Game 52 Starts!!!

Relax, I`ve had turns arrive in my inbox 3 days later…blame Yahoo, everyone does :mad:

I don’t use yahoo!:mad:

It’s not just my turn then !
I’ve asked the question but no reply as yet, although it could have been after hours before they got my mail.
My other game turns around today and I got that OK.

I’ve just logged on and no turn for me either, sigh! I wonder if i will get it tomorrow?

I emailed earlier asking if there was a problem and only got an automated reply. I shall issue Clint a late turns fee of £3.50 :rofl:

Don’t forget the extra £1.00 for writing the origional email to him :woot:

Hi Folks,

EASTERLINGS here. I just received notice from Harly and may not even make it in time to do my first set of turn orders. :o

Anxious to hear from BOTH sides. Whichever side has a better PLAN, I’ll go with.

Till then

Bob Chronley

The freeps plan is to WIN!!!

You can switch your icon next turn.:smiley:



The Easterlings are going FP in game 52. The reason has nothing to do with individuals playing either side, it is entirely my desire to see a FP Easterlings, something I have never seen.

I am declaring early because, while I want my declaration to add a challenge to the game, I don’t want it alone to determine the game, and a certain amount of duplicity I can’t abide - -even as a neutral. So yes, DS you have time to plan and counter my moves, but know that I will be moving against you.

In any event, I respect many of you in this game, and have several friends on the DS side. I know you’ll be disappointed / angry with my decision, but I made it in the most up-front way I could.

Good Luck and good gaming
Easterlings, game 52


First declaration and not even Turn 1…

That seems a tad early for a neutral…

How bizzare! DS before the game even starts :eek:

Well, I see Khamul has decided to do his skulking in the treasured forests of Lothlorian, Caras Galadhon even! Perhaps Celeborn or Galadrial will show up to teach him a lesson he shall remember! It didn’t work out all that well for the miserable Orcs who fouled the Nimrodel with their smelly iron-clad feet in the book as I remember… :slight_smile:

I see he also has a taste for the swampwaters of the upper Anduin. Orcs, and swamps go together, I do believe they named an area farther south the ‘Dead Marshes’ due to all the Orcs who perished there.

Kudos to the Easterlings for making the noble decison! The friend who introduced me to the game was one of the rare Freep Easterlings in GSI’s game 103. Had a lot of fun giving an enema to Mordor from what he said. And that whole miserable place needs an enema from the vantage point of any decent elf like us Sindar… :stuck_out_tongue:

Too bad the Long Rider’s Mordor cav got caught and will be crushed this turn. Clever of him trying to sneak past through the hills and rough, even more clever of the noble North Gondorians to catch him doing it. I love the smell of splattered Orcs in the air, it smells like…victory! :slight_smile:

Ah - the squeaky Elves, still got that old problem with too tight tights?:smiley:

It was worth a try, it failed. The Gondorians will not fight Orcs, but creatures with an exceptionally foul temper, Camels. On top of those beast you will find men, men of conviction, men who unlike those traitors who call themselves Easterlings have chosen to fight for Sauron, not wimps who for a large shipment of tights will submit to the so called Free People.


Orcs and men who act like that foul breed look much the same in the eyes of the Eldar. We also find your unfettered interest in our clothing fashions troubling to say the least. :wink:

Perhaps to the untrained eye finely wrought elven chain mail looks like ‘tights,’ I suppose when forced to wear ‘armor’ that would shame the most desperate bag lady, anything that actually fits and is crafted well looks strange. :smiley:

The Easterlings have chosen well, and bravely. You should not be upset with them, they did not deceive you. It will make the game on the eastern plains more interesting to say the least.

Yes, we just love the swamp. First priority was to put down a camp there. I’m glad I beat you guys to it. Better luck next time.


LOL! :slight_smile:

And here I thought you were just skulking, as usual. I can’t blame you for slithering to and fro, there’s a lot of lightbulbs chasing after you! We know where you’re going too…we’ve got you cornered like a mangy lizard! You can’t stay where you’re at and you can’t go where we all know you’re going…

Well, you get my army as a consolation prize, the mighty Sinda starting Lothlorian juggernaut of 900 archers and 500 freshly recruited HI. It will whittle you down so we won’t take as many loses at the real battle next turn even with both your armies at you-know-where…'cuz so do we! :slight_smile:

That one might be better off staying in the swamp–hope the mosquitos like Orc blood. Betcha it tastes like sewage! :stuck_out_tongue:

Greetings all around

So the haughty elves don´t know the difference between camels and wolves, between men and orcs, they just lump them all together.

What do they know or care for? Little besides their embroidered undergarments, poetry and dreadful string instruments.

Cunningly weaving precious metals into your tights wont make them anything close to our armored battle pants, designed to keep out the cold in summertime and keep you cool in the cold. Still working on the flaws on use in hot areas, but its all coming along nicely.


I suppose there is a difference between the scum that stains your toilet and that you might find in a latrine, but in a general sense, no, we see no difference. :smiley:

Dear Orc-lover, elves kill Balrogs, name an orc who ever managed that. :slight_smile:

Why does it not surprise me you’re fixiated on our undergarments? As ‘depraved as an orc’ as the wise would say… :smiley:

We don’t worry about the mosquitos. They’re on our side.


Good point, I’d forgotten about that! I suppose they have better taste than to bite an Orc anyway. :slight_smile: