Hello all and welcome to our little war in middle earth. There are two sides each who believe they are in the right. It is up to you to convince us 5 mighty neutrals that it is in our best interest to help you…
Hail MIghty Neutrals, seeking contact with each of you to trade information, resources and the occasional jest.
Hi everybody, Noddy, sorry Noldo, here. Glad to see the jaunty sea dogs and my northern neighbours Rhudaur are up and around early
Here’s wishing everybody the joy of the game and extending a welcoming hand to all right thinking neutrals to join the one an only cause - if you wish to see Arwen table dancing, you’ve come to the right place, what more enticement can you ask for?
Here’s hoping for a great game! Cloud Lord checking in. I can be reached at fgrubb@mindspring.com.
To the Neutrals: The servants of Mordor greet you in this time of strife and war. We will do all in our power to insure that diplomatic relations between your nations and Our Masters servants remain open and beneficial to us all.
To the “Free” nations, I have no words. They shall fall before Our Masters might soon enough, and then shall be the time for talking.
Gothmog and Urzahil would like to extend their warmest greetings to all. My Dark brethren I congratulate you on this the eve of our inevitable conquest of Middle-Earth. Know that by the will of Sauron all that I command is at your disposal. “Free people” I salute you, and the honor that is soon to be bestowed upon you to forfeit your lives beneath our blades, your corpses feeding the triumphant armies of Sauron. To the rest of you, I can only hope that you recognize the opportunity before you. The opportunity to answer Sauron’s call and reap the rewards of the victor…
… before it is too late.
I look forward to meeting you all in glorious combat, or the dead of night.
The Long Rider seeks to develop excellent relations with all Neutral nations and invites you to e-mail me any concerns, thoughts or even musings you may have.
Although our battle against the Free Peoples will be fierce and planned decisively, we seek to have the Corsairs, Haradwaith, Easterlings, Rhudar and Dunlending nations join our fight at their earliest convenience. To this end, I solicit from your nations any information you would like us to brief you on and any conditions that might instantly allow you to join our fight. I trust you will seek your finest advisors and send us your wish list, so that we might evaluate the costs to forge such a new alliance with each of you!
To our Free Nation leaders, we bid you greetings and best wishes in your fight to end our kingdom, but remind you to be wary of the power of our Alliance and to never let down your guard…
well, i can’t vouch for status of Easterlings (whom I’d love to get into contact with), but I’ve picked up the Dunlendings. They weren’t played for turn1 and as such i’ll be digging out of a wee bit bigger hole than the Duns normally do.
What’s the silver lining? Well, given that I have double scout, I got REALLY REALLY GOOD recons on my own pop centers when all the SS’d commanders did recon… And none of them died to personal challenge either! woohoo! yippeee! we’re off to a great start.