Game 75

What, who me? Why that would be an evil thing to do…Oh wait…Yeah… it never entered my mind :smiley:

So what is going on in the world. :confused:
The pirates are bored down here south, and you know: there is nothing more dangerous, than a bored pirate :eek:

Hmm. Into turn one, and I’ve got contact details for only:
4 FP Northmen, Eothraim, Arthedain, Cardolan
5 DS Dog, Clord, Blind, Quiet, Long
3 other neutrals Corsair, Harad, Rhudaur
Gonna get boring. Whadda ya say to us just having a mass alliance to whack anyone that doesn’t talk? :stuck_out_tongue: Nah, don’t worry, Grouter is just kidding… Might be an option in time though if things turn out to be as sleepy as they’re lookin’. :eek:

The King of the Harad Is dead long live the new king. I have taken over the Harad in game 75 please send all diplomatic messages. to

John Madden
Harad 75 you in California?

Blimey. That was quick. Why did he drop on turn 1? :confused: Welcome aboard John.

Well i do hope everyone is now settled with there positions. We have a new Harad player welcome aboard Mr. John Madden. Jesper the corsairs player sorry for the mix up as mentioned earlier in game where someone said you were the Cardolan. Have to me sure these days you know. The Blind One is gathering his mages for a quick spell learning gathering.

A bit quiet here ?
My armies spent another turn marching and finally we can see the towers of Angmar in the horizon. I assume Murazor is preparing a nice welcome ? There will be a few skirmishes before the path is clear, but we will get there soon enough. Is the cooking at your pallace any good ?

Its not just good, its damn good.

I’m on the Atkins diet at the moment, so its steak all the way. You can have Dwarf, Elf or Cardolan goat boy. Its all very tasty.
Oh, chef has just recommended breast of Arthedain pig farmer, its highly thought of in Chez Dum.

Murazor, Lord of lean cuisine.

The Grouter is travelling again, so may not be able to get pdf on process day. News may be delayed. :frowning:

Damn, my armies were blocked…ohhh but look, my arthedainian friends got through, and those guys like big fires ?

Yeah, but they have fallen straight into my cunning trap.

The good old pin the tail on the donkey pincer movement strategy.

Theres no escaping that one!!!

Murazor, I know what I’m doing, honest!!!

Damn, I am losing out on all the fun.
Save something to burn for me, when I get to the other end of the world.

  • The Pirates

“Yeah, but they have fallen straight into my cunning trap.
The good old pin the tail on the donkey pincer movement strategy.
Theres no escaping that one!!!”

Oh ****, I guess we might as well give up…but for the sake of the game I’ll play a few more turns.

A few more turns?? Sure you got that long??

My generals are preparing the next stage of operation chicken wing, now thats deadly!!!

Murazor, flapping about somewhere.

I assume mr Zalgs appearance in my dungeons is part of this clever scheme ?
A pity with those nice toys, though, we cant even put them to use. Mr Zalg was reasonably clean so he will be issued an apology, prior to his execution.

See you soon :slight_smile:

Of course, but at the moment I’m swarn to secrecy.

But I can tell you that it involves a fat, greedy orc and some bacon flavoured semtex.

Murazor, cunning is my middle name.

It looks as if the holdings of the Witch King will shrink faster than
he can upgrade them, and that says alot. Except for a relativly harmless cloud of
semtex-bacon flavoured flatulence covering my castle, the clever schemes of Murazor still havent materialized…
Hallas of Cardolan

Nice to see you noticed the improvents round the place, what do ya think?

That Ground force Team worked wonders on the Carn Dum gardens 'till Tommy got ate by a troll, but wait till you see the water features!!

Only thing is them big clumbsy dragons tend to trample over everything this time of year!!

Murazor, shortly to be seen on property ladder!

Okay…who invited the orcs to our party at the Sinda Capital!? It was specifically annouced that no orcs, wargs or Nazgul were to be invited. Now the city will get wrecked and it will take weeks to clean things!