Its been the Freeps diplomatic overtures that have sucked in this game.
Sending emails to the neutrals I’ve talked to declaring join us or die will
only lead to one thing. War! Even the nations who have attacked the DS
in co-ordination with the Freeps have suffered this slight. But then you
add a secret agreement by the DS and Freeps of a truce to concentrate
on the neutrals. For example my nation I have 3 DS armies marching into
W Mordor, all able to do so because of the truce. After the SK had
decimated the Mirkwood DS and was about to declare for the Freeps this
turn it can only be seen as a betrayal of the Freep allies who did so
much for the Freep cause. What makes it worse no warning was given
to their so called allies only the threats of join us or die.
Now Alan goes on about its not a betrayal, I had nothing to do with it,
why were you scrying my nation blah blah hickey dock tock.
On turn 9 with DS armies moving against the SK it was OBVIOUS the
Freep have taken the cowards way out and made a truce and betrayed
their allies. I was’nt 100% but to take make sure I scried and prepared
a plan for those responsible for the betrayal.
Alan as self confessed Captain of the Free and Ernie who pushed for
the truce; this I say to you; your nations will not survive the SK.