[b]The Minas Tirith Lords have discovered a super weed killer batch in one of
the Minas Tirith warehouses which the South Kingdom medical Board have
deemed illegal last summer due its dual role WMD possibilty… Any further
pursuit of super strength weed killers in the Kingdom’s markets will be
brought forward to the South Kingdom’s security council for punishment.
You have been warned.[/b]
…How cute. I’m warned. :o But maybe it’s already too late??? Or - does that mean you haven’t discovered what makes this weed killer really special? You’ll find out; just wait a little longer .
Tine - now I didn’t mention which flowers I’m using
Oh my good !! Tina will we be swallowed by a legion of Furious and cannibal Petunias? Jajajaja.
Well Guy before you change alliegance, you should make yourself clear about which icon represents each alliegance.
Crossed swords are for Neutrals (Don’t worry you can’t change to Neutral, you already are.).
Small white ball is for Free People (They call themselves the good boys, composed of elves and those gay kind mannered entities)
Little eyes are for Dark Servants (In spanish Ojete (Check the list and go for the right meaning, usually orcs goblins and any kind of pestilent way of living)
Well … If I attack you, I’d would be nice to see to which alliegance you choose to change, just to see with who do you identify yourself, or we might just create a new icon only for you? better indeed, we could arrange you to became Royal Gardener for Flower Power? LOL
Occitan Kindgom (Yeah, the real true Kingdom in the South).
Time will tell Occitan… Declare yourself urpsuper to the ancient Southern
Kingdom as much as you like for in the end that will only bring the hardship
and death to your peoples. You are not as safe as you feel in Umbar
Flower and South Kingdom…both of you seem to be a little at odds. Be aware that I will not allow any foreigners in Rohan. Hope you have navies.
To the Free and DS…I’ve received a few diplos from each and I can see advantages and disadvantages to both sides. Please continue the diplos and understand that I am looking for good gamesmanship, coordination, and a challenge.
I’m more safe than you are, by land you have to pass accross several nations and by sea you can only land in one hexe which I have absolutelly controlled, on the other hand I can land in many more places such as Pelargir, Osgiliath, Dol Amroth, I guess your men at Havens must be very very very happy with your current diplomacy, and maybe willing to change their nationality
I’m not the usurper of SK, my Kingdom is much nicer, why would I wanted yours?
The safety blanket unfortuneately was left in the Maelstrom. We’re making do with punching the hell out of a straw man resembling Sauron. Now, if we can get the mages to bind whats left of his spirit to it then we might have some real fun…
Just use your Rohan boundaries from the set up. obviously though, you can move along your road xx27 row. Please do not encroach north of that row nor east of 1824, 1925 as my population tends to get nervous when outriders pass through and around their farms.
We will respect the Imperia’s wishes. And the Rohan’s view of their eastern borders? The SK sees the Gondor border at 2624, 2625 and 2626 and
therefore those hexes lie in Gondor.
I’ll be going through my plans late tonight most probably. All neutrals will be contacted. I could do with artefact numbers guys for a list Im compiling. An exchange of info might be a good idea?
2 more days to go my friends. Let battle commence. Or whatever you might want to call it. The Smithies are ringing, the mithril gathered. We still need stable hands to muck out. You Evil guys sure you dont wanna give it up and try earning an honest living?