Can we say both???:D:p
very impressive FP… Everyone else playing… at last, proper communication…
come on DS… don’t be too shy… I may not reply, but I certainly read all emails and check out the bulletin board.
Dun’t know how much traffic there has been for others…we remain quietly optomistic. Free did send a report and I got emails individually from other free…little than a head nod from the ds…
Enion of Dunland
Well… I thought it was funny at the time… Now that QAV has managed to block my Navy I’m not laughing…
2 turns and still I can’t reach my destination home port… when SGo bumped into me there was a flurry of emails to sort out any issues… and I posted here to make sure no-one else made the same mistake.
I’ve had no communication from DS for the whole of last turn… yet still manage to find a DS navy able to bump into my navy close to my Cap!!!
Come on DS… I asked FP to be courteous and I expect the same from you.
This is the first DS blunder so I’ll let it slide… but any more from either side will have to be considered as a complete disregard for normal diplomacy and I’ll work my nation accordingly.
I can’t believe no-one thought to be courteous after I made it clear I wasn’t happy on T#01
Dear Neutrals.
We the DS (no the FP) would like to apolgise to you for the FP (no the DS). They are Weak and Inept Fools! They even don’t care about about your borders and Tar everyone who doesn’t think like them the same, Neutral or DS (no FP). We wish you all happiness and joy!
PS - We are not and never have been at war with Eurasia!!
Cheers Long Rider! (no the Cardy)
Michael: We appreciate your leniency and apologize for the naval mistake, and hope to keep good relations with your nation.
As for the Free…well you have invested quit a bit in taking out the QA. Have to give you props for taking initiative though. Wouldn’t those SG troops have been better used in the Pass?
I hope that the DS will be sending you a lot of emails this turn saying sorry for the error of their ways. This is the first game i’ve seen where this has happened 2 turns in a row :eek:
All the very best,
P.S. Sink that Orc tiny wee navy and join the Free
Hey Ian,
Now dont try to cover up the fact that you guys made a mistake as well. S#!t happens, so lets just move on. The fact remains that the QA capital still remains untouched and undamaged, thanks to an excellent move by the QA. And man are those assassins eager to spill some Gondorian blood!!:stab:
Hello all…
Turns run. Harad’s PO’ed at us. Not much more to go wrong!!
Neutrals- Expect some diplos that are a couple of turns late. The spartan women have let my emmisaries go for now. They only want them for one more week, so sorry in advance for any delays later on. It is getting late on my side here, so will send them out tomorrow. If you don’t get them, do hesitate to email me at and drop their names into the bully box. They’ll get what comes to them.
'night everyone, and freeps- sleep with one eye open for the next fortnight.:stab::fork:
Rhudaur has fallen into Evil. Let’s face it, the Good get the nicest girls … but we prefer to have fun! Muhahaha
Should be a good straight up fight in the north west now, just bring on those dragons…
Hello all,
I’ve just picked up the Corsairs as a standby. Some good banter here so hopefully will be a good game. my email is if you would like to get in touch.
Not played a neutral for a while and hate it when they already decided which way to go at the start, so count me as a swing voter!
Hey Woody, you got anyone else comming to the BBQ at 2610. What is it now 3 armies to come play with me. You must feel insecure.
Regards Herman Dragon Lord
When do the Woodies NOT feel insecure???
What have you got to feel insecure about? You only have me and the Witch King to worry about! :bash: I have you, Sinda, Eothram, North Gondor and the Dwarves to contend with. Suck it up big boy, take them lumps… I know I will be taking mine shortly.:eek:
Regards Herman
?? u mistake your own teammate??:)
Ahhh . Oops:o My bad. Message still stands just direct it at Woody. Whoever he is.:rolleyes:
Regards Herman (The Permenantly Confused)
Hello all -
Sinda here - I finally took the time to get registered and set up to post here.
My Email is in case any would like to communicate Via Email.
The QA strategy was arrived at independently by me and Southern Gondor. I expect the QA to lose his capital and Jug Rijesha this turn. More to follow.
:D:D:D Don’t worry, ;):eek:
Im known to look like many people…
Next turn, next turn… I can hardly wait for the next next turn! :hug:
Regards Herman
:bash: I wonder how Quiet the Avenger is now, poor Avenger, poor poor Avenger :fork:
Hello Everyone,
The turns have now been out for nearly a week…
Har is waiting for the emmisaries to arrive!!!
So far we have seen…
FP 1 (NGo)
DS 0
Ne 3 (Cor, Eas, Dun)
We are definitely leaning towards a neutral declaration… oh hold on, we are already neutral… looks like we’ll be remaining neutral for the some time to come.
Thanks to NGo for sending me your teams preliminary results… very helpful.