Game 57 Nomads

Oh it’s decided; I don’t think there is any doubt. When they gave us their best shot and failed to put QA out, they were done – a valiant effort, but it fell short. From this point on, we are going through the motions. Chalk this one up in the DS victory column.

You’ll have to beat us down a little more Drew before we consider saving anyone some money…

the free

actually, i’d say knocking 3622 and 3624 into the teens, not getting flipped them hurt. your pay off from killing elrond and ciridan in one turn (easily the most damaging turn of the game for us, nice play on your part). your play has been more consistent then ours, but the evils also have the advantage( yep tossing the bait, looking for the reverse rematch) words to describe when 70 point emmisaries fail are not printable on this board. oh it happens, but in those instances, it really hurt. i’m not a big fan of hopeless causes, but i think we still have a play at victory. when i think its gone, i’ll vote to resign.
if your gonna quote rock bands, i prefer the immigrant song.

We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!

given the current freep position, that last line seems pretty relevant.

Isn’t there an old saying that goes something like this: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”

Wishful thinking Drew. And no matter how much I like you, you do seem to be begging…


Let us all praise the valor of the Dunedain of Arnor!

There will come a day when the Men of Cardolan refuse to fight fairly; there will come a day when the Men of Arthedain flee in the face of battle; there will come a day of loud weeping and lamentation among the Men of Rhudaur.

But that day is not today.

Lo, let the tale be told, of how Paddro, least and lowest of the champions of Rhudaur, did boldy stride forth to the fords of the Morthond, and proclaim to Crawford, mighty leader of the host of Cardolan, “Lo, the laces of thy shoes are untied”.

Then did Crawford the bold, mighty leader of the host of Cardolan, cast down his gaze upon his shoes, whereupon his helmet fell from his head and the spike thereof did grievous harm unto his feet; then did Paddro, least and lowest of the champions of Rhudaur, bring out his mighty club and swing it with great swiftness, so that the brains of Crawford were dashed out and his body fell into the river.

But the Men of Arthedain were bold, and harkened not to the thunder of the feet of all the mighty warriors of Cardolan vacating the vicinity, nor did they give ear to the squires of Cardolan screaming like young hobbit-girls as they ran in all directions; but bravely and loyally did they cleave to the plan of battle, and strode forth in might, charging with great spead even into the gates of Morthondost, casting down all who fought against them.

Let us praise the valor of the Men of Arthedain; in truth let us praise them, for the Men of Rhudaur are not scant to praise the valor of their brethern.

(Their brains, on the other hand, we would feel free to criticize in the highest degree, except for the fact that they make such good lubricant for our mighty portcullis, which did drop with a thunder louder than the screams of the Men of Cardolan, trapping all the army of Arthedain in the gateway, whence we poured upon them acid, and oil, and hot water – we think the hot water was the worst of torments; perhaps we should have added soap, but we are not yet so refined in cruelty as Murazor.)

It was South Gondor…not Arthedain…

I will be instituting classes in remedial heraldry immediately.

Dean of Rhudaur

Give it up FPs; it just ain’t happenin’ for ya.

Well, once again we see that the victors write history. Don’t confuse history with fact. For example in this rendition of the heroic fall of Crawford the mighty, there is no mention of the fact that Crawford dove to the right and severed Paddro’s left achiles tendon, nearly ripping his foot off? Nor do we see note of the fact that Paddro’s shield arm was broken in 5 places by the mighty blows of Crawford? Nope, we just don’t see much mention of the grievous wounds that Paddro the Mighty (Lucky) suffered in the fight. And as already noted, the hapless Rhudaur historians don’t even seem able to recognize the banner of Southern Gondor…

Nope. Sadly this once again proves that history is written by the victors and that history and fact are quite a different thing.

All that said, it was a good move. I should have refused because I had little upside in not refusing and you had little downside in losing the challenge. My once-upon-a-time GB partner John Folz was always chastising me for ill-considered gambles. Fortunately he would usually catch them before we submitted orders and I’d just get a tongue-lashing. Note to self: this is why I shouldn’t play poker.

Actually, according to our video of the battle (done by Industrial Light & Magic Cellphones, Inc., please excuse the graininess) all of Paddro’s injuries were caused by him trying to jump into the saddle of Crawford’s noble steed and ride off into the sunset, forgetting that (a) noble steeds are trained to trample anyone not their rider, and (b) the sunset is not a painted piece of local scenery.

Seriously, sometimes gambles pay off. Sometimes they don’t :wink:

Like Argeleb’s, losing a duel to a lowly emissary. The Dúnadan bloodline has gone awfully thin in the kings of Arthedain since the glory days of Arnor.

thats cause you fell on your head, and the nurse is talking to you.[/QUOTE]

I’ll bring this over here to spare those guys on that other thread our cross posting.

Surely, my friend Steve, you can see the handwriting on the wall? It’s past turn 20, and the DS team is vibrant and active. You guys, not so much. Our character advantage only grows by the turn.

Btw, we really appreciate all the gold you guys are leaving in your treasuries for us to steal; we’re awash in it now.

We’ve made bunny stew out of all the rabbits you’ve pulled out your sleeves so far, please send more: they were very tasty. <g>


of course i can see the writing on the wall. hence the reason i am wiring that wall with explosives, to drop it on top of you. that bravado aside, i think i did a fairly decent job of fending off your latest rush on dunland. you scored 1817, which i promptly retook, and i did fend off your follow up attack on all the starting dunland pop centers. so your actions against dunland cost me a capitol degraded 1 level. not the result you were expecting. said capitol seems to have “improved?”
gamewide,the odds are in your favor at this point, and probably( as being the evil side) were in your favor at game start. i do not mean that as a slight against your play. we had some chances, and didnt execute. i’m certain the same can be said for your side.
my point about dunland. my results in this game came from being in the same barrel a game or so ago against your same crew. no substitue for experience, and learning from errors. the gold you stole from me was a gift from your dk lts player. so we moved it around, and improved all of our collective ranks. i dont run with more then 5k in reserve at anytime as a freep, in any game. i don’t run my economy from my national capitol, i haven’t in a few games. wisdom from bad experience. shame on anybody at this stage who is running big reserves or squatting in there capitol. do i think you’ll win, probably. should you expect yet another freep attempt to get its collective foot, ankle deep in your back end? yes. when we run out of feet, we’ll fall over and rasie a flag. rabbits, they breed with alarming speed. here come a few more. i look foward to next turn. as MR RKG says, “its the mental gymnastics.” everytime i try to leave, thats what brings me back.


When one sides earns victory, it shall be theirs. Nobody’s earned nuttin in this one but some detention and penance.

the free

How quickly things change…

Yes, sorry folks. Our monthly emails hit a wall and crashed, nobody’s home and while the FP are most certainly not toast, the required effort to either dictator or group it through isn’t forthcoming. We really didn’t want to hand this one over…but we’re not capable of putting it together in our current circumstances… I hear a new 1 nation Gunboat style game is about to start - 1 nation, no Team planning necessary…Perfect right now!

Yes, the FP have conceded this game to the DS. Well played DS.

We FP feel that we “snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.” I believe the unanimous sentiment expressed inside our yahoo group is “argh”.

For my own self, I’m kind of disgusted with this particular game. Too much opportunity squandered on the part of the FP, my own play included (witness non-destruction of 2223 this past turn). Glad you enjoyed it TonyZ. And I do not demean the play of the DS nor take away from your victory. But if we had made less mistakes, the game would be much different. ah well. crying in my beer.


And here’s our final Turn 21 Free Peoples Map - brought to you by JOverseer.

So there’s that damn pesky hidden NM MT in Mordor…we hadn’t quite yet triangulated its location…nice one Steve.

I think it was Steve’s idea to delay moving on FK backup too, keep the guessing going he though.