Sounds like a reincarnation, :eek:
For the voyeurs out there… faxman cometh…
Turn 5 has run in this Grudge Game.
2008, Rhudaur capital, is safe. Dwarves disappeared. Now, the North West is inevitably Free territory in a Grudge, it’s simple a matter of timing. Now, Rhudaur still lives but Arthedain lost 3 towns to wK/Rhi cav out back while the Noldo have armies and navies in the field. We didn’t get as many pops as we’d like, but we’ve diverted crucial characters, so we’ll take that as a victory…
The Dale region Northmen showed up at Gundabad. That’s somewhat new, so we’ll give you props for that… Of course, it only shows us how much you respect us… GG Dwarf and Sarn Goriwing is still hidden. Dol Guldor is an Eothraim town (if it was an Eo MT I’d be impressed…).
LR didn’t go to Rhun (see below…) so the Northmen have a couple forces there. Now, while they managed to give the Dol G clearing Eo some war machines, we think it would be a miracle of modern logistics if both of these forces were “significant” Heavy Cavalry…so the DS are confident and content here…
Eothraim showed up in force at 3120…DS in pretty good force also… No DS worries here. More multinational FP on the road coming down. They’ll stay there or die, depending on my idiot Cloud Lord ally (more on him later also…)
NG took some significant losses at Osgiliath and failed to move forward. Cloud Lord has some forces on 3028 to round them up to Osgiliath only. DS victory in this theatre, really, the FP aren’t getting in here.
The FP abandoned Umbar on turn 1 for some crazy attacks against Vamag and the Harad. Well, but turn 5 the Harad is a heck of a lot stronger than he should be and the FP have had to “Oh my GOD!!” double back to desperately save Umbar… Here the Long Rider cav…all of them…showed up. I’ll give the FP props here too, their adjustment was well done, the DS have been blocked all over the place. But, we all know it’s a matter of time, don’t we? Note, a successful Sab Fort on the Haven’s of Umbar illicited a new Castle there. We’re quite happy the FP have decided to dispense with their timber in this fashion…
The DS have all of them. All. A-L-L. FP have nothing and have sent the arties they start with to the craziest places… No FP agents of note beyond the original, no FP curses, etc. Every single artifactof note in any way shape or form is DS. Heck, we have Mothras for cripes sake just to ensure theyre is no way they can get us.
DS victory in this game. We all know that the FP have the early game crossbow of death…but only a couple bolts to fire. The bolts in this game have glanced off their mark. Barring an early game can-opener into Mordor, the FP have little hope. Factor in various intangibles (the artifacts, their delay dealing with the North West, their failure against Harad) and it’s obvious. The only question is how much money are they going to suck out of us before it’s official…
Yes folks, no Floridan elector officials here, but we’re calling it anyway. DS Victory!
faxman leaveth…
Oh, I promised more on my idiot Cloud Lord ally…he’s complaining that his hot tub is only 102 and his personal beer tap is running flat… He also lost some signifcant artifacts when his 70+ pointer (not including bonuses) failed. If we lose, it’s his fault. It’s now on the public record. I’ll publish his contact details, address, etc, later…
Can you send me whatever you’re smoking, jeez its some strong stuff! The
only near truth you spoketh is Umbar…
I’m not set up to handle those kinds of logistics Ettestump. You must know some people in, er, shipping…who can help get it there…? I mean, you are living in Greece, no?
It was not my fault…Mireadur is one bad dude, kadida had no chance…besides he was wearing two cloaks…two? Now how do you assassinated someone wearing two cloaks? No matter how magical they are they just get in the way. Ji never wears two cloaks…never…
Oh great. I bet Kadida’s mommy didn’t call him “special” enough, he needed 2 cloaks to feel comfy and loved?? Don’t rant on Ji’s qualities, he hired Kadida, sheltered him as he failed the pre-req’s during training, and sent him on his intitial mission. I’m thinking a purge of the Cloud agents is in order - Retire and Name, we need a new mentality in this unit.
You shouldn’t be inciting your opponents … I’m suppose to have the corner on the on people trying to take me out of every game I’m in…
I must say that 5 turn victory thing almost made me fall out of my chair with laughter though… Only newbie opposition can be beat that quickly.
VEO’s dead. He left a wife and 2 children, lucky for them he was well insured so they’re better off without him, as are all of us.
This game has been called. It hasn’t ended - there’s still lots of money to pay, but the result is obvious. The DS shall emerge victorious. There’s nothing to incite over and above what they’re already talking about. They know it’s done as well as we do, but the frail human, stuck as we know in his pride trap, shall deny, deflect, and more likely, disappear, as the game goes on. Let them plan and scheme, they’re only looking for scapegoats at this point. And if all I write is crap and the FP steamroll Mordor, well, it’s the Cloud Lord’s fault…
Free Peoples, ouch this turn had to hurt! It ant looking so good for you chaps, but I hope you don’t get to disheartened the games got a long way to go and we are just getting warmed up.
Oh Ji says Mireadur is not so bad anymore, Dundains is a punk, and yes I’m wearing two cloaks again.
holie, veo’s dead.
iron. ji’s a mamma’s boy. yezmin can take the bum, leave the challenge open bro and i’ll show you what those cloaks are worth.
oh, by the way happy/mad - um…what’s up dude? how’s it goin’? havin’ fun? goin’ for the morannon is ya? naw. goin’ in the back door then? naw. burning rhudaur? naw. killing harad? naw. have you made new mt’s in the iron hils to relocate the corsairs?
this game was called, and now it’s accelerated. 4 weeks and we’ll be calling for a concession. now, guess what i’m smokin’…
the dark
Having fun as usual in real life Veo/Fax… Not much time to spend on this… Good touch with Lomaw but I wouldnt enjoy it if it was easy…
distancing yourself from the inevitable results? denying any responsibility? do your allies know you’re jumping ship and pointing fingers already?
the dark
Lol, not in the slightest… I actuially like the rest of the 6MD team; good guys
and the complete opposite of many teams I’ve played in. Ofcourse I’m not
pointing any paws Veo…
what does the MD stand for? manly divas? mucho doodoo? margaret delainey? (she does 6 at a time…) more denial? musical disclaimer?
Lol, if there was a prize for a team that gloated the most you guys would walk it.
And not burning the Rhudaur . . . . are you posting on the right thread?
yes, we’re on the right thread. our other game is another thread, that’s the one where we have burnt out rhuduar. this is the game where you have not.
not to mention harad still a significant economic power. not to mention the absolute castration of the corsairs. again, our other game (same turn) harad’s a minute basket case and the corsairs are on the attack. no, not against rhuduar silly, rhudaur’s burnt in that game, capital long gone, etc, remember…?
and for all our phreepie success in that game, it’s still a coin toss. such is the mirror against which the phree here are measured…look down…lower…there you go. exactly.
the dark
Okay, I must be imagining it then.