Game 82 - aussies vs the germans grudge

G’day Till and the rest of the freep in game 82,

This is Rhudaur dropping a line saying hello and wondering how you guys are finding the game so far? There haven’t been too many surprises so far, that is besides Meriot turning up to die at 4215! But I think the early signs are good that we will have an entertaining and challenging game, your moves so far certainly have us talking! I won’t speak for the rest of the DS but up here in Angmar, we are enjoying the attention the WK and myself are receiving, not! We’ve been expecting the usual suspects but it was a surprise to see NG troops at 1810, they are a long way from home to die!

Turn 4 coming up and Rhudaur yet to lose a pop, what’s going on?

Yes, I know but I realise I won’t get to make many boasts in this game so I might as well get one in whilst I can!


So, are we here?
Hhmm, I guess so…


On behalf of my team, on behalf of all German players, who over the last couple of weeks have expressed interest in this game and on behalf of the rest of the free world, which you Aussies haven’t enslaved yet, I’d like to enter into correspondence with you lot and finally start the battle of words, for all the world to see.

And truly, the world is watching us cross swords, I believe. For far too long has the title been in Down Under! Old Europe wants it back! And now finally the time was ripe for a group of brave men, elves and dwarfs to stand up and face their oppressors.
Call us Team Germany, call us Team Dortmund, call us a simple group of friends. Call us what you will. But be aware that we are the ones who will put an end to your reign.

We will meet you in the plains and we will face you on top of the mountains.
We will be at your camps and in your capitals.
We will be in the North and in the South
We will be in the West and in the East
To your left and to your right
In front of you and behind you
Where you prepare for us and there, where you’d never expect us to be
And we will not retreat
Until that iron crown’s been taken off your head

And, yeah, we even stand up to you on the ol’ forum, although the tongue of the down under orcs is not our’s and we prefer to speak in our own language when we are in brighter and more cheerful places.
(First time for me to ever say a thing on this platform, and here I’m tryin’ to provoke the world champs. Ha!)
But here we are now, not running away from this task, either.
Here we are now, happily awaiting the insults coming from your orcish lips
Here we are now, to speak the truth about the war, where you spread lies
Here we are now, entertain us!

Now I regret that we weren’t around earlier to tell the world about your burned capitals, your fallen characters and your sunken ships, but well, we were busy… :slight_smile:

For now, let me leave you here with the famous words that the hobbit Brusso Sprungstone said to his mother when he set out to serve as a bowman in King Argeleb’s army:

“Mom, wherever there’s an orc beatin’ a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where there’s a fight against the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me Mom, I’ll be there
Wherever there’s somebody fightin’ for a place to stand
Or decent work or a helpin’ hand
Wherever somebody’s strugglin’ to be FREE
Look in their eyes Mom, you’ll see me”

Foreign Secretary for Team Germany

Too bad Brusso Sprungstone is now in the dungeons watching his lord Minastir’s fingernails being removed. His song is a little different now, a bit more high pitched and screeching, in fact.


Yep he’s started singing that old Johnny Cash clasic “Burning Ring Of Fire” :smiley:

Regards Herman

I think you misinterpret what you define as cries of pain.

Actually, what you’re hearing in your dungeons is hysteric laughter about the fact that the armies of light found both Carn Dûm and Mt Gundabad completely undefended.

It seems you are hiding in your dungeons, eh?
At least Rhudaur doesn’t seem to go out much, otherwise he surely would have realized that his backup capital is gone, too. What a waste of timber by the Harlequin Constructing Crew to errect a fort for you there!

Hhhmm, if only it was as easy to silence you within the game as it appears to be here on the forum! :wink:

I suppose this is because it was me who told you that Rhudaur lost a major town and Witchy already lost two, eh? They never told you, did they? And now you’re quarreling and distrusting one another, eh?
Yeah, I figure I’m spotting a huge communication problem there within your team.
Maybe you should try group therapy?

So, how many ships do Harad and QA claim to have left?
Are they feeding you Rhudaur’s “no losses, no surprises” carrot, as well?

In my ongoing struggle to bring nations closer together and to achieve world peace in RL, I have to admit, though, that I cheered on an Australian fellow last night and boo-ed a German. Harry Kewell, I think the name was. He’s playin’ footy for FC Liverpool and helped them to kick out Chelsea London (including big dumb face Robert Huth from Germany).
Kewell, if I got the name right, came in as substitute and his mission obviously was not to give the ball away again once he got it (he truly drove those Londeners mad, so it seemed).
You know, it made me wonder whether that’s what you Aussies are good at - keep the ball once you got it? Keep it in your court and pray for the 52 turns to go by. That would explain why you never lost the title. :wink:

Damn!!! fella’s their onto our game plan! We don’t beat them we just bore the enemy to death and they give up. Ahh well I suppose we had better try the other game plan, eliminate our opposition.
As for the communication within our team, yes we are well aware of the "problems " up North. Mike is constantly bewailing the loss of his pops. Some good advice would be “Don’t get him angry, you won’t like him when he’s angry!” :eek:

Regards Herman

Who really needs the ships? After all, Corsairs won’t as they are forced to relocate to the newly possessed FP area of Angmar. I’m sure they’ll love it up there! Although I must admit, Uvatha is finding your hospitality at the Havens of Umbar rather trying. He keeps asking member of the Corsairs to come into this little circle in the town and give him a guided tour, but they keep refusing. How rude. Not sure why anyone would want to live with such men, but I suppose the Harad will convert them soon enough.

:smiley: thanx for all the troops, feeding our guys up a beauty. We know you can afford it and we see it as a civil service to make use of your most useless asset- your own people. What i can’t understand is why you keep throwing perfectly good commanders away :stuck_out_tongue:

My apolgies, Elf baiter, you doomed servant of the Blind Sorcerer.

I have been ignoring you so far as your existence seemed to mean nothing to the people of my two nations. I can not really say that this has changed now that your troops proved to be no match for my pride horse riders of Rhovanion, earlier today (or yesterday, rather…).

But tonight, when I inquired about you a little, I found out that you already made a fruitless attempt to provoke the leaders of the Free People back in February (“Grudge 82 bgins”). Sorry, it somehow passed us by.

Now I realized that this older post points to what may turn out to be your greatest weakness. Arguably this diplo of your’s concentrates to a great extent - if not entirely - on the subject of eating. So, maybe, I thought, over all these years of winning you’ve probably all grown quite fat and now you’re no longer able to move and to meet the demands of a…well…very hungry opposition

Give this a thought maybe while you’re nagging on one of your old and stinking bones you may have there in your cave. And be aware that there won’t be any fresh meat (neither of mannish, elven nor dwarven flesh) for you in a long time, for now is the time for the light to shine and for all of Eru’s children to be free

My dear foolish Freeps (Free Peoples) so far your “attacks” have achieved little. We are about to take conrtol of Osgiliath and will continue to hold it till the sky falls. The Pirates pops continue to fall to my Harad and Avenger bretheren, in a few more turns they will be reduced to a ragged rabble, begging for lodging. So enjoy the good times while they last for night time is comming and with it the Darkness. Fear the Dark for it brings your doom. :cool:

Regards Herman

g’day dunedain of the north, nice to hear from you!

Yeah, WK and I are not happy about the pop losses. We thought 2305 would go sooner considering WK didn’t send anyone there whole game and moved the 2305 startup troops west, so lasting to turn 8 wasn’t too bad. 1804 was nasty but we thought Argeleb would be marching to wipe me out, not detouring towards the WK :slight_smile: And 1910 just happens I think, only an early wrym could have saved me (I’ve heard you can get them in a turn 5 battle if you are lucky) - anyway 1910 cost you guys over 10k troops in the end for one pop centre so fair trade I reckon :stuck_out_tongue:

ok enough! :slight_smile: but guess what, it’s turn 9 coming up and Rhudaur is still here - I I’ll even let you in on a little secret, it’s going to be a 2100HI recruit this turn, all on startup rhu pops too :smiley:


I’m probably pushing it a little calling rivendell a starting rhu pop centre, so better say 1800HI :wink:

Well it appears our offer of all the rotting man flesh you can eat and violence and tyranny for all did not sway the peoples of Osgiliath. They don’t know a good time when they see one. It seems slightly more persuasive means must be employed. :smiley:

Regards Herman

Well I suppose if at first you don’t succeed, use a bit of mindless violence and the masses they soon come round to seeing it your way. Next stop Minas Anor. :cool:

Regards Herman

Well here we are at T#12. A fun time had by all so far, although I was very sad to see Bond James Bond get a kick in the head at home. How rude! Dam it I will have to take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again! Well at least I get the opportunity to have a go at getting a replacement with STEALTH. :slight_smile:
Hope you are all having as much fun as I am.

Regards Herman

Hey guys, you still with us? :confused: Hello any Freeps out there? :stuck_out_tongue: I was expecting a tirade of how the Free nations were going to crush us and drive the vestiges of darkness from the land. It’s been awfully quiet after the initial flurry, surely we haven’t broken your spirit already. :wink: Any news at all from the Free?

Regards Herman (Cloudy 82, Arthy 92)

When you think of, say, horror movies (you know the kind), which characters scare you the most? Not the chatterboxes, eh? Not the loudmouths who talk all the time about what terrible things they will do to other people.

No, it’s those guys who never, or hardly ever talk at all, but of whom you know that they are there. Somewhere. Not far away. In fact so close, that you can almost feel that they are there. Like, in your back and grabbing your neck. :eek:
Those are the ones, who really scare the **** out of you, don’t they?

Hence, falling silent for a while is just another part of our psychological warfare, you see…

So, Herman, all your inquiring, whether somebody was out there, reminds me of a little child that’s been sent down into a dark basement and fearfully asks into the darkness: “Is there anybody here…?”

You bet there is, little Herman… :smiley:

Or who do you think is burning all your settlements? Clint? Just to keep you entertained? Oh c’mon…!!

Just take a look at Cameth whatsitcalled?, 2008
There you can see a couple of thousand of us.

:eek: Ohhh so you mean the silent deadly types like, Erennis, Ji, Din and Dae. Silently dealing out death or kidnapping to slowly torture those poor unfortunates at their leisure. :stuck_out_tongue:
As for taking of settlements it’s only in the NW you seem to be doing any damage at all? and that should have been finished by now. :stuck_out_tongue: Let alone needing Sinda, Noldo, North Gondor and Woodmen to help out.
The Corsairs will shortly be no more in the South and South and North Gondor are already looking a little bit wobbly, we haven’t even started the full court press on them yet. Will they survive? Only time will tell. :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman (Cloud Lord 82, Arthedain 92)

Well well well, turn 17 done and dusted and things are hotting up. Most of my agents look like Santa Claus with all the freeps in the sacks that they are towing around, gives them a good workout draging that extra weight around. I was very saddened to see Erennis leave us, we just thought he had a slight cold unfortunately it turned out to be a severe case of Death from which he never recovered. Nice to see all those Dunlendings taking advantage of the cheap fares to Mordor, unfortunately for them they have failed to book accommodation and will be regretfully turned back. I suggest they take it up with their travel agents. Sorry their travel agents back in the capital have been given the sack or been cutout of the workforce. Sorry about the bad pun, well not really.

Regards Herman (Cloudy 82, Arthedain 92)