Game 88

Bloodguard demise my arse!! Great opening moves by Harad, NOT!!
Harad capital taken on T3… You guys must have been too busy
celebrating a falsely promised victory…

Who’s Harad? So concentrating on NG might pay off… Or it might
not… Looks like the Freeps have had the better start! :eek:

Small orange crab,

We await your report back at home base.


I like the way Angmar is rolling. The blood is just beginning to spill, let the rivers run red.

Argeleb, Glorfindel, Bain, its like a “Who is Who” of the free people in the Northwest. The more the merrier, I always say. Stoke up the dragons, its Bar-B-Que time…

The Bookends of Sauron
(11 and 24)

I like the way Angmar is rolling too :stuck_out_tongue:


Braaaaaaaad, where are you??? You guys are getting hammered. Pat pat… What’s up?

Hmmm, better provide fuller details. I’m only missing a couple files and I don’t see what you could be referring to (not including Harad and Rhudaur or the Ithil pass…I mean the rest of it…). :stuck_out_tongue:

Rofl, sure Meestar Tariq Aziz… remember him?:wink: How many DS capitals
can you lose in the first 4 turns??

Hmmm…how many are there again? I’ll whip out my higher calculus and logic textbooks for this one…

Ashduburk’s head is now mounted atop a nice big pike. Like a cat and a road train, I didn’t even feel a bump on the way through. :bash:
That annoying pest Dancu is also about to have his come uppance :stuck_out_tongue:
I was worried about him getting into my back lines for a moment…only a moment though :fork:

Arthed ady
Next turn should be a beauty… or very depressing, depending on which team you are on of course

Have you got Mordor back-ups sorted for both your nations yet???

Being the book ends of Sauron don’t count when the library burns down :smiley:

Damn it I can’t even get to a Rhu pop… they are already converted by the time my guys get there! :confused: Going to have to make hc just to speed things up!

Herman for Hallas

COme on in Herman, the water is fine…

Its a lovely day for blood and death in Rhudaur, ankles grabbed and pants down. Arfanil and co will fight to the bitter end, though I doubt it comes to an end.

Murazor is warming up his new theme park, its a little like Jurassic Park except all the lizards breathe fire. Fun place, send your armies to visit…

There are still plenty of fortified places in this middle earth to dig in and lash out from…

Still the Bookends, Still Throwing Punches…

Keep them distracted Mike…I appear to need a few more weeks to get my grimy hands on Minas Morgul…and then I’ll likely have to transfer it to you as an Angmar refugee haven - See? We’re true to the books…


I’d say that mordor, and the nations with capitals at hex 0000 is gonna get crowded :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanx for the invite, i’m gonna visit and try out the roller toaster :smiley:

Arthed Ady

Face the facts Brad… You guys have lost… On turn 4

I will face the facts: The FP have run an impressive early game military pound strategy on all fronts except Mirkwood (Dwarf coin toss…). I see few areas of DS domination at this time. If I were the FP I would be extremely happy with where I was sitting. As the DS, I’m not extremely happy with where I’m sitting.


Brad of the Pass

I hope you guys have a few rabbits in those hats… you may need them! :smiley:


Hmmm. Rabbits go into pots. Geez, somehow, I think there’s a solution to our ills here. Do I let the rabbit dry or just wring it out before putting it in a hat? Hmm, does a toque or hockey helmet qualify as a hat?

I’m about to have a rhuad-b-que. I’ve just finished lighting the bonfires down the road and find myself sitting on the undefended Rhuad cap with enough troops to generate another plie of kindling.

The WK must be worried because we’ve kicked out his front door and are getting ready to roll on in :eek:
Shouldn’t tempt us with fun parks, because we’re all racing to get in, make sure it’s well stocked :stuck_out_tongue:

Arthed Ady

Yeah we pulled the old toll booth trick from Blazing Saddles at 2007. Held up all Whitchypoo’s relief forces while they run around looking for the required schrapnel to pay the toll.

Regards Herman