Game 68 All Neutral

I’ll agree with Dragons sentiment, if not his tone. There are no issues of “trust this person ever again” in this game, that’s for “standard game” neutral negotiations, and even there it’s silly. This is an “all for one and one for one” game. Maybe the next one should come with a warning label…

And Cloudy, my apologies for my snooty message regarding Rings…teach me to post whilst allies are on Holidays…damn then, I guess someone’s gonna do some killin’ soon…



Killin’…Yep that would be me…when I catch up with the Dog Lord he is gonna regret ever entering my corner of MiddleEarth. The East is off limits unless you have a pass and the Dog Lord has no pass, his army comm won’t have a future either :wink:

I was gonna release his and the FK’s characters as a show of goodwill but seeing as they are allied I think I will keep them…now where am I going to place a new dungeon for all those Eo. characters that will soon be in it :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, and I was going to believe you were going to release Uklurg…suuuuurrrrre… :rolleyes:

Well Din me old son, gotta catch me first, could be a lot of wasted orders trying to second guess me. You seem to have lots of juicy camps just waiting waiting for my attention, which one next?

You could just do the decent thing and let Bul go, Gurthlug would be very grateful and we’re all a little tired of her moping around.

Ever heard of order 905? Catching you will be easy, just deciding who will do the catching though is much harder.

Yes I have a few camps, thats why the East is off limits to you. Now guess where else I have camps at???

Care to swap your agent arty for Bul? Or you could send me 10K instead :rolleyes:

Well, at least I now know that indeed Corsairs does have animosity toward Cardolan for some strange reason… Could Corsairs have fallen for the dissembling of the Noldo? If so, more’s the pity.

Well My Ngondorian friend
It is time for us to goto war then alas, but it should be fun and i look forward to it. Do i recall you are also at war with your southern Gondorian neighbour also, my you will be busy. However it seems he does not believe
in the ‘Enemy of mine enemyis my friend’ and has not bothered to reply to my emmis or show of good will so i will gift you this. It appears the local gossip amonst my orcs speaks of a gold transfer from Dol Amoroth to Kil Nargil, now i wonder what possible services he could be purchaseing there and for whom they are intended. It seems the Mordor factions are widening there alliances maybe. What interesting underhanded deals are going on all over the place…good isnt it.
Draogn Dude

That’s old news to NG. Nothing more than payment for services rendered. Considering the quality of the service though, I’m surprised Celdrahil didn’t put a stop-payment on that check…

I see King Tarondor has dispatched a regiment to Barad Ungol to Succor his friend Ren the [fill in your own joke here]. At least that opens more options for my agents…

So what is the going rate for cutting elf throats given that they are sub-human may have some work comeing up soon.
Drg Ld

Hey Drag Queen, from what some people are telling me your suppossed to be working with me! Valar help me if this is the case.
Typical of you, can’t even do your own dirty work, have to hire the tough stuff out to others. Pathetic. :cool:

Herman (Sinda)

Yea so, Arfanil, you may or may not be a King anymore. But if you are, its definitely not of Rhudaur. All hail Angmar!

As a sign of goodwill, why don’t you release Mahrcared and ignore the rest of my commanders…

If you had only taken up the challenge to kill the southern Eas pop centres (your original suggestion I think) in the first 2 turns, we wouldn’t be wasting our time on a pointless war of attrition…

I haven’t touched your pop centres, so why you’ve moved to one of mine is a shame really… if you want to talk about a reversal of our positions, I am always open to offers.


Michael / Eothraim


As to game start ideas, well thats what the game start is all about, ideas. And it was yours I believe (or was it mine), who cares now.

I’m not attacking one of your pc’s. I’m reclaiming the LR’s birthright thats all. It’s also not a pointless war of attrition, all my weapons come with a very sharp point :slight_smile:

If you want to send me your pdf file then I will consider not taking any further steps in this against you. That will show a lot a faith and I attribute an awful lot on faith and goodwill.


Wow now that is an offer youd be foolish to miss!! what a great idea Hey Ngondor send me your pdf and il ‘consider’ where to move my armies next
let me know.
Dragon Dude

While we are speaking of swapping pdf’s the WK was very keen to swap with me untill I suggested I would need some proofs of his good intentions as he had rather a … umm shall we say slightly tarnished reputation :rolleyes: That and the fact that the info he would be gleaning would be of a greater asset to him than me. Funny enough he seems to have gone quiet after that. Not interested anymore CJ? or not able to show me proof of your good intentions. I was hopeing for a counter offer. At least with the Drag Queen I know where I stand… finally. :mad: I dare say I will have your mob and him to deal with now! :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman (Sinda, open to offers, in need of a few good friends)

I would point out that in face of skepticism to the contrary, I would also be hard pressed to prove that the world doesn’t wink out when you close your eyes.

Kizer, which cities have you revealed? Herman can give me those ones then, I’ll be your friend Sinda…

Ren the Hero to the Rescue…

Don’t fall for the words of this war monger, Herman. If you are looking for friends, think of me, how I am sitting alone and bruised in my edge of the world, licking my wounds, left with nothing but a ragged cloak in the cold winds of Khand…

(well I admit one thing in the text above is untrue… the winds in Khand are quite hot even this time of year… :smiley: )

I don’t know about a city but I’m sure I could manage a MT somewhere, for a small nominal fee of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman


I see the possibility of a backstabbing here :eek:

Et tu, Ren! :stuck_out_tongue: