Game 35 is up and running

as for the pushing of the neutrals. no doubt you did that to rhudaur ie - the Wk has no chance you must join us now etc etc.

so likewise. if the neutrals in the south decide to sit on the fence for a few turns and then turn free, there is little point. Personally if I was harad or corsairs, I would consider all those EMPTY S gondor and Gondor pop centres as welcome targets. I have destroyed all my harbours so little point the corsairs going for me.

BUt heh thats just me. it appears the rest want to stay , so I will abide by their decision

mr vandal.
you might as well say here vandal u have all 10 positions and tell us where to move but we will fork out the money.

as for me giving me up, heh if harad turned free, i would not give up until I was destroyed

Were all your front line positions active yes or no at start of game.

Since you refer to game 9, I am playing fk, what happened to minas ithil when i played???

I challenge you to a grudge match - tete a tete

I would like to make a few points and then stay away from this slinging match.

With regards the Neutrals saying they have recieved no communication from the DS… As far as I am aware non of us has said that… what we did say was the lack of communication at the game start…

The free were alot quicker at talking to us. I myself have soken to many members of the DS team, the problem was alot of the early dilpo time was lost and made the neutrals feel that the DS were disorganised, although subesequently diplos from the like of the LR, IK and even youself (until your recent emails to the remaining neutrals) etc have proved that you are not all like that.

As for turning free early, I have been in many games where people turn free within 1 to 3 turns, thats the art of diplomacy.

In another of my current games my team used diplomacy to get 2 neutrals onto our side, and one was going to go to the otherside, and that was by turn 3.

In an older game I have know neutrals to declare on turn1, as they were given an offer they could not refuse.

It is possible, everyone is different and will make their choices for different reasons.

Please stop implying we have hidden agendas because we don’t


Personally, I just can’t see what all this fuss is about simply because two players missed their first turn. Indeed, when I look at the moves of some dark servants, Ice King and Witch King, spring to mind, your position would have been much improved had more of your players missed their first turns!


Bruce let me simple say this again.

I dont have your dark sides turns and cannot know if you had a drop out, wanted to play mind games or something else.

However it is of no consequence to me and thus rant all you like about it I am not answering things i do not know.

Even without the Rhudaur the WK played so badly we would have hurt him, just not so quickly or badly this early.

The IK position perhaps you can explain that as his about to lose his Capital did he miss a go to?

Hey like to take credit for that but none of my doing, well only a quick talk about how to do it really.

Play the game as from this point on I am just going to ignore you and not use the forum in this gameits all yours rant and rave as you like

In the end you and I both know the result here and I can live with it


I am appologising here and now

Battle continues. This has been a kick in the arse for the DS especially for one absolutely plonker (ie me), but not all is lost. All Nazgul (that are still alive) are now fully onboard including the extremely bitchy QA

Let battle commence, no quarter given or expected.

This is the Corsairs,

I’ve being away a number of weeks now and I have just read this crap you have sent about the Neutrals. I like playing Neutral because it give me time to build up and if I want to go Ds or Free on turn two then that’s my choice not yours. I was talking to the DS and one of the Free also my friends the Haradwaith. I made a choice to go DS to even the game, but now I will stay Neutral and attack the QA for what he says about the Neutrals. I will not be going Free nor DS until he has left the Game. :mad:

SInce you have declared war on DS. Then consider yourself an enemy.

You will receive no quarter what so ever. If you declare war on one, you declare war on all

Try landing by ships on my settlements you wont be able to

Since I have 2 positions, you have effectively declared war on both.

I will be dropping into to say hello

One can attack by land also, I have just gone to war with you.:mad:

Shame you did not have the guts to say that earlier, when I could respond

Perhaps all the neutrals would like to turn free. DOdgy from the start. And I wont back down. You will have to take out every single character and mt I have in both positions before I drop out.

DEATH TO THE CORSAIRS - YOU ARE COWARDS for declaring now. I will find out if I can change my turn

I will be informing all DS you are now fair game for agents and emissaries. You might as well turn free, as dont expect when QA is knocked out, that you will get any succour from the DS


Are you playing a Freep in game 55?


I can neither confirm or deny.
isnt that GB per chance and players are anoymnous


Well,Well I can see you dropping soon give my love to Sauron who by the is on me and has being here for the last 3 Turns, Mike.