Game 68 All Neutral

ahhh Pity for the poor Khand had it all and had it taken away, well my southerly friend you had your chance and threw your lot in with that military juggernaut the LR and now you pay the price. i have not forgotten how you stopped me from my small revenge against him so if you think i would tolerate any resetlement in mirkwood you are very wrong to let you all know Mirkwood is no refugee camp for dying nations its is being cleansed as we speak the Woodman is dead the elves on borrowed time, find somewhere else to go the woods are closed to you all.
Dragon Dude.

Kizer you ol’ rascal,

Me thinks you are mistaken, confused and slightly addled. Please reread the above posts and see that it is Ren the unhoused (so the rumours go) thats after a new MT.

Rumour has it that Ren has visitors at home, NGo armies, IK armies, CL armies. Who is friend or foe I don’t know nor do I care.


Ahh maybe i am a bit ahead of myself the khand wont be homless for a good few turns yet, im guessing the doggys gonna be busy burning your hovels first. for me i dont do rehousing only evictions.
Dragon dude

It’s Mister Ren the Popular to you. Ungol is quite nice this time of year, and peaceful, not like those blasted plains or the cursed wood. Lots of visitors, likely some even I, Ren the All Seeing, don’t know about. C’est la vie, party open to all.

Ren the Butler

Let me add that even if I lose my home I’d never sink so low to ask draggy for asylum - everybody knows his food his rotten and his houses are draughty. all his aggression is probably just a way to suppress his frustration about losing his only real estate with a decent view, heating and plumbing… :smiley:

You should try living down wind from him. :eek:

Pheeeeew! :frowning:

Threaten my camp away will you Doggie…ha…take that I tracked your army last turn and now its commander is chewing the fat - well thats all I feed my prisoners on. You still have yet to pay the arty tax :wink:

Also another Eothraim commander joins the jail birds. At this rate I will have to build another jail :smiley:


Whitchypoo, what are you doing on this side of the mountains? This isn’t Angmar you know. Trespassers will be, well killed actually. I would refrain from comming this way in the future, or come with a lot bigger forces.

Regards Herman (Sinda for an Orc free Mirkwood!, or No Greenies in our
Greenery) (Greenies = Orcs) :wink:

Yeah - that game of kiss-chase didn’t last too long - at least Kaldu can provide Bulrak a little company.

However, Gurthlug is one mean lady, look what she just did to Erennis, the more you steal her boyfriends the more angry she is going to be. The citizens of Rul discovered that last turn and now another Cloud Lord town. “Barduath” such a lovely name - now watch it burn.

Fire King takes from Dark Lieutenants. Dark Lieutenants go away and Fire King wants Mordor to play. Mordor says “No! That is not the way!”.

So Cloud Lord takes from Fire King.
So Dog Lord takes from Cloud Lord.

Who’s goes around next, this circle of uninspired death?

Thank you all for a worthwhile endeavor.


Ren the Eternally Disappointed (but at least we have Rozzy to play with…)

Was that really wise letting me know where another of your character is at? :stuck_out_tongue:

Turns have been in a day and all is quiet, this moment of introspection is beginning to worry me, what have you all seen that I haven’t.

Anyway was that yet another LR kidnap attempt on the dear old Dog, I’d have thought you’d have enough for your collection by now!

Gurthlug still alive and the CL one town less - it didn’t have to be like this!

None of my guys died either. What’s happening elsewhere? People dying? People disappearing? Cloudy isn’t using his SNA’s to defend himself, he must owe someone out there big time…

Un the Ren

Yes my first failure, it had to happen sometime but thats what I get after redistributing my arties the previous turn. The LR now with 4 killers :eek:

Enough for my collection, not yet! You still owe me for that camp you took, I will keep the kidnap attemps going until I consider you have paid your dues. Or you can of course just hand over a useful arty :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway that was my only failure in the last turn so it was quite a good one for me.


Murazor Oathbreaker has found himself entangled in new wars, as the long-dead King of Angmar is wont to do. Even now his legions under Sir Dancu surround the fort at Zarak-dum. The trolls, orcs, and norse battles heinous wood elves at 2505 - outnumbered 2 to 1. It seems that Thranduil is looking for the road to Angmar, but I suspect he will sooner find the quick path back across the sea.

Well, you will try to come into areas where you shouldn’t. I cannot stand by while the Western Nations carve themselves out an empire, if your heading this way think again. I am comming to the succour of my Elven brothers. The woodland elves are on the march, Westward. The drums of war beat loudly in Lorien.

Regards Herman (Sinda)

You are coming much too late to provide any assiatnce to your Noldo “brethren”. If you come west you will suffer the same fate. It looks like the large armies you have marching around will net you nothing but a large drain on your economy.

-Corbin (Duns)

Much better to invest in elaborate coffins. My economists say its going to be a big business.

Yes there will be losses, there will be songs of lamentation but we will also sing of our stiring victories. Your doom approaches.

Regards Herman (Sinda)

Given the blatent aggresive moves on my nation by devious western nations i have granted free passage to all armies who wish to pass out west through Goblin Gate , for all you artifact hunters out there you may like to know
The ring of wind is held by a chap called Pon opar and also collohwesta held by Eribhen all at Goblin gate if anyone could rid me of theese meddlesome critters id be gratefull. im wondering if they will hang around yet another turn trying to tear down my walls .Madness indeed.