Game 52 Starts!!!

Look out FP I am feeling mighty aggressive these days.


Greetings from the Sinda, Dog Lord!

Have you seen your friend Khamul skulking about anywhere? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure he’s around somewhere waiting to “port” in. Now where is your pointy eared brethren hiding at?

Hail All,

The people of Dunland eagerly await emmissaries from everyone.

Our leaders are preparing many plans and the Halls of our ancesters reverberate with the sound of debate as we wager on who will be the first to arrive with a missive.

Regards to All at this peacefull time in Middle Earth

Rivendell probably, most likely drunk and singing silly songs. :smiley:

Greetings and salutations :hug: from the Blind Sorceror! :arr:

John playing as Harad, feel free to contact me regarding my future choices.
Obviously I’m keen to hear from the Corsairs !

Hi all Keith here playing the southern pirates for game 52. Here is to a good game. John and others and email me at

Long Ones checking in

Seems like a good game so why spoil it with threats that will come true anyway.


Lord of the Nazgul here
Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur - you about?

Witch King

To everyone that has sent an ambassador to our court… Thank You… rest assured that each will be answered soon (as soon as I can log into my email account at home)

To those thinking of sending Ambassadors… they are always welcome, particularly those bearing promises of gifts rather than threats.

As a nation used to peace for some time now, we are in no hurry to fan the flames of war. However, neither are we without the resources to help those we consider friends and allies. When the time comes, the people of Dunland will rise to the challenges and stand with their chosen allies.

Regards & Best Wishes to All

Herald to the Court of Dunland


Nice to see so many odoriferous companions of mine, but where are the Easterlings? Lomelinde is waiting for an informal exchange of views with our dear brothers of the east.


Greetings from the Lord of Moria!

To Rhudar and Dunland: C’mon over and I’ll throw you a party!!

To Dragon Lord and Witchy-Poo: Stay where you are and I’ll throw you a funeral.:stab:


Greetings to all Neutrals. The Noldo wish open communication with any of the neutrals that want to speak to me. You can contact me at

Hail Rhudaur,

If you see this, then please contact me, so we can discuss the happenings in the world.


Herald to the court of Dunland

Hear the horns of Southern Gondor and fear if you are not a Free People or friend of the Free. Our single aim is to hunt down and kill every orc, troll, warg, goblin and anything of an evil disposition.

Soon the armies of darkness will learn that to hear the horns of Gondor is to die, and will drop their arms and flee in terror…

Ok game turn 1 due tommorow.
Just letting you know Rhud here and ready to go.


Fire King here and ready to send the troops into the stew pot of the Ithil Pass, ah the old song of recruit, march & die can be heard from our walls. Hope to feast on Gondorian meat this coming turn.


Greeted be the leaders of Rhudaur

A warning may be in order - The meat speaks, it happens - but if you return it to your trusted chef it will soon cease to complain, for example; a nicely boiled dwarf is only a hazard if you fail to remove the metal parts, after that its soft and squishy just like a hummer. The horns of Gondorians make perfect liquid containers to quench your thirst during any feast, they are over prized, I know, capture may be an option.


Game 52 now ends with the company unable to process any turns?
Over 5 hours late with no email to say why!? :frowning: