Game 615

People of Gondor and elsewhere in MiddleEarth,

There are rumors about bad elements, criminals, infidels and terrorists conspiring to make disorder and anarchy. Have no fear good people, no rebellion of any kind will be tollerated. If those pathetic troubblemakers dear to challenge my authority then they will be crushed in blood! I know how to kill a rat…

If ANY(neutral) is in doubt about what to do in this situation then come to my court and I will inform you.
Be aware, my friends know me as generous. I assume my enemies will use other words of which “weak” is NOT one of them…

The criminals and lawless will be hunted and killed. All people must obey the Law. The Law thats me.

Castamir, the one and only true rightfull King of Gondor
sverreme at yahoo dot no

I think you’re talking about you and your party, right?
I’m really curious to see how you will hunt and kill your own fellows, usurper!

Brave Neutrals, please don’t listen to the words of this usurper.
If you need freedom, fight together with the peoples who have “FREE” in their name!

Have Fun!


You can kill a rat? :smiley: Did Elmo write your resume by any chance? :smiley: I think Castamir’s suffering from severe knickery bind. Cut the blood flow to the head don’t you know… Eldacar looking on in some consternation. Seriously thinking about letting Castamir play with sharp objects…

Eldacar - chief infidel, terrorist, anarchist, rebel, troubblemaker (I think that’s a Russian counterfeiter?), authority challenger, rat, criminal, lawless (that must make me Zena the Russian Counterfeiter), and chief disorder vendor. Gosh I’m tired just listing all of my jobs. Need to have a lie down… think you should too Castamir :smiley:

2 rats so far. Eldacar and an anonymious. Dont liston to these criminals. Of course they claim to be justified, but why then be anonymious? They are REBELS! Defeat the rebels in Ered Lithui and the rebells elsewhere! They come with difrent names, but they are all rebells. The lawless must be extincted. All people shall submit to the Law. The Law, thats me.

Castamir, the one and aso … King of Gondor

Rats, criminals!

Rats, Criminals,
you can insult us as often you like, but you’ll never break our will!
… not only with your words!-

… btw. Sverre, I’m asking me what you’re doing in real life.
Hoarding weapons to kill all people not matching your opinion?
… or perhaps all people with a different skin-color?-

There must be a reason why rebels exist, right?
In the most cases they need to beware their freedom or need to get freed from usurpers like you!

Gixxx from the rebels

Rats, Criminals,
you can insult us as often as you like, but you’ll never break our will!
… not only with your words!-

There must be a reason why rebels exist, right?
In the most cases they need to beware their freedom or need to get rid from usurpers like you!

Gixxx from the rebels

Psssst! Sverre - it’s only a game. Unclench that buttocks, you’ll give yourself a thinking strain :slight_smile: Might also help you cope with losing the game :smiley:

I think you should forgett real-world here. Real-world topics belong on other forums. Its a game.

it seems to me that Sverre is just talking with /role mode on

there is any need in harassing him?,

hope i misunterstood everything you said (that is very likely since i am not english mothertongue), if this is the case please accept my apologies.

I agree with you, Eugenio. I think when they write like that then we shall just ignore them. The last message from each of them do not exist. They have never been written. If they later do a decent in-character roleplaying then we will concider to respond to that the same way as to any message

Ignore away then. I’m not over fond of the oft trotted out “Never ye come to the fair fields of bethledeybutt for you will find yourself unwelcome, and verily we shall say - 'do not come here rat, for these are my fields, and the flowers are mine, and I shall place them in my hair and dance in bright hot pants, and none shall I share with you for rats do not dance and frolic so”. So we’ll strike that up as a swing and a miss also. You can call me a rat and find joy, I will point at your bunchy undies and find equal joy - the world has symmetry. I expect your surrender at turn 1 :slight_smile:

reading this last post i would presume that probably you are /role mode on too, but still since you were misunderstood (if you were) it would be very kind if you could clarify this point to anyone else reading the post, wouldnt it? In the end it does not cost much effort…

a little kindness goes a long way

Oh I’m just me, no role or mode. I take great joy in humour, and I’ll laugh at your jokes at my expense IF they’re funny. Getting in role can be too serious, and somewhat painful for the innocent bystanders, like a group wedgie. Here’s the point, learn to laugh at yourself. Then you can stand with everyone else and enjoy the great joke :slight_smile:

To the free people of Middle Earth

Castamir is deceiving you. No more than a Captain of Ships, he and his confederates have destroyed the peacefulness that once held sway over the land. By combining with outlanders and the dark forces, it is they who are the outlaws. He labels us rebels for overthrowing his illegitimate stranglehold.

The threat to all the people of Middle Earth, not just Gondor as Castamir suggests, is real and present. He will not rest until all bend the knee to kiss his boots.

Khazad and Tirkor, you are requested to make contact, so that we may discuss the assistance that the Free People of Middle Earth can offer you as allies against the Usurper.

King Vidurafin of Rhovanion

bernie.hasselman @

I will consider this answer as a yes, even if a bit longer…

you seems to seek the easy way: 8 vs 6, lets say you take one and give the other to the goo… err evil… errr to us whatever we are… i would even leave you the choice (but i am not the one which can decide).

Well that clarify things. Right? This socalled rebellion has nothing to de with Gondorian politic of any kind. The rebells are really agents for a forein king! The huge hords of barbaric wildmen from Rhovanium will soon ride to invade our belowed country. Our land. Our homes! And they have traitors inside Gondor to help them! I can tell you that the authorities have descovered an attemp to sabotage our archers arrows!

People of Gondor and good people everywhere,

In this difficult time we must stand together against enemy. Support our soldiers! Support your leaders! Support me!
For Gondor!

Castamir, King of Gondor

Hi there Sverre,
I edited my last posting a bit.
That was a strike beyond the belt, my excuses for this hit!-

… but I still think that you shouldn’t title your enemies with words like rats or criminals.

Have Fun!



I dont. Castamir say that about some ME characters. Not about you. He dont know you. He is not in our world.
He is of course not a nice guy. I try to be a nice guy in real world. I dont have to be nice elsewhere and I dont think that makes me a worser person. Quite contrary.
