Game 38 Clint v James Knight

1v1 game - I’m playing 1650 DS vs James’ FP - should be fun. 3 week turnaround on this one (2wks is just too hectic for me).

What fun… :wink: :smiley:

Clint (player)

Hi Clint,

Does anyone ever root for you to win? I will, just so you have one fan yelling from your corner.

James, you are going to get toasted. You shouldn’t try that opening move against Clint.


Yep, usually I get my knockers on the forum (but that comes with the territory. Both, IMO a good player and people like to see the better players lose, and I’m a GM so… :rolleyes: bit of onto a loser to start with). Anyway I like to go up against it… :smiley: :o

Generally when you see the opposition stop posting (or slow down) you can tell when I’m winning… :stuck_out_tongue:

I generally like to post here as I think players are interested in seeing a game in action and from the number of views on the thread it seems popular. Usually gives away a few “tricks” but that’s okay with me.

Don’t always win games - usually seem to lose the 1000 games despite (IMO) it’s one of my stronger formats in many ways…

Clint (player)

Good Luck James!!!:slight_smile:

I hear if you name your characters weird things, Clint gets all flustered and can’t concentrate.:smiley: :smiley:


Yes, Superheroes and mangled Asimov characters I believe it was… I named all my characters after either Superheroes or English Royalty - it might have an adverse effect as even with a relatively early loss of both Harad and the Cloud Lord, he was able to muster the motivation to swamp us both Military and Agent wise.

I can’t wait to find out where you send the BS army this time Clint…! :wink:


I’m a fan of quirky names too, feel i have found the edges of the limits the GM’s will tolerate:p . I’m doing the seven dwarves and some dinosaur puns currently. Gotta get amusement where you can:D I don’t know if i could deal with the stress of naming chars for 12 nations :o Would need a theme per team

Good luck to both teams and keep posting. I have been a regular reader of the postings from the previous.


James is already afraid to post, he knows the outcome.


“I hear if you name your characters weird things, Clint gets all flustered and can’t concentrate… Yes, Superheroes and mangled Asimov characters I believe it was”

I’d like to thank Sam for his comments… my hidden weakness has come out. :smiley: Men in (lycra) pants (UK meaning not US) just don’t do it for me I’m afraid. Asimov - is the Russian/American icon of SF so that’s as close to blasphemy that you can get… :rolleyes: (Note read Hamilton and Richard Morgan if you want the best modern SF - it’s got actual characterisation in it… :stuck_out_tongue: )

I suspect James won’t post - but we’ll see if we can winkle him out. I’ve got my own theme for each game for Grudge games. Quick look on the net can bring in some interesting naming nomenclatures I’ve found…

Clint (player)

LMAO and why would I be scared to post? In fact, I already did a few days ago but nobody responded cos I just put G38 in the title :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, alas as a wannabe purist I can’t abide silly names (the number of times I’ve seen Snow White <cringes>).

Cheers for the advice, Scott! I suspect that a battle against Clint will be… “interesting”. I have a few ideas about what I wanna do, and they mostly revolve around winning :smiley:

From what I know of Clint’s inimitable style he has a tendancy to favour all-out military attacks, preferably with HC st/st, and doesn’t care too much about the economy so long as it funds his troops! Fair assessment? Lol, well for what it’s worth that might just make this game a mutual bloodbath; attack is the best form of defence and, well, my armies are bigger than yours!! (So ner ner ner ner ner! :p)


lol perhaps now it’s Clint who is too scared to post! Must be my huge armies! Who was it who said “peace… through superior firepower”?!

Quaking in my little boots… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully get the turns done this w/end but in no big rush to see your demise.

Heh do you think a 5 man Sick squad is good?:cool:

Clint (player)

I wouldn’t say “good”… you clearly did better on the spells than my damn pointy ears! but that’s still only one army a turn, less with a back up :stuck_out_tongue:

Incidentally have already done my orders but like to leave it a few days/a week so that I forget them - then I get to look at them and think “what idiot would do something like that?!” or “I’m a genius!!”… funny how that seems to result in more of the former than the latter…

Yeh, know the feeling. Usually when it comes back and I’ve realised that I’ve split to the same army commander that I realise the full horror.:eek:

Most of the orders are done, but not quite there yet. Got one big tactical decision to make, should I name Mages for Blind Sorcerer? 40 Mage seems pretty good to me. :wink: Waddya think? :smiley:

Clint (player)

I dunno, I’ve seen BS players actually name emmies first of all?! :stuck_out_tongue: I have the similar conundrum with SG… :s lol

Always name 40 mages. That way, by the time the game is over they will only be a couple of turns away from being usefull. Then you can say if the game had only lasted two more turns I was about to unload a megabomb on you.


lol unless the mages were the megabomb that made the game end just 2 turns afterwards…

on an unrelated note, my orders are in! :smiley: no pressure on Clint to submit his, but let’s just say that as a habitual DS player it’s gonna be interesting seeing if I have any idea at all what I’m doing with the Freeps!


Freeps are easy, pretend you’ve got a whole bunch of Fire Kings, you know, recruit, die, repeat.


Yeah I considered that, but I know that Clint is gonna give as good as he gets! So I think I might try the longer trashing the economy game instead - I don’t need the market, I have taxes! And he has to pay for all those big armies he likes somehow…!

well as predicted I’ve been outfoxed by navies (but then, no offense Clint, a small child might have accomplished the same!) and I managed to get Cirdan killed! Damn over-run on Imladris :frowning: what’s going on there! Oh, and all bar one of my researches failed! :frowning:

Woe is me! Fie! And all that milarky! On the other hand things are starting to get interesting with the armies and there was less of a rush on Gondor than I might have expected…

More when I’ve finished assimilating the turns :slight_smile:


p.s. bloody pointy ears…