Game 35 is up and running

Greetings to All.

The nation of the Haradrim can be contacted at:

We look forward to contact from all.


Hail, great nations of Middle Earth !

Rhudaur, the Belgium/Poland lookalike, checking in.

I am hoping for some early dialog with Dark and Free alike. It seems I have a mass of ill-trained, poorly armored troops that need a target before too long, else they may disband for lack of pay…

Contact me at :

Paddro, the Mediocre

Hi everyone

North Gondor send his salutations to other nations in game 35 I can be contacted at :

May the Light triumph


Hey everyone,

Witch King reporting in.

I can be reached at


Dunland has a new King !
May his reign be prosperous (and painless)

Am keen to initiate peace talks and early alignment declaration…

Diplos more than welcome.

Have no preconceived ideas as to which way I should declare. Much will depend upon each team’s dynamics.


Thanks to all the neutrals that have posted here

I would like very much to get in touch with Easterling and Corsairs
Please get in touch with us the FP, the darkness is growing we need your support to vanquish Sauron and his minions once and for all

Tarondor of NG

Hmmm, where are all those couriers from lands afar ? Have they lost their way ?

My boys are chomping at the bit… wait, they don’t have many horses, they are chomping on their last bit of hardtack…

Don Paddro - Rhudaur 35

Greetings to all from the Riders of Rohan.

A special invitation to the honorable Easterling Envoys. Come, let us enjoy some fermented mare’s milk. We will chew the fat and strike some fair bargains.

Greetings Neutral Peoples of Middle-Earth!

The Dunedain of South Gondor wish all of you a fun and exciting game. We currently enjoy and are honored with communication from the noble peoples of Dunland, Harad, and Rhudaur.

We greatly desire to speak with the Sea Lords of Umbar and Horse Lords of Khand. There is much to discuss concerning our peoples and the proud and mighty folk of the Corsairs and Easterlings!

Prince of Dol Amroth

Looking forward to a good contest the Long Rider can be contacted at

we especially hope to hear from any and all of the neutral nations, particularly our neighbours the Easterlings, from amongst whose noble tribes did the Great Lord Sauron choose me for greatness.

For years have the Gondorians sought to enslave you with their imperial designs. Listen not to theirsilvery tongued emissaries lest they ensare you. We offfer you any and all aid in opposing them.



It is good to see the DS posting at last…

However, I think you need to talk to the other Nazgul and get them to contact the Neutral Nations, we are eagerly awaiting their missives.

I for one have not heard a single word from your side


Hi all,

Cloud Lord here!

Were planning to let my team mates do most of the talking for now, but feel free to contact me if you want to. As for the neutrals, I’m supportive of agent cover and back-ups for those of you who will join us.

Looking forward to a great game!


Sauronites :

Here’s a hint - you better actually follow up, respond and make some game related overtures to us neutrals instead of saying someone else on your team is doing the dirty work, 'cuz it ain’t getting done.

And soon, or it may be a short game for you.

Don Paddro

Well, taste differs, as a neutral I prefer to get a few updates from each side, compiling all they want me to know, I see that as a sign of a well operated team, where each person has his own area of responsibility, but that may just be me?

Any way, I’m pretty sure a lot of us will mail you if you want that, we aim to please!



At last some oponants

We have a Long Rider and a Cloud Lord I tought there was only a WK in this game

Now my dear CL an organised team would have somebody talk to the neutral the fact that you waited so long so that your not. :wink: That was a nice try to recuparate but I don’t think anybody bis going to buy that

See you on the battle field

Tarondor of North Gondor :cool:

Its a little bit early to question organisation skills Tarondor. We will see you on the battle field soon enough and the rivers of Ithilien will run red with the blood of your soldiery. The beauty of being neutral is time, they have plenty of it before they need to decide.

The first overtures are not always the best.

Uvatha the Easterling

But my little pretty you have yet to face me across the field of battle and and your head is just right for my collection.

How much you want to wager I dont take it, want to name a nuetral to leave our wagers with.

You can run but as those that have gone before you will testify you cannot hide from me.

Want to send a second, name the time and place and lets see what you are made of.

Rest assured I am going straight in on your allies and I will not be refusing challange.

Are you a Naz of action or a lurker for your head is mine you just do not know it yet


I’m quite attached to my head,as much as any Nazgul can be.
You and I may well meet on the field Vandal, but the time and the place will be of my choosing.

In the mean time ware the shadows mortal for we have many tools at our disposal, perhaps death in glorious battle will be denied you. Sorcery or a knife in the dark may be your undoing.


If you want to believe you chose the time and moment then go and and think it, in the meantime I will collect a few heads on route to you and like those before you your head is mine.

I still dont see the colour of your money if you are so sure you will win, go on you know I want your head and your money.

Since your colour is not black but something more like a custard rest assured I will be popping over and demonstarting the art of power and turn 1, one of you will die, want to bet on it?

Go on you know it makes sense, for you I make an example of your allies and will be paying you a visit thereafter

You walk the path of the dead you just do not know it, yet!


Hi all,
This is the Corsairs logging in, all news is welcome.