Gondor - do you remember a camp-fire game of younger days called space invaders? An endless horde comes pouring towards you and you heroically pick them off one by one? Ready to play?
What a shame you always lose in the end. beep beep beep
Gondor - do you remember a camp-fire game of younger days called space invaders? An endless horde comes pouring towards you and you heroically pick them off one by one? Ready to play?
What a shame you always lose in the end. beep beep beep
The time is upon us…turns due back today… I wonder what will happen to those Northmen PC’s that have my glorious armies parked on…
Dave/Long Rider
Dear Tarondor,
Owwee!!! You were NOT supposed to do that at 3124! Didn’t you get the memo from Sauron stating “no resistance, and taking it up the tailpipe.”? We don’t care for it when we send a peon DS with an army, and he doesn’t come back. Too much paperwork!
Alright, now were mad! (well, sorta anyway)
The Diabolic Duo
Goth and Urzy,
Overheard somewhere in Angmar:
Where oh where is that little lost lamb? Where oh where can he be? Dancu??? Oh, DanCUUU!?! You were supposed to come back with your tail between your legs after getting it whupped by Earnil. Sitting around in Earnil’s tent drinking his wine and eating his fancy feasts… YOU JUST WAIT to you get back to old Murazor! You’ll wish you’d never been born, er, were you born? Hatched? Exuded? Whatever, you’ll be sorry…
Now then, a Northmen town and a major town lost to the might of the Long Rider. By the way nice job at 3028, sending all those south and north gondor troops just to stop a little LR army worked. The only bad point was that Uvatha was leading it and had no chance of surviving. Oh well, he’s over rated any way.
Hope the Northmen have another 10k to spend on naming a new emissay, the previous 10k on Zamtap was wasted
Dave/Long Rider
Is that a lament? Is it true that you will soon be just a character nation?
Other news:
The Sinda have been having too much fun with the mushrooms again, another unspecified amount of Elves have joined the festivities…if this continues the woods will soon be overflowing with frilly clothing.
Thats assuming that Din Othar and the others have any character! No, My armies are rolling across the coastline of Rhun quite nicely thanks, even little old Bain Decided that it was stupid to attack my might forces, and stood back and watched as I reduced the MT of Dilgul to ruins. Maybe the Dwarves aren’t the allies the Northmen thought they had?
PS. any of that frilly clothing going spare, Din for some reason quite likes it, its allowing him to walk around quite freely…
Dave/Long Rider
PS. any of that frilly clothing going spare, Din for some reason quite likes it, its allowing him to walk around quite freely…
Yes sure you tell me where Din will be at the end of this turn and I will have someone there to give him a new outfit, just hope he likes green as a colour.
Oh dear me, there is a fly in my soup…nope just a DrL army on one of my towns. As if I didn’t see that coming!!! Well where will the DrL army goto next? No where is the correct answer
Help!!! LOL
To avoid any misunderstandings to let all and sundry know that Rhudaur intends to declare Free. As promised I have undertaken no hostile actions until now and changed no relations - (oops a bit tempting for cloudy) - but that is what I promised and what I have done. However this go hostilities in favour of the forces of light will commence.
All the best to both sides in what I hope will be a good game.
No disrespect to Adrian but what is it with Rhudaur at the moment, in all my recent games Rhudaur has gone free. Is Rhudaur turning into a nation for wimps who have no stomach for a fight
Mike / BS
I may be a wimp but I certainly have a stomach!
Welcome Adrian, though I don’t think the WQ will be saying that as you plunder and pillage her.
We the FP welcome the mighty Rhu nation and only hope that the other mighty neutral nations will join our party too.
Hey Mike, at least you got Dunland in that game!! Seems we are on opposite sides of the fence in this game, hope you’re not playing upto your WK standard!!
Matt (Eo)
Just remember to keep away from the mushrooms and the frilly shirts
Join with us…if you only knew the power of the dark side…and we get really cool uniforms.
They joined us cause of the mushrooms and whats cooler than frilly shirts
Power??? Nah thats just an illusion
Ian - Sinda
Hi Dave,
Turn 4 is coming up and if you snuff it I get to make a mint on the FP sweepstake
Anyways I hope the DS have a good turn but not as good as the FP’s or the mighty neutrals
Hi Ian,
I can promise you that you’ve lost that bet!
At last the jinx you put on me has gone… (Only joking mate, it just felt that way.)
My forces are still pillaging and burning, my Assassins are still killing and kidnapping.
Like you say I hope everyone has a good turn, and I hope that that Sinda Army that just missed me continues to miss the glorious forces Sauron.
Well Turn 5 has just run and from what i’ve seen so far its been a good turn for the Free People.
Goblin Gate captured…Dol Guldur and Morannon to follow suit this turn and i’ve only seen half the turns…I wonder what the others will bring
Well Turn 6 is in (late though) and yet another good turn for us Free peps.
I have to say thanks for the new Ring, it sits pretty upon Elven fingers and a +45 to boot. I think we are so far ahead in the arty game its getting embarrissing
Hey Dave, what should I do with 2 puny little characters? no not Dwarves but conscripted LR agents.
The NM say thanks for the new town by the way, now how many other Mordor pop centres can we refirbish?
I see we failed threatening away Dol G but then again the DS failed to threaten away Minas Ithil…Is that 3 turns in a row?
More later once i’ve seen all our turns.