The trial on the Failed Free Falin Fraud
Judge: Sauron
Prosecuter: Urzahil
Defendant: Nice Uncle Ji
Urzahil: You are charged for the attempt to rip of your fellow Nazgul Murazor with Ren as a knowing/unknowing accomplice and the failure to do the same to some Dwarwen grannies. Do you have anything to say in your defence?
Ji: Erm - yes I mounted this operation to test the loyalty of Ren and Murazor to our cause and our Master Sauron and at the same time aquire some much needed military funding. Ren was partly in to it and was sworn to secrecy.
Urzahil - Screaming: I never heard such rubbish, are you trying to lie your way out of this? Questioning Rens and Murazors loyalty and that clumsy attempt to cheat some senile shorties, do you think Im a complete fool who will believe a silly story like that?
Ji: Yes of… - No! - as you know Im in charge of our counter espionage and it was a routine check, I had no reason to doubt thier loyalty, I only tried to combine several task in one.
Urzahil - Still screaming: Even more lies, this is …(Gets interrupted by a loud voice)
Sauron: Calm down Urzi, didnt you know about Ji´s duties, he is the head of counter espionage and has been for centuries. Furthermore he briefed me recently on this operation.
Urzahil: Well - eh - no, he is lying as always, he is trying wriggle out…
Sauron: What?!! - are you doubting my words - fined for ignorance and insubordination 5000 gold each - now get on with it.
Urzahil: Murazor, you informed me on this lousy plot to cash in on your hostage, tell me how it came to your knowlegde.
Murazor: There were some rumors about it and I approached Ren to get it cleared up. At first he was stalling, then I applied some pressure and he told me the whole story.
Urzahil: Is that true Ren?
Ren: Yes it is, thats excactly what happened and suddenly I realized that I was an innocent…
Sauron: Innocent, you were sworn to secrecy and never the less you told Murazor? Well, well what are we going to do about that? Oh, I know, youre fined 12.000 gold for devulging secrets. Tell me Murazor, did you pull your rank on Ren in order “to get it cleared up”?
Murazor: No not really, ehem just a little bit and only in a friendly way…
Sauron: Ill take it as a yes, fined 3000 gold for that one and getting access to classified information another 8500 gold. Fine - with this matter almost wrapped up, I wi…
Urzahil - shouts: Arent we forgetting about Ji and the charges against him - uops - - Great Master of Darkness.
Sauron: Thank you Urzi for reminding me, let me see, 2000 for interrupting me and once again 5000 for questioning the excellency of my memory. Ji, yes - you succeded in proving that Ren and Murazor are more or less loyal, but failed miserably in …
Suddenly a growling sound comes in the general direction of Ji: arggigantuangreedygoldgrabbingghoul.
Sauron: What was that Ji?
Ji: Eek, erm I was clearing my throat and getting ready to …
Akhorahil - springs to his feet and shouts: I heard what he sai…
Sauron: Quiet and sit down, I will not tolerate further interruptions - thats 2000 and 7500 for the sheepish look you are wearing just now. Back to the failed attempt to get some 20.000 gold from the shorties, you set it up and didnt pull it off. Whats your comment on that.
Ji: One could say that it was meant to fail, it was a minor part of the loyalty test and by targeting gossiping grannies success was most unlikely, erm yes something like that anyways.
Sauron: Sounds reasonable, a bit thin but reasonable. Cant get you on that one. Case closed, thank you all for attending, it was very profit… er pleasant, dont forget the strategy meeting later today, Ill just put my feet up and take a little… Which reminds me, Ji - go and fetch me a Dwarf.