Game 45

I have to admit… I don’t expect to last long no matter which way I go. But I know the rivers will run red from the blood being spilled before I go.


Again another FA game takes a turn for the surreal… My scrys cant be right can they guys…

Silverin is confused and contemplating offing a few mages of inempt ability… The neuts at it again methinks…

NK you’re new but I’ll send an email to get you up to speed.

Hurrah, succesfully manged to find another arty. Ricard you’ want this one, mind you so will everyone else without the Kidnap/assass bonus… Sorry mate told you I’d let you know when I had something of import to tell…

The Freeps need all the help they can get; one thing is for sure in this game;
FP’s won’t be winning it… Betrayal won’t be forgotton by the men of SK.

Now to conclude peace with their enemies…

So how are things in the South Guy. I wasnt aware we were attacking you… maybe I should check more of whats happening in the South…

The Freeps have betrayed the South Kingdom. The start of another vendetta,
not all the FP’s just you and Ernie. I will be looking for you guys in other


Don’t suppose you guys want to call a truce so I can take revenge on the
devious backstabbing Freeps? After all I’ve done for the dirty stinkin good
for nothing cept self gratification Freeps.


Strange Guy, I had no idea I’d done anything of the kind. Certainly there have been emails flying around and certain proposals I have agreed with. As far as I am aware there has been no move against you or the NK, although he seems to have made his won mind up… As always my intial standing is as it was. I won’t attack a neutral or interfere unless they are attacking us… Seems All of you, but possibly one, are now in that category from what you’ve written. everything else is hearsay, happenstance and conjecture just as it should be… probably the reason why Ricard jumped, before he was pushed. Certainly from the emails and maps I’ve seen we did nothing to instigate any of this.

Now Alan, doesn’t concluding a pact with the DS in Mordor allowing the Mordor
DS free reign to attack the SK amount to a betrayal of the SK??? Even
more so when the fact was kept from the SK?? With allies like you guys
who needs enemies…

Don’t give me the cowardly b****it about not attacking the SK, only a
fool would believe that. The Freep actions not only have been cowardly
but condemms the SK to a bitter fight in Mordor.

Will be looking for you guys in future games

Possibly depending on how you look at it. Believe it or not a couple of FP nations need help and the DS are the only ones able to give it at the current time. This is in essence why such a pact exists. Really if it thus extends to the North as well then expect me to utilise the same to ensure my nations survival. I was and still am under no obligation to tell you anything about movements of others in this or any game unless you are allied to me, thus having changed icons. Sorry but I am in no position to protect you, nor are the Freep nations down where you are in Mordor. Certainly if you can get the DS to back off then do so by all means. Additionally the existence of neutral armies marching towards Silverin itself indicates to me that my silence is more than justified. A new NK player, on his 2nd turn sounds like a ringer, and FlowerPower in the area stinks of pre-planning. If this is so then perhaps the supposed backstab will have to be re-evaluated as I gave the FP team my word not to hinder FlowerPower as she was honourable in her word and would only target the NK. As for the email you just sent, taking a ‘game’ personally aren’t we. Not the 1st time I’ve heard you talk/type in such a way. That grudge list must be getting mighty long. Well bring it on, I have lost many games and won many too, it is a war game after all…

Protect me Alan? You can be such a santimonous twit sometimes… Long grudge
list, is 3 a long list?? It was 1 but its trebled in one day… Love it. I was
getting bored having to listen to your recruit recruit recruit motto. Very easy
to beat…

Next game I’ll make sure I’m next to you… :smiley:

Ok protect ight be too strong. Support would have been my choice if I wasn’t typing without thinking. So we being honest then? Is there a neutral alliance? if so when was it formed?

Guy, Silverin has been nothingbut honourable. In this game nothing as it seems and more than one of us has had more than a hrad time coming to terms with it. What has happened and what will happen is more to do with Occitan and Tuatha. If there are neuts attacking the DS then they can be added to that list of 2. If you had asked you had my support even if there was such a thing as a DS/FP alliance against the neuts. As for you my friend sometimes friendlies are caught in the crossfire. Declare DS or FP and you wil be spared, assuming you hgave naught to do with the neutral pact. I have 2 neut icons on my map at a time another staunch and trusted ally is in the area, coincidence? Id love it to be FP and maybe our friendship can be saved. If not at least we will have the future pleasure of being enemies…

A neutral allaince only exists in your paranoia Alan… Even though the
Freeps have tried very hard to create a neutral allaince there isnt one. But
it doesnt take a diplomatic genius to work out why you Freeps are so
fixiated on a neutral allaince… You guys were getting your butt kicked
by the DS and their allies so invented a neutral allaince to attempt to
save your own skins. SK and Blackwater have done more for the Freeps
cause then the Freeps have done for their own cause…

Elrond, Argeleb, Bain, Tarondor will be ashamed of the betrayal and the
actions of the holders of the white path. You guys are unfit to be the
guardians of the Free.

I will be spared? Lol, you’re funny… Instead why dont you the Freeps
lay down their weapons and hand over their PC’s to the SK?? The DS
believe they can push back the SK while even now more HC rides for
another DS capital. You beleive you’re untouchable; strange from my
2 scrys this turn you look anything but. A hint, to use blocking fortifications
in key hexes you need to protect them with armies. Looks like you could
be out in a couple of turns. And you lay terms to me?? ROFL

No one is untouchable. You are deluded at best if you can even think that anyone would believe that in a game such as ME. At least my decisions were based solely upon whats been happening and duplicitous behaviour of others. I remember well the last time differing alliances joined forces against neutrals because of their actions… Whilst DS and FP armies marched upon one another neutrals targetted vulnerable nations. i.e those who had sent their masses off to war with their enemies. The treachery was soon to be revealed in that one. As for your statement that a neutral alliance only exists in my paranoia, then believe what you will. I never truly believed such an existence merely neutrals co-ordinbating attacks seprately against certain nations. Almost the same thing but not quite and I assure you there are lots of others in the game that felt the same way. I believe the strategy is divide and conquer. Then again I might be wrong and look forward to your corecting me yet again. Coincidental you’d be scrying me this turn as well isn’t it considering how inept I’ve been playing and how so vulnerable I am. Im hoping you didnt miss the 2 navies almost home as well as you’ll be missing quite a few troops.

Lastly I am so glad I manage to entertain. I keep trying to keep this polite and out of the public domain but you insist on only posting to the forum…

“Yes, Lord Aazmodius, the Guild to our east has attacked the Exodus of Light…our ally to the south is no more, the Savants have been vanquished by free peoples.”

“It is grave news indeed. Our other neighbors present an intriguing set of possibilities…send emissaries to the Northern Kingdom of men and the Barbarians of the north. We have much to discuss.”

“Lord, other news reaches our ears of troop movements to our west…we should be wary.”

“Indeed we will; we have troops as well and swift will be our response if encroached upon.”

Aazmodius pondered the recent scries of his mages and the reports of his agents. This much activity would certainly keep him in council long into the night. He reached back and stroked the hair of his most recent decapitation…perhaps he should send this back to the family…perhaps not.

An interesting game as always in 4th age with talk of truces and alliances and subterfuge…I care not who or when or why…it is not for us but to do and die…

4th age is not a pre-aligned - type game akin to 1650…that was clear from its inception. Neutrals can and often do align to form their own team…freeps and ds nations can do (though not as often) form truces or pacts that benefit them as well…

so all the talk about whom did what w/ whomever else is immaterial…whatever happens I don’t hold a grudge and don’t expect others too…but if you do…that’s fine too…

If someone were lied to about the situation in a game would it be the first time this happened? Would it be the first time someone reacted to what they were told only to find out it wasn’t that way to start? Happens I would think…

If someone were caught lieing in a game and then lied to protect themselves or act like it was someone else would that be the first time? Again I think it happens…

I’m not saying any of this went on but I am saying it happens…and so what if it did? IT’S A GAME…play it and understand that is part of it (though not w/ me and I don’t much tolerate it in my real life endeavors) or do something else…

I find it most interesting after your strong armed email threats to my kingdom you find it surprising I marched towards your nation… Did you believe you could really intimidiate me! I almost fell off my chair with laughter from your statement you could take me out alone.
So you complain about my intent even Last turn I could see your fellow men in tight army already marching towards my capitol… So bring your Steel your complete gamer bull and all your allies becuase you are already removed from your capitol and you simply cannot stop me!
A word of advice since you must be to new to this version to know better. Never threaten a kingdom when you border that kingdom… You want them on your team not pissed at you.


Venger, who was that last ot? My armies last turn were sitting on my capital and have begun marching back to their pickup points this last turn. Still within the elven woodlands… as for the email it was only fact based upon scrys. Yes always watch sleeping giants who lie next door. And so I was until this last turn believeing we had some middle-ground at least. Still it is a wargame so lets play…