Blah blah blah, free people suck, elves are lame, and dwarves smell funny. Where’s the retort already.
- Ben
Blah blah blah, free people suck, elves are lame, and dwarves smell funny. Where’s the retort already.
The Liberation of Gondor begins…
Minas Tirith shall be lain waste, and the men of Gondor will fall.
Ben mate, please refrain from using the same taint all the time. I think its funny. The bear of the North, currently relocated South for the time being. Now how does army movement go again?
Oh and far as ratings go if you trust such things here are mine
This is based on similar ratings found in other games such as chess. The quality of both teams is taken into account, as is the split of the neutrals.
Your rating is: 1535
Designed to be like experience points. This will show how much experience you have at playing Middle-earth. It gives more points for winning than for losing, it also gives more points if you play with other more experienced players.
Your rating is: 1898
Individual success, based on ability to score well for a particular nation relative to how that nation is normally scored at the end of the game (without victory conditions). In addition we’ll have an overall rating - ie how you have scored relative to other players as an overall total.
Your overall rating is: 930
A rating for Grudge teams. This rewards Grudge teams who win without losing too many nations along the way. Your team’s rating, where you are a member of the Grudge is to be found on the website. Feel free to name your teams (get the TC to get in touch).
Council of the Wise
A player voting system. At the end of the game players vote for their team-mates as per the form you have received over the last year.
Best team player votes: 3
Best individual player votes: 1
Best enemy player votes: 3
Win ratio. Your ratings are based on games played, won and dropped.
Your rating is: 0.28
Just finished game 39 much to my disgust as I was still alive as NG. 20 odd turns against Mordor alone apart from CArdolan helping out and I was still ticking.
Other games mean nothing so dont refer to them. The guys on my team, known them for a while. Played with and against them. Oh and as far as 2950 Duns go, look at the top ten.
Oh and before we get the Nazgul %age crap these results dont include the 70 or so other games I played with the 2 other companies that ran ME for around 9 yrs before harlequin… In so saying, I AM the cavalry master and why have Rohan had no armies in Mordor? There should be 2000HC rounding the EAst right now, as well as another army twice that heading into Morannen. You say what have we been doing? I know what you should be, Theoden imposter.
I don’t think anyone was questioning your credentials, Alan. What did I miss?
(Insert witty comeback here)
It wasnt the credentials bit, its just that jibing is fine but sometimes certain comments are downright abusive. At least the tone of such suggests that. The guys on our team that Ive played with before have done so for years. This is a new team and as such we’re learning yet again to play as a team. Ok I could organise everything as Ihave done in other teams but I prefer now to let teams play the way they want to, its more fun. Besides I prefer adversity as opposed to walkovers, it is more fun. So guys, all of you, bring it on. Im waiting.
Who is this Witch-King guy, anyway? I vaguely remember something about a 3000 year empire of angmar he was gonna build in the north…never heard much more about that…as for organising things…sheesh…i wish he would :rolleyes:
Only kidding Alan, mate
Bah, real power is in Morannon…
Come get some.
Thhhhpppttttt…I’ve been Quietly Avenging things in the south since the start!!
Adunaphel will be queen…and not in the way that Ben wants to be a queen either, if you get my drift!!!
Fletchicus Avengicus
I’m not the one who’s contemplating a move to a city full of queens, now am I…
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can…
Well, you were, until they decided not to give you a job!! Besides, I’m not the one whose nickname was “gay Ben”
I would have moved out of necessity, you are contemplating your move out of choice.
As for the nickname, you guys were just jealous because I managed to hang out with cute chicks while all you guys had was, well, each other…
Hello Freepsters,
So, Minas Tirith [citadel intact] for Barduath. Do you like the swap?
We have 10,000 troops in Gondor, what do you have in Mordor?
thanks for my nice shiney new summer palace
Ren Lord of Gondor