I never missed a diplo. here are my diplos for each turn.
Turn 6:
NG: Holding 3024 vs. all starting CL, FK; SG helping; Anyone please send Timber to 2927; No K/A yet; No Dragons;
Duns: Starting Cav @ 3526 under Enion; going against FK backup, then CL pops; EO, you coming in from East? Vs Rhudaur, captured 2010, 2109 T6, hopefully 2208 T7.
Turn 11:
Diplo, GB 70 for the FP
Captured 3629, bankrupted Rhu;
CL recapturing 3629 now
Destroying 3627, Capturing 3428
3528 is FK camp
3626, 3427 next
Thanks SG
New Ithil Thrust underway
TI to 2924
Diplo for Game 70, Turn 16
Captured: 3629, 3630
Destroyed: 3427, 3428, 3627, 3626, 3528
Plan: 3624 Turn 19, then 3426
Ignoring NW
Emmies taking 3929
Improving 3429 recruiting
Please assass Ji Indur 3024
FP (NG/Dun) Diplo for Game 70, Turn 21
FK Major Towns: 3324, 3426, 4236
Dog: 3624
DkL: 3423, 3306
WK: 3622, other?
Duns own 3629, 3630: recruiting both
NG own 3429, 3929: recruiting both
DkL only Servant defending Mordor interior
IK defending north gate, FK Ithil
Sinda – attack Mordor!
NG lost 3116, 3316, 3716, 3028, 3024 this turn?
I hadn’t written T26 yet…
Note that by T26, IK, WK, and DkL were all defending Mordor interior…