Game 52 Starts!!!


I fully understand curiosity and trying new ways. Guess you played lots of games and so on.

The fact of an early Ea FP declaration is weakening the DS, no more no less. This is what you can expect - little need to try it out.

Early change of allegiance will fail, just like recruiting a npc/encounter (woses, dragon etc), this might be common knowledge, and again seems to me as a weak motivation to experiment.

This leaves only the initial strength of the FP and DS nations, may it be military, economic or based on chars.


So you are trying to enter through our backdoor! Well guess what? Exit only guys!!


Dog, you must be able to muster maybe a whimper let alone a bark or a howl. Horse boy is doing a great job denying you gold and resources, just wish the market wasnt so high. Fire Knave, Ice Pop and Dark Pvt, how dya like those apples?

Who needs a back door when the front is ripe for kicking in…

South Gondor, feeling like a mean mutha****** :bash:

After taking out Taurnil, some very short bearded excuse for a man challenged my newly named emmy (not very nice by the way) and by a stroke of luck actually won. But what do you know, Celedhring managed to kill another Sinda bringing the score up to 2-1. This time Nimbth, ah, Nimmerrodel, ah, damn it can’t remember the name. Well some bitch hit the ground. What she was doing out there in the middle of nowhere beats me.


The front door is presently closed to new visitors due to the re-decoration of Minas Ithil that will take place this turn. Any Gondorians are welcomed to visit the following turn but please be aware the price of entry will be high…thats your head mounted high on a stick :bash:

Glad you like the high prices :smiley:

The new Rhuduar has arrived. The old Rhudaur left no clues as to his intentions. What say you all in private communication?

Ah, so snivelling Argeleb has finally come to the party. Shame that you’ll be going home again so early. A bit disappointing so far in the North West isn’t it - so far the Witch King has confronted Dwarves, Woodmen, the total armies of Cardolan, and the massed ranks of Arthedain, and has lost…

A village.

And I seem to have gained a pretty Dwarven Town. That came with a nice horde of Mithril.

Murazor awaits you.

To all nations that have emailed me… I am not ignoring you :slight_smile:

Well, by my actions I am :o

I will reply as soon as I can :smiley:

To all nations that haven’t emailed me… now that’s a hugely long list… you don’t make it easy for someone to choose your side… :cool:

Rhudaur… hooray, you are alive!! I will send you a private note soon… can’t tell you much… don’t get many ambassadors at my court :frowning: but what I can tell you…

Actually… Rhudaur you are alive… boo… I thought the nation wasn’t being played and was making plans to annex some pop centres… oh well… alliance works just as well…

Regards to All… particularly those with Ambassadors at my court…

And for that I truly apologize. How can I make it up to you? :wink:

Rhuduar has recieved emissary notes from his immediate neighbours: Witch King, Noldo and the Dunlendings. Based on a percentage of team members who care, as a democratic republic, obviously I am compelled to join the Dunlending allegiance. Whomever ends up as an enemy as a result, too bad, so sad, should have voted, it’s all your fault. :stuck_out_tongue:

To the Duns: If’n we’re to be teammates, you have, simply have to stop this whole “conquer Rhudaur pops” business. I’ll see you in committee…

One of your democratically elected rulers wants to make it up to me, another wants to incite tension using words such as conquer and committee…

Hmmm… what to do… what to do…

I know!! Lets invite Har and Cor into our alliance. Guys… if you are seing this, what do you reckon???

Or… if we really want to do something completely different… we could have a Rhu/Dun v Har/Cor battle… oh hold on… I don’t have ships and they do… I wonder where the battles would take place!!! Woah… stop… let’s not go down that path.

Or better yet… why don’t we pick a place on the map and see who can get there first… rules… you must send an army and it must attempt to fight any other army it encounters on the way… so to be fair it would have to be somewhere that made us all go through both FP and DS… that sounds like fun…

Oh I do hope the Fp/DS are not reading this and thinking I’ve just declared was on all of them :slight_smile:

Regards to all…

conquer’s perfectly acceptable banter, committee…I see your point…

It seems that Argeleb II will not be going home after all. :eek:
Instead Ashdurbuk Zalg’s orcs found him cowering amongst the dead bodies of his ex-army. He and all his toys (artifacts) have been taken into custody for war crimes and illegal border crossing.

Cardolan commander Imlach also seemed so keen to leave his army that he headed off with the first ‘tall, dark & handsome’ stranger who called at his tent.

Interesting what happened before that. Imlach just didn’t seem interested in combat at all, so left Aethalan to lead his 1100 men with sticks in a suicide attack.

And then afterwards. It appears that something nasty occurred in ex-Imlach’s army and ‘Hero’ Bobbins was left with a few less troops to command. An encounter report would be nice to read!

Aaah, spring is in the air and the usual Ithil blood bath is about to get, well, rather bloody…

I think you need at leeeeaaast 8 70pt agents to stop us here…have you got that many…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes!!! And can you guess where they are all currently residing at? :bash:

Nice to see non-neutrals on the forum, especially uncle Murazor

Now that EeasterBob has made himself a persona non grata (some turns ago - in the dark community) I suggest that our undecided brethren will reprimand this spout of adventure and foolishness by takink soviet aktion againts this nazty quisling.

The lag of words to those who might lean to our course is not a lag of courtesy, it is about a sounding of ground by a single Nazgul, who gets the word around.


Wow… non neutrals on the forum… Is this allowed??

I reckon I’ve now replied to all the ambassadors that sent me a message in the last couple of weeks… if you have not heard from me and are awaiting a response… please write again… that’s at least 17 of you :smiley:

All the best with the coming turn… particularly those of you that are on the side I will be planning on joining… if only I could get to know some of you more… it would really help me make up my mind… oh and you might decide you don’t want me on your side anyway.

Hey tex,
Your time is running out. You got lucky with Argelleb. As for his toys, well enjoy them while you have em! They will be home soon.
Enjoying the beating your are receiving? I hope you keep up the good work and enjoy these next 4 turns…


keep lying to yourself

Due to computer problems I’ve lost all ( and I mean all ) contact details, please could all active guys let me know who they are, thanks.

The Witch King continues to await his aggressors.
It seems that this turn the Witch King lost ZERO population centres.
It seems that on the coming turn the Witch King will lose ZERO population centres.

One turn down of the four you mention. Three to go. How many turns will I be enjoying in this game Arthedain? So far its ALL of them.
