Game 30 Another Capital Burned

Hey how many teeams moan when the other side drop, dont expect us to, let the fun and games carry on and lets see how it pans out

If you win so be it but if we do expect some ribbing


Ribbing, if we blow this from here we will damned well deserve roasting. :wink:

Regards Herman :slight_smile:

Forgive me if I start to light the fires but I can feel it ARE THE WINDS OF WAR ABOUT TO CHANGE.


Here is the way I see it. Admittedly I have not read the pdf from SG and CO, but I have read the nations’ turn reports.

Gold thefts:
FP: 3 for 7416
DS: 2 for 8932

FP: 5
DS: 7

POPCEN changes:
FP: V, T, T, MT, MT, MT
net: 18 levels
net: 3 levels
And I bet we built more camps than you did.

Granted the economy slid away from us a little, how many MTs do you think you can continue to lose?

Once again Easterling looks to be the only DS nation doing well. Harad gets a bit of a breather, but I bet he is not feeling too comfortable yet.

The FP will be very happy indeed if we can keep these ratios up for the next 4 or 5 turns.


Well go forth and read them then I say unto you.

Hey we can go on as long as it takes

You still have to knock us ut and do not think your agents can match ours as you are about to find out


Vandal we don’t need to match you, your three nations down as of turn 21 that’s 63 characters less, thats 126 less orders. You are hemned in at Mordor, our emmys are taking pops at will so a lot of your agent ability will be locked up inside your own pops looking after them while are armies are free to wander up to Mordor. There is not a huge amount you guys will be able to do to stop us all, we now outnumber you and have cursers comming online to drive the nail into the coffin. Play on by all means, it just means our victory will be that much larger.

Regards Herman :wink:

Well of course we play on as I have places to go and people to kill before I sleep.


Oh now did South Gondor feel left out?

Dont worry you will be joining your Northern buddy and the price will be high.

Did the corsairs feel the heat? that was just a mild blast.

If you think we are dropping think again we have miles to go before we sleep


that’s half the problem, your defence is putting us to sleep. :wink:

Regards Herman :smiley:

Good to see its working then

you know us all sneaky and such, we are waiting to catch you sleeping and as its working well lets get on and do it I say



I have not heard much from you this turn. Please tell us that you were not playing the now defunct Dark Lieutenants that just left the game?

The DS did good work with their knives this turn. The FP got a couple as well. If the DS hadn’t lost another 21 character slots this turn, I would have said last turn went to you guys.

Allthough we are also getting the economy back into play. Did EAST get his mithril buyout through?


Mithril buyout?? Umm ok someone must have forgotten to tell me bout that one, Ill just blame you vandal, remind me next time about the secret mithirl buyout. The only thing Easterlings saw 2 assassins fail to hit their marks, oh and a loss of a pop or 2, nothing serious.
Meanwhile NG seems to be the first Freep causality, and not to be the last

Ummmmmmmmmmm well nobody told me we had that in mind is this a secret double cross that went wrong as we dont know about it either?

I think I am still playing as I did naughty things to the good side and plan to do a few more, though of course if I live is another matter.

As regards the course of play well lets see how you deal with the loss of a few more of the good guys.

Its party time and you are invited though you happen to be the main course.

So lets party on and see how you gloat in a few more turns.

Oh I am going to do some very naughty things to you.

By the way did those eleven agents see me or do I get my revenge this go?


Guys if your not careful we will get the enforced 3 to 1 victory the way things are going. While you guys are picking on the two weak nations dicking around we are comming in through the front door. Ahhh maybe you should concentrate on saving Mordor if you want to play on for a protracted time. JMO.

Regards Herman :wink:

Thanks for the advice and all, as usual, this coming through the front door, musta missed that with the secret mithril buyout I had, shucks. As for 3 to 1 rule, you kiddies are still quite a ways from that, considering you havent even reached a 2 to 1 ratio yet. Keep trying.

Well how many turns do you need to claim it or shall we just come kick your **** and see how you like it?

Dont like it up them I have heard it said and it seems to be true


Yes but we hope to add another couple to the list of ex DS nations in the next three turns. I don’t think you will be able to do too much to stop us.

Regards Herman :cool:

Oh crap, no Easterling/DS mithril buyout. I guess Easterling must be using his mithril to make horseshoes. Watch out for those horseshoes. They get very dinged up after a little running around the coutryside.

Or I could be selling it on the black market so your women can forge combs for their beards.


My beard, your horse’s tail…

Hey Stubby, I think Nightsbane is taking a pot-shot at you.