Verily, the glorious free peoples of Middle Earth have joined together in a holy alliance to rid the world from the tyranny of the Dark Servants and to free our olfactory neurons from the stench of their putrifying carrion.
Verily, the glorious free peoples of Middle Earth have joined together in a holy alliance to rid the world from the tyranny of the Dark Servants and to free our olfactory neurons from the stench of their putrifying carrion.
I must admit that our personal hygiene is substandard, but not bad enough to declare war, it must be a lame excuse. Rumors are reaching Mordor of the discovery of a high yield soap-mine at Rivendell. Is this just a war to expand the soapmarket, kill off the nonwashing peoble of Mordor and replace them with potential custumers? By the way most off us are hairy individuals, so if you discover a shampoo-spring, there might be a market for that and war could be averted. Oh and the tyranny part is a dirty lie, we live in the barren wasted of Mordor and freezing Angmar - you call that tyranny? Ha - your just green with envy, cant stand being a lesser mage than Sauron, any plans getting rid of old Gandalf too?
Minister of Information and Wet Affairs
Hail Evil Minions of Sauron’s Empire and good nations of ME81,
The good nations of Middle Earth do not have enough soap and fresh water to clean the breeding pits of Mordor, so the High Council has decided that fire is a better resource for cleansing the foul flesh of orcs, trolls and goblins.
The Dwarves will be tracking DS kills, are the Noldo up for the challenge?
1 pt for every 1 DS soldier kill
1000 pts for every 1 DS character kill.
In the honor of Gimli and Legolas, Bain challenges Elrond in the old tradition of ORC BASHING!
Hi ther Loke ( Simon ),
looks like you’ve found an opponent !
Have Fun !
Greetings short ones
What about digging up some more Balrogs, they are a lot more entertaining and if you kill one you get 1.000.000 pts.
Hi Gix
Yep, the warmongering kind too, backed up by suicidal dwarwes. Would be fun to catch some of those little buggers, they would make a fine squealing footrest.
Balrogs are nothing for a good gaggle of Dwarves with sharp axes, it is those pesky little rats we hate. They get caught in our wives beards and we can’t get them out.
Suicidal? No! We plan on taking SOMETHING with us in death. Death if done right has meaning!
Me giggle, my housetrained cavetroll eats a gaggle of dwarwen sized somethings for lunch and he has nightmares about Balrogs, oh and he is afraid of mice. Interessting, I catch me a bunch of dwarwes, them with rats in their beards are female and the other are footrests. So I sell the footrests to Uncle Ren, the rest I give to Sparky, my housetroll, and soon I will know his feelings about rats.
Merry Christmas All, good luck on turn 1!
Dave Thomas
Happy Solstice to all living things (except Dragons)
Now the days are growing longer, they where getting mighty short before that. Whatever, now the sun is winning slowly over the dark, will our esteamed constestants do the the same against Saurons double sixpack. Me not know, me only do me work.
Hi Ho,
Turn 1 is in the books, and no surprises. The DS predictably revealed the Sinda city at 2514 and the Woodie and Sinda armies are there to greet the Dragonlord’s horde. Looks like some major battles are to occur in turn 2, as the chess match begins in straight forward style.
Dear Freeps
Some by the book, others not. Guess your opening moves are agressive and displaying a certain dislike for our brothers the Haradwaith and the Drag Lords. We will strike back, be asured, moves like yours were anticipated and will be met by our inadequade rapid response teams (irrt).
Minister of Information and wet affairs
Wait a minute. The Dragonlord was very aggressive on turn 1. He is on more of our PCs than we are on his. Unfortunately for him, we countered correctly.
But I do want to give him credit for being offensive.
We expect some grit and dirty play from the dark ones minions, and I will point out creative foul play if it happens. We are just hoping your irrt teams get the really bad die rolls.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you too
Erm, the Dragon Lord was only inspecting the surroundings and just by chance he found some Elves, oh and Dwarwes preparing an offensive mounteneering trip, dont hope the Dragon guys catch the first short hairy one, thats my pigeon. The Horse Blondes really are commited, all armies engaged against Urzahils boys, what did they do to deserve this attention? Not to mention our poor “Harabs”, attacked by 3 nations.
Minister of Information and wet affairs
Dear Freeps
At the last meeting of Nazguls and wannabees like Urzi, there were plenty off evil smiling going on. We could not know what exactly would happen in the coming days, but we were expecting some off our plans being executed like poor old Taurnil, hehe. First off many to kick the bucket, only the Dwarwes will be spared, they are far to valuable to kill. Uncle Ren is pestering me for the first delivery, he will have to wait or maybe not, we will see about that. Our Master Sauron is delighted, even appaled by our successes, he was unsusual eventempered.
Minister of Information and Wet Affairs [001@t02]
Witchy caught a Dwarf, now I have to compeed with him, or maybe institute a new order: 625 - StlDwar and just “rescue” Falin.
Minister of Information and Wet Affairs [001@t02]
Hi Ho,
Falin will be missed, there will always be casualties of war. Of course it will take an order for Ash to execute him, at least that will slow his little group down.
Surprisingly, all you have to brag about is your first assassination and capturing a poor Dwarf commander who was sent to block a potiental cav move and fell into overwhelming odds. I figured you would talk about the great economic move you all made on the market or something more significant.
Alright, Harad looks like he is getting whoopin. Will Mordor help stop the blitzkrieg against him? Witchy/Rhu appear to be sitting in defense mode, get ready for some fun… =)
Dwarf Liason
Greetings Hounorable Excavators of Metals and Balrogs
Mmh, the simple assassination did not only do away a Sindarin commander, but also prevented the recruitment of a 1000 troops. I guess Khamul is quite satisfied with the outcome, the Woodmen less so. The Blitzkrieg against Harad is just too bad, but for all the dash and bravado, successful application of Blitzkrieg tactics requires a disorganized enemy and it suffers from exposed flanks. More important, if you commit strong forces on one spot - they will be sorely missed in another, but I agree with you none the less. The bronze price took us by surprise, we were hoping for a reasonable increase, but have been baffled by it skyrocketing. The residents of Angmar are just awaiting the onslaught, 2 on the defence against at least 5 attackers, cant call that even odds. The battle of Osgiliath will be interessting, as it is a close one. All in all it was an eventful turn.
Minister of Information and Wet Affairs [001@t02]
“Eventful” is a much better word to discribe turn 2 as we didn’t see a clear advantage gained either way. i.e. vs. “Evil Smiling”. Both sides had victories and set backs.
Your market manuever on Bronze was the highlight from what we can tell. We will have to do better at countering the economic game. It is funny to look at my Dwarf turn and see over 50,000 (economic value) in my bronze sell column…
Lots of battles this turn, some military some not, turn 3 should be “Eventful” as well and maybe we will catch one of your pesky thugs.
Your friendly neighborhood Dwarf, soon to be owner of Gobogate.
Dear Dwarven Diplomat
I just read that you played against American Rhino and Smuller in your latest game.
Having meet these chaps in games, I must say that I consider all my teammates to be better players. And we have more than 20 votes on our team as best enemy player fx. :eek:
So you freeps will have to be quicker and harder than most to get a win from this one, and jugding from that start, you wont.
Even though you NG cav likes to roam around in mysterious ways…
Blond Sorceress
Ha! Fubstien
We have seen your prestige on the website, and have you ever heard of the proverb, pride before the fall? We all knew going into this game that our team is fairly new, with only 2 true games under our belts. The good news for us is if we win this game, you will shame your team with your arogance. However, if we lose this game, we just lose a game against vetern players and will have gained some valuable experience. Hmm, seems like the only one with any risk is your team. Bottom line for us, we are excited to play such an established team; and we plan on having fun and learning a bit, win or lose.
Tell you what, if you’re so sure you’ll win this game, how about if we win, you which team points with us on the PRS system? i.e. we take your score, you take ours.
Hi Ho!