Game 233

Please… you’re going to get your stomping as well Brad. Have fun! :slight_smile:

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

<<my fine (and likely feathered) DS enemies have taken our Dun quite to task on another thread.>>

  • Yeah, what gives? We seem to take his actions harder than you Freep guys! :slight_smile:

  • I just had another nice long one typed out for him and I deleted it by mistake. Oh well, I’m wasting my time anyways.

  • Good to see you back in action, Brad!! We’re still going to stomp you, though. :frowning:

Russ / Dragon

Oh, so I didn’t delete my posts before posting afterall. Didn’t realize there would be a time delay with the new censorship policy. That kinda’ . . . well, I can’t say it for fear of being censored. :slight_smile:

Russ / Dragon

Once again I am making my march into Rohan… Will the cowards dare to come out and meet me?

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Which way to the enemy? Can anybody tell me which way to the enemy? Verna? Argirion? Hel-lOOOOOO~!


Geez, Freeps! I leave DG completely undefended for a turn and where are the Freeps? Sitting outside still! What do I have to do, send invitations?? We’re waiting for you . . .

-Russ, In The Treches

Well, you might as well send one to Rohan too. God knows he’s not doing too much to get beyond Buth Oviasa.

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Rohan FINALLY made it to Ongushar, though. That one usually bites the dust, what, turn 2?? Do I applaud them or pity them?!

Russ / Resilient Dragon Lord


We missed the Dol Guldor exit; it says right here, turn left at the creepy looking tree, first fork in the road…it’s a must see attraction, won’t be around forever ya know.


Sure it will, but Rohan won’t be around forever…

I know something you don’t know, and it’s going to hurt.

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

So there is truth in the song that the little bird sings?


What little bird? The one that will be singing the death throes of Rohan? But we already knew that…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Hey Rohan, GIVE IT UP! You’re not making to past me!

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Okay, okay already…it’s Your side of the river… :rolleyes:


Well, you did send Bradley to come over and play… But he’s not going to last long…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

It’s all a ruse, a Ruse I tell you…and you silly maleable DS fell for it yet again. I SHALL Rule all. The One SHALL Bow Before me. Acquiese I say! Run for your pathetic lives and yea shall be spared!



 Still playing solo, I see ?! Your S brethren - Gondor, ilvan and inda -  are still up to... nothing, hopefully still wandering the woods aimlessly. Apparently they are running away from the Dragon Lord pops this turn - they must have seen his killer rabbit !


Well, at least you’re not bragging…how many nations and MT’s did it take to kick me and my 2 pops across the river without any allies? And YOU blew the bridges because you’re scared of ME…???

Let the S Club be. Every week they fax me nice poetry and coupons and stuff. The longer I’m in the game, the longer I benefit from the mailing list…kewl!


The invitaions had been sent. Dinner was ready. The Good China was brought out. Fresh tea and grapes were to be the appetizers. The doors were WIDE OPEN. And the Elves and Woodies took their balls and went home. ::sniff::

-Russ, Alone in the Trenches of Mirkwood

Elves and Woodmen suck… And they’re cowards.

Here dragon, dragon, dragon…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord