Game 42 - greetings!

Game 42 (FA) went out today.

The North Kingdom sends his greetings to everyone in the game, I am open to all kinds of diplomatic messages and offers.

King Alfred of the North Kingdom.

Hail, O Great NK!

I am The West Reach and I return your greetings. I look forward to a great game! As a fellow Neutral we have much to talk about.


Hail and Well Met!

We Barbarians from the east hope to extend our hand in friendship to all nations. We hope to cultivate these lands around the great Rhun region. Although we are neutral I hope we are not alone. The people of Antioch offer a pact of non-aggresion to my fellow neutrals and hope we might come to the aid of each other should the need arise. We humble await your emissaries. :wink:
Elrich the Strong

There are more people playing right?:confused:

Greetings from the Dark Servants, specifically the Dagron Lord.

West Reach, we are very interested in talking to you. Due to your position, we have a hypothesis that you might have joined with the South Kingdom, or at least were planning to work with him extensively.

Sorry for the slowness of the post, but the last time I played was with GSI, and the 3 x 5 cards via snail mail were the only diplo option.

I just signed up for this forum, as well, so I’m not positive if you will be able to E-mail me. Let me know if you can or cannot. We’d like to speak with you soon,


TROGDOOOOOOR! (sorry…had to do it)

The nation of Marquis send greetings, as well, to all nations of Middle Earth. We remind you that we are a peaceful people, but if war is brought to us, there will be a swift and decicive retribution.

We look forward to hearing from all nations to put an end to this silly war between the so called dark and free.

Greetings to all the nations of Middle Earth from the Arthonians,

I am happy to share any messages or communications with the free peoples who are all present, accounted for, and in active communication. We welcome communications from neutrals or even the occasional jab or taunt from the opposition.

Here’s to a great game for all!


My E-mail address is in my profile. The DS are communicating, but I might like to chat with neutrals, as well.

I’ve been having some problems getting into and staying on this message board, so feel free to E-mail me.

Mike (aka Trogdor, the Dagron Lord)

Hello Neutrals!
We the free peoples seek communication with you.
We’re in contact with a couple of you, but would welcome
discussion with the remainder. Please don’t be shy.
feel free to contact me at either email below.


Game FA42 is certainly developing into an interesting game.

Sorcerer-of-the-Eye - The FP sends our congratulations on your play!

And to the DS as a group - just how many of you picked agent focus? sheesh…

This game may very well once again (& rapidly) prove why LAS should be the defacto FA scenario.

None-the-less, we the FP will not give up easily! though you may kill our characters, and wipe out armies with your many assassins… well, we’re still figuring it out as to how to combat that… but our chins are held high, even as we take the knives to our kidneys.


Heh Heh,
turn on your “goad-meter”, cause, here comes some flammable munchables:

We FP always thought the early-game “neutrality rules” imposed by the SK were far more friendly to the DS than to the FP, and surprise surprise, what does SK do? Declare FP to help balance this horribly unbalanced game? nah, that’d be challenging and would require creative and original play. Much more predictably, SK has gone over to the Dark Side. Much easier to join the side with the +20K/A SNA, 9 healthy nations, and the experienced team players, rather than the under-dog team w/o +20K/A SNA, 7 healthy nations and are moslty relative newbies…
But these aren’t the reasons given… noooo
The stated reason? My lack of communication for ONE turn.
And did SK try to talk during that time? nope. feh! that’s a silly reason SK.

Fess up SK - you are going DS because it’s easier. I bet you care about PRS and somehow think you’ll come out better as a result!

Well, hey! Come and get it SK. We’re extremely unlikely to win this game as FP with the neutrals either sitting on the fence or fighting us, but we’ll have fun in the interim, and we’ll see if we can take down the two kingdoms with us. That’ll be our own little team victory condition and goal. So “Bring it on”.

If any of the remaining undeclared neutrals do want to join the under-dog FP and fight a challenging team opponent, we welcome you with open arms.

And again, as stated previously, our hats are off to the DS. By & large you guys are executing an extremely well-played team game! We aren’t very sorry about the losses of your agents in our capitals last turn though… :slight_smile: Care to follow that up this turn with some more?


The SK saw how much my attempts to talk to the FP worked out and probably deduced enough from that. I told you several neutrals would turn dark if you guys forced me into a corner, but you didn’t believe me. Yes I’m going down fast with 5 nations attacking me, but you’ll be the loosers in the end. I gave the DS all the palantir data I have on the FP nations the turn you attacked me. The DS was always polite in emails, even after I ignore them for 2 turns and told them I had no plans to join them.

And saying the SK is more interested in PRS should have been beneath you. Your own actions caused this, stop trying to make excuses.

Dearest enemy NK -

your own actions, inactions, and words are responsible for you being attacked. We’d have loved for you to join us. Believe me. I asked you in IM to join us. you refused. I explained the situation as the FP saw it very clearly (I thought). So, again, as hard as it may be to understand - this is a war game. If you’re not a friend, then by definition, you’re an enemy. Especially a strong kingdom sitting in the backyard of the entire group of FP. How could it be otherwise? We’re just supposed to let you sit in our midst & grow bigger and stronger, remaining “unaligned”??? yeah, right. That would be shear brilliance on our part. If you’d have been friendly though, we might have taken the risk. But you weren’t. I made one last entreaty to you the turn before we moved against you. You ignored the entreaty and said you were too busy to respond. So the FP team voted to attack you. No surprise at all.

SK & most other neutrals all told me (the turn before we attacked you) that you were being unreasonable and that they’d understand it if we attacked you. They didn’t indicate that they’d go FP. I’m not saying so. They just said they didn’t understand where you were coming from and that they did understand FP grievances associated with your demanded borders, ignored border requests from the FP, & your character actions; not to mention the strategic situation.

And SK didn’t indicate that he went DS because you were attacked. SK claims it’s because I didn’t talk to him last turn! If you re-read my post, you’ll see that I believe that is a bunch of baloney! I think he’s just being chicken and taking the easy way out. If the PRS taunt hurts, perhaps there’s something to it?

Finally, do you think for a minute that we didn’t know you’d
give (or had already given) lots of information to DS? doh! I didn’t think of that… darn. Get real - There is no assumption possible in FA other than that the enemy aligned nations have access to starting kingdom recons. Kingdoms just can’t be trusted. Witness this game. Witness most FA games.

Not to worry though. The DS are quite capable. We are impressed with their play. So, this could all be over quickly.
Unless we pull a rabbit out of our hat (we’re desperately looking in the hat now…) And, we will adopt the interesting mini-game of trying to destroy the two kingdoms while the DS beat on us. At least we can teach the kingdom players a lesson or two…


Hey guys,

OK gents, here is the deal with this. I have been playing since 92 and I’ve run into all types. This game is a really poor one. The North Kingdom did act like a tough guy and got called on it. It’s not a big deal. He even stayed neutral. The turning of any neutral is his business. I personnaly don’t beleive a reason is needed. Whatever! You boys are way to hot for your own good. I suggest we put this behind us and move forward. If not I’m going to bail. I’m in about 5-6 games and don’t need this baby stuff. Let me know if you guys are meeting behind the sand lot at 3:00pm after school so I can have Clint find a replacement for me. I just as soon play with people who don’t have so much wrapped up in a GAME!!!. I’m glad none of you are my neighbor:p
Prozac for 24 please! Game 42!

Didier / SK

Since we had the misfortune to read your little hysterical breakdown on FP forum yesterday, let me give you my relatively outsider perspective on this.

Your DS switch in this particular game/situation already smelled, even if technically valid. Yet the follow up lies, in which you were caught so red-handed by Dave and, as it now becomes apparent, systematic misinformation of your fellow neutral teammates over past weeks - that just plain stinks.

I’m completely at loss at what were you thinking (if anything). Are you so stupid not to expect FPs exchanging all communications with you, past and present? Are you so stupid not to expect FPs communicating with neutrals?

After reading the turn our reaction was not much more then semi-jocular “heh, SK has no balls!” After reading your, well frankly - very pathetic denials, the unfortunate reality starts to look like scheming, committed liar, who was very happy to ruin his own team, just so his switch for PRS would look “natural”. All these fantastical schemes you were spreading around to teammates are coming to light, and it looks like quite a few neutrals fell misinformed/tricked by your antics.

Its bad enough we got badly broken game setup from very beginning. I for one would expect at least one of the kingdoms provide some measure of leadership and try to go for interesting and stimulating game for all teams. Instead of leadership we got script-kiddy mentality who found game exploit, and is quick to hack it for instant reward he did not earn.

Btw don’t expect DS to be very grateful for you jumping on their bandwagon either. Given game setup, they were doing great on their own. Despite clear DS advantage there were just enough uncertainty to make it interesting for FP to stick it out and try to outsmart them. Not anymore. The only thing you achieved would be premature end around turn 10 and unfinished game. In other words it’s ruined game for everybody, beside SK who got PRS on the quick.

Didier, speaking for myself I wouldn’t touch with barge-pole an egocentric PRS-whore if faced with possibility to have it on my team in any future game. It’s a team game first and foremost. Same is likely true for every other FP/neutral and perhaps even DS who will be cheated out of their well deserved victory. Pitiful and disgusting.

Lord Max / Drevlans

> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 08:58:51 -0700
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Greetings from Arthonians (FP 42)
> Here’s your second quote, mighty SK. read it and weep.
> guess that puts the whole “liar” attack to rest. So that
> leaves you calling me a loser as the un-addressed attack.
> So, why should anyone admire you for playing a kingdom,
> building up your resources while you wait on the sidelines
> enforcing “neutrality” rules that clearly benefit one side,
> and then joining that side when it’s clearly dominating in
> the game? Answer: no one will admire you for it. it’s
> cheap. it’s about the easiest way to “win” in the entire
> genre of MEPBM. But there’s no challenge in it. I can’t
> even see how it’s fun for you? Unless you have so little
> self-confidence that joining the dominating side and then
> glomming on to their domination as your own, helps your ego?
> I guess if you could have waited on the sidelines even longer
> without making enemies with the DS, you’d have waited even
> longer to declare, and then jumped on their bandwagon.
> Nope. No one admires you for your actions in this particular
> game. Maybe you are admirable elsewhere in your life. let’s hope so.
> By the way - some keys to improving yourself in life are to:
> 1. question yourself
> 2. admit errors & learn from them
> and 3. to seek out challenge.
> From this game’s experience with you, I’d say you’re 0 for 3.

> >Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 18:06:07 +0000 (GMT)
> >Subject: Re: Greetings from Arthonians (FP 42)
> >To: Dave Holt > >

> >Wise leader of the Arthonians,
> >
> >We appreciate your understanding and thank you for it.
> >
> >Please do not misunderstand my words, I am not speaking for
> my northern
> >cousin. He came to my halls, sounding nervous and rattling
> sabers, thus
> >I wanted to hear your side of the story. Nothing more, nothing less.
> >Whatever happens between him and you or your allies is not mine to
> >comment nor act upon now. Given my position, I only thought
> best to see
> >if I could be of help before strong words, or worse, are
> exchanged. I
> >do now understand that you wish to keep your talk between
> him and your
> >side private, and will respect that wish. Now, my halls are
> always open
> >while I remain uninvolved in the matter of war, and even after.
> >South King
> >
> >ooc : My problem here is I have enough on my hands right
> now, without
> >stepping on any toes up north. Yet ignoring it altogether
> may force my
> >hand in choosing sides sooner than I wish to.
> >
> >I’ll not try to, nor wish to, refute your logic, in your
> shoes I would
> >do the same thing. As said ic, I want to understand both
> sides point of
> >views. I heard NK’s story now I hear yours. I’ll keep my thoughts on
> >what happens up north private, I’m one of those dastardly neutral
> >powers you know ;-).
> >
> >Didier


I’ve been having difficulties responding. I tried a couple of things, so let’s see if this works,


Well, apparently I can make short messages, rather than long ones. Maybe I’ll try to do it in Word and copy and paste it in.

Overall, I’ve had very poor luck with this board,


How GOOFY is this? DS concede on turn 8? You guys were winning!

To all the DS (sans SK) - congratulations on a hard fought and well executed game, especially in the NE (Sorcerer of the Eye) and SE (against Stonehearts - who was still doing quite well thankyou! We mounted an early Save-the-Stonehearts campaign quite successfully and Frank is a gutsy smart player, but you did manage to kick him out of his homeland).

We FP thought we had an improbable, but possible shot at winning the game through a strategic pop center victory in the next 5-10 turns, but in the long run, your guys agent advantage was going to be difficult to overcome, should that not work out for us.

We were in the process of moving our center of gravity to the Gap of Rohan area, with MTs springing up all over the place there so that our edge-of-map nations would have central recruiting spots to build armies to send against SK so that we could achieve the strategic pop center victory. It would have been an interesting next 5-10 turns.

We appreciate and recognize the DS team play that went into making Sorcerer as effective as he was. There were messages about caravans going to Sorcerer every turn it seemed!

Sorry to see the game end. It would have been interesting to play it out.

I would personally be interested in looking at turn 7 .pdf of whoever sent the agents into Arthonian’s capital. I had an 118 effective ScoutCharacter and still didn’t get names or nations other than Pirate’s commander who had been parked there! You must have had some super duper agents! I’d be happy to share my .pdf with you in exchange. The reason I’d like to do the exchange is to get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in the ScoutChar/Agent interaction. I’d be happy to have a joint exploration of that with DS.

Yeah, I got a note this morning from MEGames saying all the DS and the other neutrals had dropped, and I was the only non-free player left :frowning:

Kinda annoying if you ask me. Granted, I would likely only last a couple more turns before croaking, but I was trying to do what I could before then (granted, the SS last turn didn’t help :()

Oh well.
