Shagrat of the nation of
the Fire King. The mount on which he rode
moved calmly to the front of the battle lines. Behind him the forming
ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
400 Troll footsoldiers w/battle axes wooden none a mob
At the head of a rebellious army rode Warlord Gothmog of the nation
of the Dark Lieutenants. In his hands
was borne the glowing Flail called Skull Flail. The mount on which he
rode moved with trepidation to the
center of the battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
400 Troll footsoldiers w/battle axes wooden none a mob
100 Mannish slaves w/maces bronze leather ragged ranks
At the head of a calm army rode Captain Azgûrath of the nation of the
Dark Lieutenants. In his hands was
borne the glowing Hammer called Hatred Curse. The mount on which he
rode moved calmly to the front of the
battle lines. Behind him the forming ranks were filled with:
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
800 Troll footsoldiers w/battle axes wooden none a mob
200 Mannish slaves w/maces bronze leather ragged ranks
At the head of a rebellious army rode Captain Faragund of the nation
of Northern Gondor. The mount on which
he rode moved with trepidation to the center of the battle lines.
Behind him the forming ranks were filled
Troops Weapons Armor Formations
500 Dúnadan footmen w/broadswords wooden none a mob
The City of Minas Morgul flying the flag of the Witch-king is
situated in the Mountains here. It is
fortified by a Castle, and it is under siege or attack.

Report from Rashkûk…My commanders moved among the troops before
battle, readying them, bolstering their
resolve, and issuing last minute orders. Some of the troops needed
this encouragement but others were
growling in anticipation. Finally the order was shouted across the
battlefield… Charge!! Charge!!
Against the forces of Elfhelm, we charged but they veered off and hit
our flank.
Against the forces of Anborn, we charged but they veered off and hit
our flank.
Against the forces of Ecthelion II, we charged but they veered off
and hit our flank.
Against the forces of Adrahil II, we charged but they veered off and
hit our flank.
Against the forces of Faragund, we charged but they veered off and
hit our flank.
After the battle had joined in earnest, heroes made their presence
known all over the battlefield. Elfhelm
fought side by side with the troops and diverted many a blade during
the pitched battle with his glowing
Sword. Ecthelion II burst forth with a blood curdling yell and rushed
to meet whatever foes would face his
glowing Sword. Boromir fought side by side with the troops and
diverted many a blade during the pitched
battle with his glowing Sword. Goromil stood off to one side making
magical gestures and incanting arcane
words. Suddenly, many of the enemy’s blows were deflected from his
comrades who fought with more assurance!
Adrahil II burst forth with a blood curdling yell and rushed to meet
whatever foes would face his glowing
Sword. Morwen stood off to one side making magical gestures and
incanting arcane words. Suddenly, many of
her comrades felt their armor grow tougher and more resistant to the
blows of their enemies. Angbor fought
side by side with the troops and diverted many a blade during the
pitched battle with his glowing Sword.
Angûlion rode into the enemy ranks with his glowing Sword and cut
down a score of foes before they knew what
had happened. Ashburgnûl stood off to one side making magical
gestures and incanting arcane words. Suddenly,
bolts of fire streamed from his fingers and viciously burned down
rank after rank of the enemy! Blogath
stood off to one side making magical gestures and incanting arcane
words. Suddenly, balls of burning fire
leapt from her fingertips and exploded among the enemy, burning and
scorching them to death! Gothrog fought
side by side with the troops and diverted many a blade during the
pitched battle with his glowing Bow.
Rashkûk rode into the enemy ranks with his glowing Sword and cut down
a score of foes before they knew what
had happened. Dendra Dwar stood off to one side making magical
gestures and incanting arcane words.
Suddenly, a storm of fire engulfed portions of the enemy line,
leaving only burnt ashes in its path! Gothmog
burst forth with a blood curdling yell and rushed to meet whatever
foes would face his glowing Flail.
Celedhring stood off to one side making magical gestures and
incanting arcane words. Suddenly, bolts of
chilling frost struck into the ranks of the enemy, freezing scores of
them to death! Bolvag stood off to one
side making magical gestures and incanting arcane words. Suddenly,
magical barriers sprung up around his
comrades and prevented many a wound from occurring! Azgûrath fought
side by side with the troops and
diverted many a blade during the pitched battle with his glowing
Report from Rashkûk…Our cavalry were severely hampered by the
mountainous terrain and the steep cliffs.
The troops fought well, but they could have been better trained. They
fought as if uninspired. However, we
were overrun in less than a few hours.
Commanders on the scene ordered their troops to salvage what they
could from the remains of the enemy
Captain Elfhelm: 39 Food
Veteran Anborn: 4 Food
Regent Ecthelion II: 142 Food
Regent Adrahil II: 84 Food
Captain Faragund: 12 Food
After the battle… Elfhelm’s forces were victorious in the battle,
but suffered some losses. Elfhelm
appeared to have survived. Anborn’s forces were victorious in the
battle, but suffered some losses. Anborn
appeared to have survived. Ecthelion II’s forces were victorious in
the battle, but suffered some losses.
Ecthelion II appeared to have survived. Adrahil II’s forces were
victorious in the battle, but suffered some
losses. Adrahil II appeared to have survived. Angûlion’s forces were
destroyed/routed in the battle.
Angûlion appeared to have survived. Rashkûk’s forces were
destroyed/routed in the battle. Rashkûk appeared
to have survived but suffers from serious wounds. Shagrat’s forces
were destroyed/routed in the battle.
Shagrat appeared to have survived. Gothmog’s forces were
destroyed/routed in the battle. Gothmog appeared to
have survived. Azgûrath’s forces were destroyed/routed in the battle.
Azgûrath appeared to have survived but
suffers from deadly wounds. Faragund’s forces were victorious in the
battle, but suffered some losses.
Faragund appeared to have survived.
The battle for Minas Morgul was over even before it began. The
attackers were so numerous and strong that

the defending militia had little chance to save themselves. The
battle was over in just a few hours!!
After the attack on the population center… Elfhelm’s army survived
the attack on the City, but suffered
some losses. Elfhelm appeared to have survived. Anborn’s army
survived the attack on the City, but suffered
some losses. Anborn appeared to have survived. Ecthelion II’s army
survived the attack on the City, but
suffered some losses. Ecthelion II appeared to have survived. Adrahil
II’s army survived the attack on the
City, but suffered some losses. Adrahil II appeared to have survived.
Faragund’s army survived the attack on
the City, but suffered some losses. Faragund appeared to have
survived. The City has been reduced to a Major
Town. The Castle has not been affected. The Major Town has been under
siege/attack this turn. The Major Town
now flies the flag of Northern Gondor.

DS, care to reply?

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

From the DS actually…

Flatulent Reek, Ambassador for Ji Indur

Well, in their defense. They did drop the bridge. :slight_smile:
