Game 81 Grudge Begins

Greetings to the beloved goodsayers from Angmar.

Hope you´re enjoying the temporary luck that Falin, the snotty thief grome, got away from Ash… The troll who fell asleep while breaking in Falin as a foot-rest for Sauron will be severely punished. We suppose that all those demonstrations, concerts and posters did pay of in the end. It certainly did take Fulla III a while to arrange all those events… hehe. Instead Dancu picked up one those tall and disgustingly non-hairy Arthidains… (now gimme a beutifull hairy troll any day…) Anyways lets see if the Arthidains can whine as much as the Foot-rest gnomes … Maybe then Captain Sarker can make a run for it.

Zeus (WK)

Greetings Free Leaders of elven manipulated nations.

With pleasure I see the slight shift of fortunes in the Rhun area, a desperate situation has been contained and is now desperate situation with a lid on. We cant have the Northmen and Dwarwes galloping around wrecking havoc. Luckily the Eos have their own problems and cant interfere too much. Witchy and Rhudaur are happy about the appearrance of a group of Dunlendian Donkey Riders in Minas Ithil, in a way you could say they missed them. Now they have only the Cardies, Dwarwes and Arthedains to deal with and the occaisional Woodmen ofcourse. [arg, interrupted - to be contuniued]


Dear Dwarf and Northmen

Forgive me, but I dont share you hopes or views for the Rhun area, mr Smokey. But you’re right about that mistakes were largely made by your side.
Welcome to the new Rhunsea resort “Blind Phew” managed by Leardinoth, please enjoy the sunny beaches.

It would be great to hear news from the so-called “Harad-blitz” from freeps perspective.
Is it this turn or the next the blitz has to be renamed “Southern discomfort”?
Hats of for Amroth, thats the way to go. You might wanna invite Eothraim to some sessons with Doctor Von Clausewitch about how important it is to focus on winning battles rather than just being part of them. Its not like the olympics:-) and 4 commanders and 4000 horseriders should do more damage than capturing a town, in most circumstances… :eek:

In the early morning, a small army passes through a Rhudaur settlement with a small stout prisoner in tow. One of the Rhuduar underground spotted the little guy and recognized him from the flyer that was handed out in the “FREE FALIN” demonstration held earlier that week. He immediately went to the underground leadership to form a rescue. The overthrow of the Rhudaur dictatorship was the main concern for the underground movement and they sent an envoy to the Dwarf High Council to ask for a deal. If the Dwarf made efforts to remove the evil tyrant leader Arfanhil, they would take a risk and rescue to prisoner. Lord Bain agreed to the plan and directed resources towards the Rhudaur underground movement. He couldn’t promise anything other than he would send what he could. The next day, at day break when the orcs and trolls are at their worst, still asleep from drinking and polluting the air with foul breath and other gases, the underground moved in and attempted a rescue. When they reached the prisoner; he had already freed himself and overpowered the troll guard. Trolls aren’t much of a challenge to an experienced Dwarf veteran. The underground lead him out through secret passages and into safety. The “FREE FALIN” movement was a success. The Dwarf High Council gives its thanks to the Rhudaur underground, and will do what it can to the foul orc loving leader Arfanhil and his thugs.

Falin reported on the strange trial that took place and reported how the Nazguls feabily battled wits. He did all he could from laughing, as it hurt to laugh from all the beatings. If their military and covert operations were as good as their legal skills; the free would have won already. :slight_smile:

Turn 4 didn’t show as much progress for the Darks as turn 3. Of course we haven’t seen all the turns yet; maybe there is a surprise still to come.


Secret Communique to all Counter Espionage Operatives in Sector Angmar

The Rhudaur underground is a Class DD-75 operation, dont interfere with it.

A note of caution: While guarding, interrogating and executing dwarwen prisoners wear earplugs. A continious stream of excruciating bad poetry leaves their cakeholes while under distress. Things you never wanted to know about: bearded girlfriends, digging up balrogs and subsequently getting devoured by them, stuff about being greedy and holding their firstborn bearded child in their hairy arms, but worst of all are their poems about taller peoble banging their heads against especially edged doorframes. If earplugs arent avaiable, gag them with their own socks or other soiled items of their clothing.


[2. part]

Which deals with SGs heroic fighting in northern Harad, the 2. army just beached there. This is ofcourse bad news for Harad, even worse for the pirates as they are left in the lurch. Ah - yes the drowning type experiment was a success, all participants went down like stones. This is the 2. sindarin commander to pass away in only 4 turns. Only Eothraim is doing better with 4 dead commanders.


Congrats’ on the scorching of Northern Harad.
Perhaps the Corsair ought to have stayed home to look out for his own back yard.
Seems like the next scorching is to be against him


Still have yet to see a few of our turns, but turn 4 looked pretty even. Plus and minuses for both sides. From the forum responses; it looks like your intel lacked a bit, but I’m not going to tell you where. :wink:

On turn 5, this is the best action we have seen as a team. In all our games to date we have determined it would be over very soon at this point. This game is much more competitive and heated. While I give you the slight advantage with the Eoth massacre, we do lead in other aspects of the game, and the Freeps are in a position to take one on the nose and rebound.

Just want to say that this is a great game to date, and I think I can speak for all my teammates in that regard.

WK: Thanks for putting some stupid troll on guard duty this turn, I wonder if you had the execute order on this turn? :slight_smile:


Dear Zeus (WK),

Just wanted you to know that the WK should have had a nice army sitting at 1905 this turn but due to my lack of experience in ME it seems that when 2 armies have enough food and you transfer troops among the two that the food does not go with it and therefore the army receiving the troops does not have enough food. Result: army sitting in the plains waiting to meet 2 WK armies! Opps…

Please let the Rhudaur King know that we are treating “Marendil” well. I hope you will treat Sarkar with as much respect!

Also, congrads on your move to protect the Rhu T/T at 2007 with your troops from 2004. Have not run the numbers yet to see the outcome.

I am sure I am going to regret this comment but how long are you going to let me cav army sit at your capital before an agent takes him out?

John aka Arth

Fupstein (BS),

I will visit my resort shortly once I deal with a few armies. Also, I thought you guys did not like the Sun? We do have Catfish in the swamp areas that might be more to your taste. Do not assume you own Rhun area yet, that would be a mistake.

John aka NM

I think I better leave you pondering on that one… :smiley:

Besides in the forum sport of bluffs and double bluff you probaly wouldnt believe what I said anyways. I´ll make you a promise however, once we get a bit further and the use or non-use of an execute order for Falin makes no difference I´ll let you know.

Zeus (WK)

Dear SmokeYou

Ohh… well it happens to everyone. :frowning:

Hrmm a Nazgul showing respect is perhaps a bit OOC (Out of Character) hehe… I´ll leave it to your imagination what the Witchy will do to the pretty Captain Sarkar… Muuuaaarggghh… :slight_smile:

Thanks… I have, but I wont tell you what my numbers said. Would be a spoiler wouldnt it?

To this question I cannot posiably comment. :wink:

I enjoy this game, my first ever, very much and look forward to getting the next turn. A big thanks to my team (Scandinavia2) for tirelessly answering my questions and helping me refine my orders.

Zeus (WK)

Zeus, you are a newbie? :slight_smile:

And they stuck you as the WK too. Man, thank your friends for throwing you into the fire. Simon & Co., I’m surprised you would stick a newbie to take all your heat in the North. Just tell me you didn’t stick another newbie as the Rhudaur.

If it makes you feel any better, I’m probably the newbie on our team. I’m only the Captian because I have a big mouth and a sense of humor.


What would have made me feel even better would have been some compliments one the exellent play by me… the WK :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as playing a hard position as the first game… yes its a steep learning curve, however also a lot more interesting from the beginning, compared to nations which have a slow build-up or very strict playing paths in the opening game. It do or die from the onset. Moreover having a newbie as WK gives more expirienced players a “casus belli” to kindly meddle and improve the crucial opening moves of the WK.

Thereby avoiding “expirienced” players trying something funky and risky, like the EO cav massacre for instance. :rolleyes:

Zeus (WK)


Agreed, there are advantages and disadvantages to positioning your newbies into hard positions. I’m also sure that Simon & Co. are “helping” you with your early tactics, but from our side it looks like you are doing a good job defending. In our last game (#61) I was the WK/Rhu both, and played a more offensive game against the freeps. I was taking the Card capital on turn 8 when it ended, and hadn’t lost a MT. I enjoy the WK position and have played it 3 times. The real key to the WK is holding out; and at the end of turn 10 if both the Rhu and WK are still defending the Mountains, then you have done a great job. That to me is the best measure for WK success.

As far as the Eoth; he tried something fresh and it didn’t go well. If perhaps the CL would have had a couple bad rolls vs. good rolls, then it would have been a whole different ball game down there. We gambled, and sometimes you have to gamble in this game. :slight_smile:

It takes about 4 turns for the Freeps to get coordinated and focused on the WK/Rhu positions as they are not set up initially to go offensive, like Mordor is from the start. Your biggest challenge will come in the next 5 turns. I’m sure dragons, CL agents, and other little tricks will be at your disposal. :slight_smile:

Finally, in grudge games you judged as a team, not as a player. So you are only as good as your teammates. Good playing with you!


Hi Dave

The fresh move would have been burning Morannon down early on, risky as the place is crawling with DS armies. Unless im mistaken Ji was autoscouted, this translates into one dead army out off 4, we had four agents trying, then there is getting firstmove, all in all the odds where stacked heavily against you.

In our last game we had some 17k troops in Fennas Drunin by turn 3, that was the first wave, others came later and ran into dragons. Your risk of running into these beasts is now a real danger. We have yet to see deceisive outcomes of our battles. I guess the big challenge faces both teams. There are favorable positions for both teams in different areas, lets see who gets the most of them.


The risk taken at Morannon was that your agents were elsewhere or would not have been successful. If you agents were moved against a different target(s), then the Eoth outcome would have been different producing a different (and desirable) result.

On the WK/Rhu moves, we could sacrifice all other aspects of the game to dump the majority of the starting troops on the Rhu as you did, we did that in Game 38. We tried something different there too. Jury is still out on that tactic.

I’ll give your team credit, you focused your agents on our military commanders and did a great job so far. You own the market. We have seen some good moves from your squad. But that focus has also cost you on other fronts. We are enjoying the challenge! :slight_smile:


The Blitz is long from over… You will still need agents to take down the Corsairs and stop the Blitz. I hope they are busy somewhere else!

Amroth did his job and took out 24W and 12T to his 20W/10T. Plus you lost 2 commanders and an Arty (or 2)  to his 1 commander.
So far you have lost all of QA’s fleet and Harad’s capital fleet. Harad’s North Fleet (10W/5T) is just waiting to be destroyed. As expected we own the Sea at the end of turn 4 with no lose of transport capabilities other than SE who wanted to go back to the forest anyway. Now we just need to watch out for your agents.

So far you will have lost 5 pops at the end of this turn vs our 1. Blitz away.

We shall see what the coming turn will show.


Hi Dave and John

Even with no agents/bad rolls the Eoths would have stayed in the hex, there was no way out without beating IKs and Doggies armies, both stayed and defended (6-sided, even your retreat was cut off). This may have worn the riders down to a degree were even destroying Morannon was impossible, giving us the chance to flood the place with agents. This move could only have succeeded if we had our troops gollopping the steppes from t1 and you got all the firts moves, sorry it was doomed to fail.

So you noticed:D, army commanders are in my oppinion the most profitable target in the early game: starter troops/good troops, no subcommanders and the impact on the enemys planning is at best catastrophic. I really hoped to reach the-10.000-free-troops-wasted-milestone by t5, close but no cigar, still I hope it was a millstone around your necks:D.

I guess Amroth was a better commander than the two nits who drowned with him, at least he had more than 100 MaA to loose. Yes you are about to take the 5th PC in N Harad, but the 4th is retaken by now, not that I entertain any hopes to keep it for long, but a fact is a fact:D. As for the Corsairs expeditionary corps, they really should have stayed home.


Ah Yes, the Eoth battle. Hmm, kinda old news don’t you think? Sure, it was a well executed. I also remember giving you credit for it a couple turns back. Live and learn I say, doubt the Horselord will do that again! :slight_smile:

Turn 4 was rather dry for you all, don’t you think? Oh Yes, we did lose a couple commanders that turn. The sea battle where we lost 1 commander with no troops to DS 2 commanders and another to the agents. I guess not much to brag about so lets bring up that Eoth battle again. :wink:

Agreed, we noticed your target selections and have made some adjustments. Maybe you have noticed that too. :slight_smile:

Turn 5 runs tomorrow, looking forward to seeing what great feat the Dark Ones muster up. Hopefully the Dragons only flirt with you versus getting hitched. Just hoping, Dwarves hate dragons. Can’t wish you luck as I really don’t want to see RIPs everywhere; but I will wish you best gaming. :slight_smile:



Sorry for reminding you of the Eo desaster, it was not my intention to brag about it. Seems that we got close or reached the goal of disbanding some 10.000 free troops by this turn. 3 armies down the drain, all without subcommander, some will never learn:D. Surprise, nasty Woses in Minas Ithil, hope they run away before you move on east. Me thinks that Bain has lost a little ring, he is still alive that must count for something.
