Game 81

Did you get the one i sent last night? Don’t worry, noone may really be talking, but we still want you to join the dark side. We give hugs.:hug:

I did thanks…

Scores on the doors now read…

FP 1
DS 2
Ne 3 (out of 3)

Hopefully I’ve now replied to all 6 of this turns posts to me too.



Hi all neutrals,

The Cardolan Press v3 should be out this weekend for you all to look over.

It would of been out earlier but real life issues have pushed back the release date of this newsletter.


What all do you put in these letters? From what I hear, the neutrals really like it. I’m being completely serious here, btw.:slight_smile:

I will publish the newsletters once the game is over so that anyone interested can read them. If i keep them up they might even make a few issues of Bree! :stuck_out_tongue:

I will look forward to reading them then. Might learn a few things too.:woot:

Newsletters are not used very often any more… they were THE way to circulate information to everyone in the team and the neutrals before internet took off…

aaahhh… I still remember getting ME post through the letterbox!!

They do pass on a lot of information (nothing that the opposite side doesn’t already know) but with a “we are winning” spin… does a number of things, including gives the impression that the FP are working well together and have a plan.

The Free People are working well together and do have a plan.

Nevertheless, the Dark Servants are strong in the Northwest, in Mirkwood and in Mordor. They have acquired the assistance of the Rhudaur. We have not secured any pledges of assistance from any neutral nation. I think this is shaping up to be a long game. Neither the WK, nor the Dragonlord will be eliminated early; they will not be driven out of their starting areas early. This is a game the Dark Servants should win. We shall endeavor to prevent that outcome.

Noldo - 81

So the FP have finally realised that looking too good is not good either :slight_smile:

Surely you’ve seen the films, all the Elves have long blond hair and the Orcs are horrible hiddious things. Of couse the Free side also have the Dwarves which vastly offsets how pretty the Elves look :eek:

I know i’m neutral but really the hottest folks in ME are the duns…the movie showed it all…and we have birds for spies…crapping on my dodge charger as I type…

grr…if only we could supersize them and have arial cavalry…

jz 23

“Soupar” Effort!

Just wanted to thank Southern Gondor for providing me with my first confirmed kill! :stab:

The Thieves Guild is ready to unleash some serious punishment on the Free. :bash:

You set em up, and I’ll knock em down. :fork:


Due to the recent demand for news print, the Lord of Morannon has released a copy of the ‘Daily Barker’ for all to read. Main stories read as follows:

Unarmed civilians at Goblin Gate slaughtered! A Dwarven horde has been blamed for the attack. Also attacked were the town guards at Sarn Goriwing. A spokesman for the Dragon Lord stated “The cowardly Dwarves attacked at night (while all were sleeping) in an attempt to capture his gold mines. Dwarves are know to be gold hungry thieves.”

Defenders of the Black Gate easily defeat enemy attackers. Another army arrives to feed our Warg. An Eothraim commander was captured during a previous assault.

Gothmog’s army reaches Aglarond. North Gondor defenses reported to be weak.

Thorontir was cleansed of the vile Gondorians. Plans are being made to convert the tower into a tourist stop.

Minas Ithil once again the scene of massive riots started by Gondorian thugs. Reports claim no end to fighting seen in near future.

The remaining pages consist mostly advertising.

I hope this has been helpful to the interested parties.

Furonme Tailwagger
Mordorian Envoy

LOL…thats more like it but i think your facts are wrong. For starters our gist on Goblin Gate is that with a bunch of short hairy savages (err Dwarves) milling around thier walls the population threw off the shackles that the Dragon Lord had placed on them and rioted buring down various evil temples and countinghouses, somehow the brothels were spared!! They then invited the King of the Dwarves in to form a new government and he renamed the town Short-Farthings.


So… turn 4 has come and passed, and no smart/semi-funny comments from the freeps… Did the mighty goblins make the stumpy dwarves run for cover and cry for mama? Did the mighty nations of the Dark Lord(:woot:) finally shut the mouths of all non-believers?

turn 4, there’s nothing to say. hasn’t it all been done before? savages, all of you.

Well, considering the fact that the freeps seem to be using no new tactics, and continue to play by the book, maybe thats why there seems to be nothing to say?:confused::stuck_out_tongue:

This board has gone all quiet … and just as things are heating up in game too. The northwest is alight with Imladris sacked this turn and an almighty clash of arms to come this next turn between the armies of Rhudaur and the mighty, if vertically challenged, Dwarven horde.

With masses of Cardolan and Arthedain forces visible to the west of fair Rhudaur things were looking grim but, suddenly and unexpectedly, the Dunlendings have declared for the forces of Sauron and march on their neighbours. And dragons, dragons are abroad at last.

Flashing swords and dragon fire in Eriador. The northwest is ablaze and the time of Sauron has come at last. Soon the men of the West will be pitched into the sea and with them all hope for respite from the coming dark…

Ahh poor Rhu… Your kneecaps will soon be bloodied by the mighty Dwarven axes! Seriously though, it looks to me a great struggle shaping up in the NW. May the best person under 5’ win. :slight_smile:

Dwarves game 81

Time again for a Mordorian News issue of “The Daily Barker”

Front page headlines read “If a Dog barks in Gondor, will the population cower in fear? Yes…yes they will!”

Regent Bulrakur freed the population of Aglarond and continues to defend the area, with local support, against a the Gondorian rabble. Meanwhile the enemy continues to feed themselves to our Wargs in Morannon. Large numbers of Warg are out of combat due to being too fat. Rumors are growing that this is a plot to weaken our forces. Similar tactics are being used at Minas Ithil.

A battle between the Dog Lord and Dwarves leaves the Dwarven army destroyed and it’s commander dead. Witnesses state the commander screamed like an Elven hog and tasted like one to.

Other news gathered:

A local resident was assaulted by Northmen ruffian. An investigation is in progress.

A Gondorian commander commits suicide in Minas Ithil. A witness states the commander was a frail man forced into service. Gambling and alcohol are thought to be factors also. Local businessmen of Minas Ithil, Osgiliath and Buhr Widufiras have donated gold in an attempt to lure more tourists.

Market stores noted to be low, due to highway robbery by Elves and Dwarves

Western news reports:

Our defense forces have been joined by the Dunlendings. Feeling threatened by the invadimg armies surrounding them, the leaders of Dunland took a proactive move to help before they were invaded.

QA forces have moved to aid fighting in Cardolan territory.

Neutral nations being harassed be the enemy. Scouts report naval and road blockades have been set by the enemy in an attempt to keep the southern neutrals locked in their homelands.

More news as the war progresses.

Flormold Rashbak