New thread. Old one was to long. Hey what happened to gisulf. I heard he’s taking a vacation to Mordor all exp. pay. Told U us DS where nice guys. Looking for more Freep people to join new vacation area. NM (no might)what happened man. Your Agent dudannis. He wasn’t watching his back. Watch out for the shodows man. Dont worry i had to move on. Maybe i’ll come back later. !1 assass for cl! Hey Ng (no Guts) u want your town back. Well hopefully i kill your army. If not i get commander for agent squads. Is that 2. Yep two agent squads. And more coming.
I see dead frepps. All over the place. The shadows r calling. My daggers r ready. Get a game guys. Its to easy. Have u made one army move the right way yet. lol lol Hard to predict where your going if u don’t know left from right.
I see you guys moved post. It is very quiet from the free peoples camp. Did you guys kill all the Heralds? Come on now surely the free peoples have made some positive moves? If not are you afraid of the Harad and Corsairs attacking you to balance the game? Or maybe this game is one of those out by turn 10 jobs? I tell ya I don’t know what game to join anymore they all end so fast now. Back when the times were more wild and GSI ran the games and the players actually did creative things. This game was sooo long. Back in the first game 42 playing the Witch King with Dean Lehr as the Dunlend player, now that was a game.:o
At the wall of Zarac-Dum was Lord Cykur an arrogant gerbil, servile servant of the Witch king
" I will exterminate you all Dwarven vermin, my master will triumph" Cykur said.
“Will see about that " replied Falin the proud leader of the Dwaven defenders " make no prisonner Dwarves will make him pay his arrogance”
The assault was terrible, the Dwarves were overwelmed. They were making their last stand, decided to make every perverted men, orc, goblins and trolls pay with there lives. When suddenly the ennemy start screaming smashed by boulders. Falin look in the sun, the Eagles they have come, tears came to his eyes but he repressed it. Even with the Eagles that prove not be enough
Cykur feeling he had defeated him turned his troop to the town without thinking " Assault the walls we will not get beaten I must not fail our Master. The garisson galvanized by the sacrifice of Falins’s troops was able to destroy the remnant of Cykur army
and made no prisonner. Cykur was the last one to fall but he paid for his arrogance with his life
The garrison was cleaning the battle field when the news came they had found Falin alive. there will be a banquet tonight at Zarak Dum.
Then the new started to come the Woodmen have eliminated another of the WK army at the door of Burh Fram, Thelor II of the Dwarves died in a challenge at the wall of Goblin Gates and his army disbanded,and without the Dwarven support the Elves were destroyed by the Dragon Lord army
The WK made some headway into Arthedain territory taking one town and moving to another one. the Arthedain want their revenge and are in front of one of the WK town as well as our glorious troups are at the wall of another.
We are awaiting other messengers to have a good vision of the events in the South and around Mordor
As I sit eating our of my dwarven head with pointy all around me cooking in the pot, I ask is that the best you can do.
Who wrote your battle orders and was it brown pants time or did you get lost?
How many heads did we toast(nice with orc sauce) and how many do you have?
If you where closer I would come and sort you out but you will have to wait your allies need me.
To the Hairy, oh I bet you like that now is it refuse and move or refuse and toast my villgae(ops used to be yours) oh and you may have two leaders but how mnay agents do we have and can you really stay and play as I want you to.
Oh shiny man on devil time and I have the edge dare you fight me with someone looking overhead.
Trader now did you really think moving out would save you? Aals for those you left behind.
Mind you hairy seems to like his target rich unlike you.
Now as i like you lets just say my capital army is not alone can you face me like your dead dwarven ally.
I will be having a go at one point at GG to as we know they wont like cold steel up them.
Does hairy think his army will survive by moving and shorty more of the same for you this go can you believe it?
Now how do you feel Elrond for we have more of the same for you feel nice and softened up?
Now you must be asking where are our curses crew, well now you know and with a big boy waiting to challange you if you try it on.
Where is Elrond? You don’t know? He awaits your challenge. Another curse perhaps? A long term strategy to deal with Elrond? The old fifty curses strategy. A curse every turn x50? You split up the squad I see. Stalled in Gondor you did. Paying for those inferior armies you are. Lost the initiative you have.
Looks like the Witch-King is running your show now. You must be the Mouth of the Witch-King? Pudgy fingers typing endlessly away. Singular devotion to retreading schoolyard witticism.
Just spare us the Nursery Rhymes please! I’m sure you have worked the Middle Earth lingo into them already. Probably barrage your opponents with those ones as a last resort.
I’m sure it’s brutal. Wait till you squander some more chances before you hit me with the Sticks and Stones stuff.
But did u know agents r up north. Can u see the shadows. Shiny daggers waiting. How it works block them then dead. Yep. Now i see two walking dead freeps this turn. Hope to find more next turn. U say your agents r ready. We will see. lol
Hey send those pointy ears. And anyone else u want. Just tell them to stay out of the shadows. They r mine. I see at least three good places for agents to go. LOL to many targets not enough agents. Wait did i here cl has reached char limit and all agents. Love the + on them lol. But u shall feel what i mean. Because u wont see them in the shadows.
You were not to mention it, I paid you good money for info on the WK:mad: and on his moves!
Now can we reach an agreement for the CL, I know it might cost a little more :rolleyes: but we are not to argue over a few thousand gold with Sauron successor Name your price we will
get it