Mind you… Now that my allies have actually uploaded their results, I don’t feel so bad that y’all’ve kicked the Corsairs to a nice plains homeland. The Rhovanion isn’t all that bad, frankly. We’ve always had horticultural interests. Might Adunaphel be inclined to join us…?
Well, this is definitely shaping up to be an interesting game for both sides.
I doubt that Eoder will long survive, however… we’ve arranged to poison all the wells inside Mordor.
It’s that thing they have about oral tradition. They keep everything in memory and never write any of it down, so when they do have to write something, it comes out all wrong. They should maybe hire a hobbit scribe to do their proofreading…
Hmm, come to think of it, that’s what they DID do, isn’t it?
Ji Indur’s Ghost
(after a quick consult with Murazor)
Tony Z,
the overall plan the evil side is using isn’t real creative. its standard, dont you think? hold the passes with 800-1200 man dragon assisted blocking units, backup up with agents and cursers. work up your emmisaries. then alpha strike freep capitols with agents, cursers, and massive emmisary strikes. ( dunland this turn, s gondor last turn).
but why quibble, it works. we have been/are trying a few new wrinkles. some good, some bad. your nailing the noldo emm/mages really hurt. nice play on your part. was gildor luck or design, cause it was PAINFUL. i’m certain nailing the blind sor himself early had to tingle. anyway, lets see what happens, and we’ll chat post game. but, its not been boring, and a bit fun. perhaps a reverse match. or another go. your excellent opposition. i had enough success to desire a hard fought defeat over an easy victory.
better garrision your capitol tony. tell uvatha not to get cozy at 4217. its the first at start pop center the northmen don’t hold after 18 turns, and i’ll have it back.
thanks for spanking my duns this turn too. off the holiday card list, the lot of you. JB, why you running withthe rift-raff. talented, hell yes. but riff raff none the less.
luck to you all in everything outside uk 57.
Sometimes standard is standard because it works. We’ve had some interesting differences of opinion on the DS side, but arguing it out usually produces a stronger plan than any one of us would come up with all by our lonesome.
I’m certainly up for a rematch, after we finish spanking you. Very interesting game this has proved to be, so far, and I’d love to discuss it with any or all of you afterwards…
Agreed, interesting. Shameful in many aspects, but I generally assume that the opposition has made as many “oops” as we have in every game I play. But some of our “oops” have really really hurt…like, the SG two-step in the Ithil pass with War Machines many moons ago…mind you, they came back to haunt the QA at least…silver lining, silver lining…
Turn 19. Yes, interesting game. We’re burning MT’s in Mordor and the DS are stealing pops and hiring armies in the North West. Trading places, anyone…? Now, I’m off to Southern Gondor to take back what’s mine…
Hey sorry have not been checking the list for a long time due to new job. SM, the riff raff pays well, plus girls always like the bad boys … Oh Rozilian …