Game 63 1650

[QUOTE=Ian Etchells]Come on you DS & FP I want to see some taunting on the board here :smiley:

Actually in review I think you need to ask where the DS are if you notice most of the post besides the ones from Steve (drglrd) are from the free or you Ian. Now which team do you want to join
those boring DS or us fun loving Free.


Actually in review I think you need to ask where the DS are if you notice most of the post besides the ones from Steve (drglrd) are from the free or you Ian. Now which team do you want to join
those boring DS or us fun loving Free.[/QUOTE]

None at the moment but my time will come :smiley:

Joining any side associated with Man Utd must be defined as siding with the Devil. Still, maybe that American will trash it. Here’s hoping!

Since the food market seems to be sown up, maybe us Duns could monopolise the financial markets. Dun Lending Plc maybe? Or the travel market as Dun Roaming?

That and worse puns will be coming if the DS don’t get their act together!!!

Here endeth the message from the Dun Conglomerate
 eeer Council

Ohhhhh! An ally who hates Man Utd, I hope you join the free team. :slight_smile:
Now back to the game in hand, only the Dragon Lord is playing these taunting type games, and its one of my jobs to ensure his voice is small, insignificant and short lived. I need the Cloud Lord to raise his/her head above the parapet to make this interesting. Come on Cloudy, you know who we all are, so why are you silent. Even the neutrals are more vocal at this point than the Dark team :confused:
I await with interest some slanging from the Dark Team other than the Drlord.
:cool: :stuck_out_tongue: :frowning: :o

Go into the basement! Oh, pizza deliverer, go into the basement! Mwa-hah
 (cough,hack, wheeze), etc.

Perhaps Osric did.

Of course, it is a plot. We are not called the Dark Servants because we sport fashionable eyewear. We are supposed to use tricks and plots. It is in the job description. I checked.

And it is a secret plot, at that, strange poems and all. (And even the Éothraim, well informed though they are, do not know the secret plot.)

Is it a good plot?

That, we will see. Maybe not. But it is our very own.

Oh, yeah, I am forgetting the taunting. Uh, here goes 

Not bad. A free army on every Dragon Lord population center outside Mordor on turn 2.By the end of turn 3, many of them taken or destroyed, and Sarn Goriwing revealed.

I hope that was the plan of the Free, because no one, not even I, deserves such co-ordination by dumb luck.

Did you Free really think you needed the Noldo to aid 3700 Dwarves to take Goblin-gate? Were I the Dwarves, I would be considering being insulted. Well, by now, I probably would have gotten beyond that, and simply would be insulted. Especially since the Noldo let me by to menace Eriador. Hah!

As for the kine, they might not be coming home, I hear tell there are rustlers about. And you cannot sit back. You must come out and crumble me. (Though I think the self described Stumpies have a grasp of that, in spite of what they said – misdirection by the Free! Masher, misdirection is supposed to be the job of the Servants of the Lord of Gifts, not forthright folks of less than great height. Again, job description. Check the job description)

Orillion: perhaps we will meet sooner than expected. I can have Wodurishak and his army mosey off in your general direction, if you would like. I have little doubt that Rhudaur and the Dunlendings would like me to leave their vicinity. Perhaps the Stumpies are fearing an attack on Khazad-dĂ»m from the west. No. Maybe another, but this one is wiser than that. Even if my “slanging” is not good enough for him.

Dragon Lord
Talker for the Servants of the Lord of Gifts

No Steve, rest assured that was no plan of us FP. It was just a chance that we were able to take your towns, reveal Sarn Goriwing.

This is just pure dumb luck. :wink:

Of course it is also dumb luck that Celedhring did not get captured after the fight at Sarn Goriwing, maybwe also because you stacked 2500 points of combat artefact and cast spells.

But rest assured, we FP do not follow a sinister plan but rely on luck and like in every novel the good ones will always win in the end because of their dumb luck (and the bad guys revealing their plans before blowing the opponent to pieces)

Have fun,


Sinda #63

Yes Osric got the flu, he will be nursed the next 14 days, where did he get that flu, it must have been the filty streets in Dol Guldur, next time we will clean that place and get rid of that plague that hunts the citisens at Dol Guldur.

Ben general of the Beorings

They seek him here, they seek him there the elusive scarlet Caracdoc
well iit works for me. :stuck_out_tongue:
Many thanks to the Draggy for the loan of Goblin Gate. I have painted the walls a Dwarven brown, and got rid of the curtains, there were disgusting :wink:
Please feel free to come to collect them back anytime, no calling card is necessary.
Now, why are you exchanging pop centres? Is it because you feel the strain
or is it that its too cold in the North. We’ll try and warm things up for you :smiley:
As for the army to the West of my capital, its too small and insignificant to bother with, but I may just hire a quick 500HI and march West, see if I can run into you! :o 
or will I?
Back to taunts. I have been down to the estate agents (to our American cousins, the real estate office) and I have picked up a leaflet on Dol Guldor. 3 up, 3 down plenty of stone. We the stumpies like that. However, it will need fumagating. Just checking the coffers to see if we can afford
Yes of course we can. So when can I caome and view? Is it OK to bring a few friends along for the party? :cool: Finally, do you have anywhere I can store pizza’s and beer, and do you have any half pint gallses (we struggle to hold the bigger ones!).
See Ya soon

Steve of the Stumpies

Hey, I am still waiting for suprises
or was the suprise waylaid by an inconvient eothraim? ‘poke poke mr Grizzly’/IK. As for the Doglord whatcha gonna do now boy? What will it be?

Mr Fire King, Barad Ungol??? where’s that? evil Laugh ooops thats supposed to be good Laugh onward bound now where shall we go Barad Dur, Urlurtsu Nurn, Barad-wath or the many other pop centers now open to US
Tours open for Mordor now departing

So my question goes again who IS playing this game

BTW Ji Indur
pat head everyone makes mistakes
don’t take it too hard.

“I get all the crap jobs,” thought Gisulf as he plugged one nostril with his finger, he blew hard through the other, expelling a large wad of goo onto his saddle. This was followed up by an extended sneezing fit. He looked down at his boots, once of fine leather now rotted and holed in many places. His big toe poked through, black with gangrene

Two weeks of hard riding from Buhr Beoralis had taken its toll. He had saddle sores on his sadle sores, a sore back from the trip, some sort of toe rot from the trip through the marshes and now a hacking cough from climbing the damn snow covered mountain.

“There aint supp’d to be no snow in Mordor, supp’d to be all fire and smoke
this is crap
volunteers they said
to lead the greatest army of the Eothraim on a crusade they said, all glory and gold they said

Gisulf shook his head and sighed, then he noticed Atagavia riding down to him. “Ugh, I hate that guy,” he thought to himself while working on a particularly tough piece of phlegm that was trapped in his throat. “what kind of moron wears an iron helmet that looks like a horse head?”

Atagavia rode up and said something unintelligable. The combination of the muffling effect of his helmet and the wind whipping around the cliffs made it impossible to decipher. Gisulf just rubbed his chin and starred at the man.

“Mmmmphhh, mmmmph mmmph mhp” said Atagavia

“Aya,” replied Gisulf

Finally, Atagavia began to make gestures, which ended in his pointing further up the mountain. Gisulf followed his finger to see the start outline of Durthang against the sky, but that wasnt the impressive sight, it was the hordes of Orcs issuing forth

The Havens of Umbar have so far resisted the influence of others that have tried to drag it into the depths of this WAR! Instead our merchants have made a stead profits upon the blood of both humans and orcs a like. :stuck_out_tongue:

The proud and noble Council of Umbar have steered a course through the raging fires that have engulfed the rest of Middle Earth. :rolleyes:

Yet how long can the Havens remain unenvolved as we see the fires of funneral pyres lighting up the nights sky deep within the lands of Mordor. :confused:

Somewhere in the lands of Middle Earth there is a fat lady getting ready to sing a long and sad song. :frowning:

:cool: Still in the midst of all this debacle of a war
there are the merchant ships anchored within the safety of the Haven of Umbar. Weighted down with gold from the Northern realms and once again ‘Fish on a Stick’ beats out that crappy Easterling Mad Cow! :smiley:

The Lords of Umbar :stuck_out_tongue:

Predicted reply rates

Easterlings will make a few

FP will be around to make a few comments

Steve may grace us with his presence

Where are the sharp jabs, taunts and general name calling? Bah! :smiley:

Guess the Lords of Umbar will have to wait for Oaff the II to reply! :stuck_out_tongue:

The Lords of Umbar

Moo, Moo, Moo said Ermintrude as she trudged around the Magic Roundabout.

Has this fat lady been eating the Corsair’s ‘fish on a stick’ rather than the healthy exotic fruits from the East :smiley:

It must be said though that the Easterlings like their profits as well, though they do do something with all their gold rather than count it all day
such as building the fiercest cavalry force to be seen this side of the world.

Now I’ve not made my mind up but it will soon be getting to that point. So who want’s to die :wink:

Gisulf tugged the boots off the dead Orcs feet. “Aye, these’ll do nicely” he thought to himself as he gently lowered his sore backside onto a stone that had once been part of Durthangs walls.

He began pulling the new boots onto his feet and gazed around at the carnage. His loyal troops were busying themselves looting the corpses and poking through the ashes looking for valuables and drink. Not much to be had amongst the ruins of the Ice Kings lair
and some of the food had given a couple of the boys a bad case of the runs. Turned out there werent so many Orcs as they first thought, mostly some poor slaves and goblins from some inbred land in the south of Mordor.

Gisulf wiggled his toes inside the new boots and smiled to himself at his good fortune, it wasnt often you found an orc with small feet

“MMmmpphh, mppphhhs sppppppplllllttttrrrr” said Atagavia as he rode up through the smoke. The fool looked even more annoying now. Atop his ridiculous horse head helmet he had added a rather large Orc skull, a chain of Orc ears encircled the helmet like some strange crown of carnage.

“Uhuh,” replied Gisulf, not having a clue what Atagavia was talking about
“I suppose we should be going, but where to now
maybe its time for Gisulf, captain of the Eothraim to show his mettle?”

If this could be won on the message board, then we Neutrals would surely rule!

Regrettable we Duns have had to increase the cost of our life insurance polices, not due to death fom combat as one would expect (or hope!), but due to a rash of food poisoning. Exotic fish on a stick are being blamed.

And anyway, we need the additional profit to fund our increased Financial Services Army
oops Agency, I mean Agency.

Must go, got to check on the life expectancy of a neighbour for a Quote

Well how about it. We neutrals form a neutral team and invite both side to tea so that they can be creamed :rolleyes:

Only six armies
what is wrong with you evils? Just six
Hahahahahah! As if I can’t handle six armies
Keep trying meanwhile
Another capital burned
poor babies
are you running out of backups yet? If not you will be soon
This is way too much fun

Well now be fair Vanya six DS armies attacking NG on six different towns/villages turn 4 is quite an accomlishment, okay maybe not if you see that they have lost two capitols already, more to follow :smiley: like Dol Guldor.

But I think now the DS are actually kicking back, not jsut standing around getting hit. And it took only four turns to start their first offensive :wink:

Maybe they will attack our first capitol at turn 10, they do seem to have very long ranged plans, maybe some of them actually survive up to turn 10 to see them fail :stuck_out_tongue:

Pfendi Sinda #63

We’d actually post messages but the DS have seem to gone MIA. We cant effectively taunt the neutrals until they switch sides. Of course, I’d be leary of joining the DS as they would just want to move into your pop centers
they seem to be running out of their own!! :>


Hi Fletch,

You can taunt me as much as you want, as long as you are able to that is :wink:

This is a good game so far, lots of nice pc’s destroyed already :smiley:
