Come on DS…that wasn’t fair was it. Just because I beat your armies, not once but TWICE, you have to stab one of my commanders in the back.
Boromir still here after 2 turns…you must be slipping!! Probably why you’ve destroyed the bridges and sent 2000 troops to beat him.! You sure that’s enough… LOL
I have it on the strongest evidence that the dead guy in question fell backwards onto his own sword twice quite accidentally… IMPLYING any wrongdoing on our part is purely heresay…
These things happen all the time in Mordor…
The assassin assigned to eliminate Boromir could not find him due to all of the smoke and dust rising from the ruins of Osgiliath.
There was an unconfirmed report that he was spotted hiding amid the rubble – probably more afraid of what Denethor will do to him for failing to defend the the jewel of Gondor.
Are you sure he’s a commander by training, and not a agent? The blood of Numenor – what I like to think of as “Elf Lite” – certainly flows in in veins – he can hide like a Sindar and flee like a Noldor.
Perhaps he has Silvan blood… they seem to be alergic to Iron (at least, they never seem to be around when my troops draw it)
Woodmen- Silvan dude! Are you alive or what? I don’t mind taking over all your stuff, but I was looking for a bit of a struggle… instead I find Northmen running around. Your boys must be lost… the battle for you is on the OTHER side of the forest. I’m glad you could make our little party though… my troopers’ supplies are running low, and some plump lake town men will help to vary the menu!
Uh, I forgot to mention that the Northmen have annexed Mirkwood as a nature preserve, save for the elven reservations… er, I mean enclaves. Khamul may as well move out.
I don’t officially know what you’re talking about. Any northmen in the region must merely be a nature hike… you know, collecting leaves and such.
Your combined DS forces of around 1500 may join us in the night’s feastivities, though. We’ll be roasting smores. And orcs…
Orcs don’t burn all that well… The trolls frequently try it, but orcs are uniformly wet and slimy (unless you’ve put them on noon-hour desert marches of course… then they’re sweaty and slimy)
As for the nature preserve thingee… no problem. As tourists, our people in the area are strictly concerned with seeing the sights- and this usually means villages, towns, M.towns, capitals etc… and we bring our own kindling now! We look forward to the celebrity roast you have planned for us!
Well, we never said it was easy to burn orcs. Just something that needs to be done, like weeding the garden or going to the outhouse. We’ll put the torch to orcs, trolls, goblins, manish slaves… whatever you got.
You shouldn’t wander so far from home. The forest can be dangerous for the likes of you.
Originally posted by bmuppet Boromir still here after 2 turns…you must be slipping!! Probably why you’ve destroyed the bridges and sent 2000 troops to beat him.! You sure that’s enough… LOL
…in the Shore/Plains at 3024. The un-owned Ruins/Fort of Osgiliath is here.
The wine cellar in which he was hiding (drinking to his misfortune, no doubt) was buried under rubble when a ruined building (a brothel? a library? orcs can’t tell the difference) finally collapsed.
By the time we finished escavating, Boromir was justy an icky, pulpy mess. But we could tell it was him because dug him out, he was him because we found his Mighty Blade.
And besides, who else would be hiding in a wine cellar in the ruins of Osgiliath…?
The camp out was awesome! We LOVE northmen… so tender and juicy… didn’t put up much resistance- though they ran like the dickens! A good hunt for my ‘boys’. Let’s hope the woodmen hiding in thier tower are as much fun.
Say- Do you think they Noldo could come down and play too? The last Elven army our team met wasn’t terribly exciting- perhaps some of Elrond’s brood would prove to be a greater challenge?
PS: I like my avatar. With the profusion of ‘unique’ ones that are floating about, I’m suddenly the only guy using it!
The Northmen were merely going for their nature hike. Too bad they didn’t realize the amount of mage support you jammed into that army. I guess that just shows the threat level my forces represent. Yeah. I’ll go with that.
Worry not. The Northmen will avenge themselves.
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