Woodmen dwarves whichever, both scream like little women under my hooves
I just like hearing them scream lets see if we got it right this go or not
Judging from your lack of success at 2212, I would say “NOT”
BTW, OSRIC got an interesting SAURON encounter this turn. He uttered something about, “If you want to get a job done right…” He then proceeded to kick the COMM’s ass, just because the rest of the Nazgul couldn’t seem to do it themselves.
I see the EAST showed up for the party in the Iron Hills. Thank goodness someone on the DS side can still muster troops someplace other than their capital hex. I guess the mithril horseshoes really do make a difference.
party?? bring your bearded women and find out…I wonder if they can carry me to 2711
DS (those that are left)
Dragon Lord loses his capital, Dog Lord barely survives another relocation (and after the movers nearly lost his baggage last time out not sure if he was willing to move again) & the Ice King getting some attention this turn not the best of turns for you guys…
One question for the Ice King - why move 2,000 troops with a dragon to take 3026 which is a mere camp/tower? Not exactly a war winning move (or to call a spade a spade, a pretty dumb move) now is it?
A question for all of you guys do we the free now own more real estate in Mordor than you guys?
Enion lord and master of Ostigurth & Minas Brethil
Oh Duns you are still in the game? Sorry after seeing your mostly useless play this entire game almost forgot you were there.
Game is still not over, so guess you arent doing a good enough job…
Yes all of our guys are still in the game, pitty the same can’t be said of your side. Expect to loose another team mate in the next 2-4 turns if we get lucky it will be two team mates.
Regards Herman
Well that was a little ugly for the Noldo. And the economy picked up. And we failed to take any MTs from the DS. All in all, I would call this your best turn yet.
Still, that’s mostly due to factors external to the DS play. And most of those DS knives are at work in Mordor. That can’t be a good thing for the DS.
Our lowest FP VP rank was 575 last turn, and that nation’s VP rank stayed the same this turn. Does any DS nation have a VP rank higher?
we have atleast 3 above 1000 that good enough??
Oh my elven chap did you not like it up you?
Well I know a spike often offends but at least you are dead now roasting on my spit.
Oh dear I hope you scouted that MT as I do love roast emmy almost as much as I love a agent or two.
If you think I am not going to stick it up a few more of you think again and learn the hard way we are far from done
How is the Dragon Lord these days? Just watched a village/fort degrade to a camp/fort? Wouldn’t/couldn’t be the Dragon Lord is gone from the game??
Have you guys noticed how your agents are moving in ever decreasing circles? Ever noticed that we possess superior emissaries, we’re taking 3/4 pop sites a turn you’re taking 1 if that? Ever noticed how free armies just keep appearing to burn hitting the loyalties in all the other remaining pop sites?
How many pop sites do you guys have where the loyalty is less than 20?
A genuine question here: -
No-one doubts you’ve got teeth and no-one doubts you can go on for some time to come BUT
How are you going to win this game? Your kill rate is averaging 7/8 a turn thats just not enough, realistically you guys have to get it to 13/14 a turn to make an impact.
We will win this game by destroying you economically (assuming we do win of course!!!)
I’m not asking you to quit (hoping you don’t truth be told) I am asking you guys to answer a simple question
Enion ruler of 4 Mordorian pop sites
Your stats mean nothing I would have you would understand that by now, apparently you dont. And as I can tell your most of your assassins took a nice dirt nap this turn, well nienor is out there yes, not to concerned otherwise …yes your emmisaries are annoying, nothing we cant weather…
These armies you speak of? The dwarves Ill crush this turn, the NM I should do the same, dragons have a way of balancing out numbers…
So by all means try your war of economic superiority…we arent moving
Agree with everything you said (well kind of) but you didn’t answer the question - how are you going to win?
Shh its a secret, if I told you well you know the idea
DS Dragons?!?!?!?!
Why do the dragons keep showing up on the FP popcens? (And eating our emmy’s. Why oh why do they insist on eating our emmys?).
And what are you using them for besides loyalty boosts. It’s been close to 10 turns since the FP fought a dragon in a DS army. Maybe the Easterling’s army with the mithril armor has one?
I think the DS dragons left this game with the DS Dragon Lord.
If you can lose 7/8 top line characters a go and think the replacements can hurt me good luck to you.
Teethless wolves dont make me shake in my boots and emmies without cover are lambs to the slaughter.
But hey since My loyalties are rock high how much you want to bet you wont take the pop centre and then bet how many of you leave alive?
I am still going to spank you
While your Agents are out chasing our Emmys trying to protect your few remaining pop centres our nations are free to name replacements and our armies are unmolested to keep piling into Mordor. I really can’t see you guys beating us from here, bar a major stuff up on our part.
Regards Herman
hrmm armies, I think this turn is the first we have seen an army try to get into mordor for a while now…so far Im not really impressed sorry
That is true Nightsbane. The DS stopped the last EO horde a couple of turns ago at the ruins of Morannon. Since then we only burned the Rhudaur and Harad popcens to the ground. It does take a little time to rebuild those 3000 horde army(s).
Vandal, you don’t really believe you are stopping our emmy’s though, do you? Are your teammates sharing their pdf’s with you? Maybe the DS have found the lost “create MT” spell. I hate it when that happens.
Agreed, and last time I checked Rhuduar has been out for several turns and neither Rhuduar or Harad are in Mordor. Perhaps these phantom armies Herman speaks of are just lost…that makes much more sense