Hi Lucas. I’m not saying that you are a problem, nor that you CAN’T start or continue a fight with the opposition as the case may be. I am pointing out though that when it goes beyond a certain point, it takes on a life of its own, the game ends in outrage as the results are contested, and everyone walks away dissatisfied and hostile to other players. That’s a result we all know very very well.
In this case, just because a team loses in a 14 to 11 split, doesn’t mean they played the inferior game, and just because a team wins a 14 to 11 split, doesn’t mean they didn’t play the superior game. The result win or loss might not be a very good indicator of quality of play, so continued fascination for straight results might just raise the aggravation levels of you all. I’d say in games that are on edge because of bad neut splits, you’re better off forgetting about win/loss considerations and instead focus on actual play, what did the opposition do well? or not so well? They can’t help having an unfair fraction of the resources of your team, but they might utilise that fraction very well.
What have the enemy done well Lucas? (Should be a quick reply, I know your opponents
One point that seem to keep getting missed in the you guys think I am angry. I am in my 40’s and very accomplished in life. I play the game for fun and I enjoy matching wits. My expanded group at home just got its butt kicked in a very short grudge game. We sent congrats to the winners because we were out played period. Its has been a long time since I was upset by this game. So please stop trying to analyze my motives. I am simply pointing out the overall inferiority of the DS in not beating us quicker given the advantages handed them. 2 of our nations went bankrupt. The true split is 8-14 and has been for a while. Those two nations on our side never should have been lost but that is out issue not theirs (the ds). I just love how the two DS taunters on the board discuss their strategic brilliance or their astute view of this game, when nothing could be closer to the truth. On top of that, the Harad player was talked to every turn and explained the ramifications of him going DS and upsetting play balance. He chose to be selfish and not look at the game as a whole. We do have to remember that real money is being spent every week to play the game and most sides want a reasonable chance at winning. If you have been playing the game as long as you say you have (I believe you have), then you know some of the mechanics have been lost on how the game was originally designed. Most older games tended to be 5 on 6 , 7 on 9 and such. Information and instant coordination did not happen. At some core level, the neutrals existed as a play balance during those times. Their time is over per se. From what I understand, most grudges are just 12 on 12 or 10 on 10 and no neutrals. All GB games eliminate that factor. The new kin strife imposes penalties on neutrals. If you play a neutral, since it is your choice, you should consider play balance as part of your decision to play neutral. Players need to understand why neutrals exist.
Hi Lucas. I didn’t think you were angry, but I suspect you are now What was is gone. What we think it should be is a pipe dream. What it IS - with regards to the neutrals, is most often an opportunity to bushwhack and beat the crap out of a faction before they see it coming. Whether that’s liked or not is not reeeally relevant. I have a sneaking suspicion too that most players who want a straight up fight actually don’t nominate for neutral positions typically (but that’s pure conjecture :-). It is the way it is, that’s why so many opt for challenge games where the neut question is removed.
I know Brad (and while he’s not either as clever or as pretty as me he’s a good gamer. If you really thought about it, isn’t there something they’ve done well? You simply can’t get armies from A to B with a snap of the fingers. There’s recruit time, movement time, vagaries such as changed movements as circumstances change, or blocks against you etc. I’m playing a 15 turn limited game and to be honest, with turn 6 run it’s starting to give me the heeby jeebies getting the right armies to the right places in time to take effect. Are you sure the enemy hasn’t done some good stuff? I think they’ve honoured you for yours…
I’m not clear if we’ve done anything well, actually… But we’re bigger and stronger and we are going to win, so from a chest-thumping, club wielding superior position perspective, yeah, SMACK BABY~!
FP have done extremely well to maintain the map as it currently stands. Kudo’s to Lucas, on the same side I’ll happily support a regional strategy he devises. In the case of Game 74, I’ll happily kidnap his regional strategy away…
Seeing as none of the DS are understanding what I am saying, lets use a Tolkien reference. Imagine the ds as Morgoth and the fp as Fingolfin. While the out come of their duel was never in doubt, Morgoth for all of his hubris, was embarrassed by the fact he was wounded several times by the elf king. Fingolfin’s legend lived.
I’m older now lucas, and relatively accomplished. I don’t get as upset and flappy as I might have earlier in my career. And I don’t get embarrassed either. I’m well aware of the game status…but from an In Game perspective (screw Tolkein…)…SMACK BABY - you dyin’ big time.
I guess, but Morgoth’s last poke and twist at the man in tights was simply sublime That he was twice as big, twice as beefy, twice as hairy, smelly and ugly doesn’t eliminate the fact that a well placed hammer REALLY hurts!
I noted your sarcasm. I am not perturbed in the least by jibing during a game. I don’t honestly have a problem if you were actually mad about something. And frankly I don’t think the entire DS team is boasting about where the game stands currently. I have not been, and Brutally Honest Brad isn’t either. Just read his post.
anyhow, the point I was making and doin it poorly is that neutrals choosing a side is an evolution of who talked more, better, and which team personality better suited the player. I cant see getting put out with a neutral player for choosing sides that happens to not be the one someone would think is ‘fair’ or ‘balanced’. The issue of game balance can only be resolved I think if the game were setup with special rules at game start stating there must be a 3-2 split in which case you are actually looking at gunboat. Which is one reason I don’t play it.
I have nothing against you or anyone else for expressing themselves. it is, after all, a game we enjoy playing. I applaud your team for playing against long odds. I hope to see you in another game.
jerry roberts
You won’t kill the Harad. You might die trying, but you won’t succeed with your intentions. Spite as a motivator has produced excellent results. Congrats.
Maybe, but its been fun smashing him. Really, the game as a whole has been a challenge. I can honestly say that the duns, cloud, and dark liet have been worthy adversaries and that the easterling was an honorable neutral in how he acted. My only true regret, despite all the “whining” I have been accused of doing, is that where is the fun in the bully mentality. I thought as gamers we want to out think out opponents. Had my team agreed with NG and SG to drop on turn 7 after the attack of the harad on Corsair, it would have swept the rug from under. I do hope that most players who play this game want development and long term play that a turn 7 game end would negate. If you only want to play a short game, get the xbox out. I am sure there is a first person shooter out there.
Again in the end, the above three DS I would gladly love to either challenge again or call ally if on the same team. And on our team our horse lord was one of the most formidable players I have ever encountered.
Eo was annoying. You guys have been playing a rather powerful game vs Mordor. 3024 and 3124 still NG MT’s and the Dog Lord hasn’t come out of Morannon in ages here on Turn 15 (well, okay, Bulrakur is on 2121…but that’s different… ;))
Brad one thing you don’t understand is how lucky your team was in the pass. For many many turns fire king moved 1st even when 2and 3 armies of our were moving in against him. The was pure luck on your side. No skill required
I remember once we landed on FK capital unopposed with 4700 NG HI. The rout was on. Sauron disbanded that army. DS took the ball, 12 turns later it was a DS victory. Stupid game, this…
thanks for the compliment; I must say your team has done quite well. It is always interesting to me how the ‘fog of war’ colors the perceptions of a team as to how well or perhaps not so well things are going. One side is scraping every copper piece together to keep an ally running and trying to maximize orders when the opposition is taking a powder and not checking orders. Once the game is over, and you really look at how things evolved, it becomes a What the Hell!! and so I learn from every game to never underestimate the effectiveness of perceived advantage!
ed mills, you have proved your point.
anyhow, I would very much like to exchange files ( as much as your team would like to share, I will take everything ) to build a bigger picture of how things went. My team will have to agree of course but this was a memorable match for me.
let us continue our dance! Tell the Arthedain that his agents probably shouldn’t spend any time guarding if there are Unknown Dark Servant Males in the hex…
jerry #20
I would very much like to exchange files. I can’t speak for the rest of the team but NG and I spend a good deal of time analyzing moves and orders. I had next turns orders written even before Monday rolled around. I think some players react, I tend to proact and then make adjustments.