Game 36

Well, of course I’ll tell what all the nations are thinking at the moment:

“%@#*ing Orcs, damn they smell, and you really can never get the stench off of your gear if they touch you.”

Not too original thinking by the Free nations, but hey, you wanted to know.

King Schitzo

Dont forget the trolls and the Haradan Footmen :slight_smile:

But, I’m trying to forget them, there just aren’t as many of them as Orces (damn, them there Orces must sprout like taters in Idaho).

King Schitzo


Close to going on the second page again. :eek:

Once upon a time, there was a heroic elf. Not just any hero - but a DRAGONKILLER. Yes thats right folks, one of the fabled few… a pretty impressive chap in just his boxer shorts, he visited Gondor for the Helm of Isildur, he persuaded the dwarves to hand over their ring of power - he even got that tight-wad Argeleb to part with his Silver Rod (!). And off he strode, looking mighty. After all, with all that shiny kit on, surely he would be safer than Thranduil, Elrond, Erestor, Ringlin, Nimrodel and Taurnil (RIP elves). HE would kill a few of those lackey-Dragons that the dark servants seemed to have at their beck and call.

He scaled the heights of Sarn Goriwng, looking for dragons. None dared face him

He charged the ramparts of Goblingate. Not a mouse stirred.

He returned to Sarn Goriwing, dying for action. Unfortunately all that kit gave the game away and !"£**@ the brave popped a little pill in his cup of elf tea, and Glorfindel snuffed it. Ho hum.

So now I have all those juicy artefacts. Shame some of them are good alignment.

Tough luck Scott… especially on the turn that you finally got onto 3621 (fourth army to try, by my count) only to find that your 1500HC were facing 600HI… and Angurth and Khuzadrepa.

Well, I have to keep trying. Damn shame about Glorfindel, he did kill a dragon though, was looking for another, they kept running away–I guess he should of showered instead of sweating in all that gear. Anyway I could talk ya’ll into giving me those arties back?

King Schitzo
Feeling sad for the pointy ears :frowning:

Of course we’ll be willing to give those arties back, just bow your head to our Dark Lord and surrender. All arties will be yours once more, if he forgives your mistakes. But hé, you made him laugh, so good hopes.

The still unclean, but again growing in strength, Ren.

Oh Ren wannabe,

I’m thinking that I’ll just have to knock down your “Growing in strength” again. I swear, your orcs are like cockroaches, kill a million, and a million more come from out of the woodwork. I’ll just have to get a bigger can of Raid Ant and Roach Killer. :wink:

King Schitzo

Oh Mighty King,

Please don’t buy that can. It is of no use against us strong orcs. It will only kill all the fleas, flies and even some rats that have made our clothing (and hair) there home. It’s the same as putting us under a shower. We’ll get un-unclean and that pisses us off. We’ll fight like hell… That’s not what you want, 'cause until now we were just giving the younger ones a chance to work out. You don’t want to see old granny orcs wacking away all those fine men in steel armour. It will demoralise the rest very quickly and you’ll have to surrender, or finally fight yourself (that will be a ‘grand’ sight, and a good laugh).

So be warned (although I do like the smell of R.A.R.K.).

Ren the proud to be Unclean, counting his fleas to see if you didn’t manage to kill one by surprise.

You know, wannabe Ren, that if I kill enough of your fleas, you will fall apart because the fleas are all that are holding you together. So, for me, it’s flea killing time (fleas, orcs, whats the difference–they’re both an annoyance).

King Schitzo

When it comes to fighting you, we have a fair flea policy. We come, we conquer, you flee, we flea (flea: verb in orc meaning to introduce pestilience and decay to a un-unclean environment).

Home is where the fur finds its flea. Its fleasible that fair flea philosophy will flood free people territory from the North to the Southern Fleas (oops Seas).


Unclean envionment huh, well, all the Fire King’s holdings will have massive pestilence and decay–he is the “UnCLEAN”.

King Schitzo
Daily shower taker

And very proud of it.

Ren the Unclean
Daily Mud-bath Taker

Actually, this was a very good post (surprisenly so, given the author). :wink:

King Schitzo

Oi ! Get your hands off that Dragon. He is OURS :slight_smile:

And what dragon might that be?

King Schitzo

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

We went to the second page again.

King Schitzo

Lots of things happening, like Tarondor should of zigged when he zagged and now he’s gone, bye Tarondor, you should of done more.

Why does the BS have all those troops? Why that must be costing him a pretty penny, better hope his coffers don’t run dry. :rolleyes: Is bankruptcy around the corner? :smiley:

The NorthWest is almost free of those vile WK and Rhudaur scum, Greenwood has been free for a LONG time and low and behold, SG is making it’s presence known in Corsair land.

All in all, ya’ll might still be a wee bit ahead, but it’s still anybody’s game.

King Schitzo
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Scott ! Well your dragon sure was hungry for Haradrim. Doesnt he know that he was supposed to be on my side? Still, there is enough left over to have a go at 2135 hehehe

Poor old Tarandor. But Mahrcared has britches of steel! Man that guy has turned a knife or two recently…

If your assassins weren’t so vicious, they’d be able to kill him. He’s wearing a mithril chasity belt because all the baby horses started looking funny and the grown horses wouldn’t come anywhere around any man. Of course this has changed now, thank God and Bain for the mithril.

King Schitzo